Dudes Boot SalesL
Shelby, MI
Dude is a Lorikeet parrot & boot=trunk. His mom's are an Air Force Vet with MS & a cancer survivor. We are a pet friendly home. We wash our items & package them quickly to prevent most but suggest washing items when you get them if highly sensitive.
About @dudesbootsales
Posher since Dec 2023
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jan 31
Meet the Posher
Love Notes
From @amylnash
This was not an adult medium...it was a child or youth medium and way smaller. I am loyal to Adidas so I am familiar with sizing and expectations. But, service was good and I am giving a rating based on that. Thank you and I will give this to a friend's kid for a gym sweatshirt.
Dec 26
From @techni12
I had been looking for a set of the egg salt shakers to go with my deviled egg dish. These were perfect. Thank you
Dec 06