About @esdahl6
Posher since Oct 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 25 hours ago
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Item was as described. Box reeked of smoke when I opened it and was worried the item would smell too. Thankfully it did not, but would have been nice to know if it was from a smoking household.
Nov 17

So cute!! Very happy with how quickly I received my order! Can’t wait to pass it through my tree! SLAM
Apr 08

Dear, fellow posher Erika, thank you sooo much for sending my treasure of a book quickly to me. I love it! It’s truly a collectible item from Barnes & Noble! I’m glad I found this book from you. I was actually named after the character Jane from the book by my grandmother. My mother Carol wanted to name me Nancy but to please her Mom Anna, she named me Jane after this book’s heroine. Something ironic happened. I married a man in 2002 who has a Turkish last name- Er. So basically I could’ve taken his last name to be Jane Er instead of Jane Eyre. What’s funny is his name Omer sounds like Omeyre. His last name Er sounds like Eyre. I would’ve been a real Jane Er but I chose to keep my long last name- Marcinkiewicz. Crazy right? He has a tiny last name and mine is huge. Thanks for getting my book to me safe and sound. Please also stay safe and blessed on and off our extraordinary Posh! 😊
Apr 08