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Prescott Valley, AZ

About @ejo728829

Posher since Jun 2019

Average Ship Time: 2 days

Last Active: Mar 28

Brands I Follow

Love Notes

From @tinahislop

Fits perfect!! Beautiful, thank you 😊

Jul 20

From @bcombs1188

Shipping was awful due to Christmas but was not pushers fault! The battery on the camera needs replaced but I am NOT complaining at all because the price was beyond amazing and by the time the battery is replaced I still wont have over 50 bucks in a 200 dollar camera! My mom about cried it was a gift to her and worth every penny! There was also a Walmart card with camera that probably pay for the battery so I am so happy and pleased with my purchase! She is an amazing woman really she is!

Jan 10

From @rondahecker

Thank you for this pillow, it was for my daughter and she said she slept better than she has in a few months. Thanks so much!

Jan 05

From @jillipopper

Awesome seller! Thank you so much!

Aug 20

Shares (3)

Sweaters - Dark grey cardigan