About @colourcloud
Posher since Feb 2014
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 01
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Love Notes

Thank you for restoring a little of my faith in Poshmark After the ranging disappointment felt from a few shystie salesmen, I've learned to curb my enthusiasm and excitement while awaiting the arrival of a purchase for used clothing that is sold online, by unknown people or chains, with 2-circumstance return policy. And that happened on occasions that I have allowed myself time to review, ask questions, and strenuously check an item for flaws. But I understand none of us are flawless and, mistakes happen. With that however, I still feel a little nervous in the expectation of 'the let-down' with each purchase. But then, along come sellers like you, and it changes everything again. It restores my faith in the Posh community. I think the jeans are fabulous! The timing was perfect! Not a delay, a flaw, an inaccurate description--needless to say, They are great. And you are great--grest because one person's prompt, honest and responsible ways of being can change opinion, and that counts. I have sold online retail before and felt unappreciated or robotic with it at times. But I never really realized until late, what one person's right action can do for an entire community. So for that measure alone, please allow me to say thank you again; I love the jeans, and finally, I wish you the best of luck :) Maybe it was the AMAZING STaRz headband that got me going--You Are fabulous! Thank you for the smile.
Feb 01