Oklahoma City, OK
All prices are negotiable
About @devineboutique
Posher since May 2016
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Jan 31 2018
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Love Notes
From @beegibbs
You are the kindest seller I know!! The extra dress and lotion was not only a VERY nice surprise, but an unnecessary one. You didn't need to do that. But I am very appreciative. You pegged my taste perfectly. I can't thank you enough. This says a lot about what kind of person you are. Kind. Thoughtful. Caring. Tactful. Sympathetic. Loving. Insightful. Attentive. Considerate. Warm hearted. And a down right genuine person. Thank you kindly. 😘 that's suppose to be a pic of a hug and a kiss on the cheek. (Dearly, not in a lesbian way.) LOL thx. Bianca
Aug 22