About @dianerodg
Posher since Aug 2012
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 8 hours ago
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I didn't think they looked so worn out - Not sure if the heel was walked on a lot or they are bent over from shipping. I'm going to use some clothes pins to see if I can get them to stay in an upright position. I did get a very good price -but if I can't wear them - NOT a Bargain!! ALSO: Not Sellers fault, I really wish we HAD different optiins for shipping. They dont seem to ship fast anymore anyway. & Since I'm getting a lot of other pkgs right on time (actually early!) I don't think $8 is a fair cost to ship pkgs most of the time. Is anyone else in agreement? I'm going to try to find out who is the actual person to run these ideas by. Thank you for listening & write to them also if you're in agreement! Thank you Again!!!
Dec 09