About @farriskay
Posher since Apr 2013
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 12
Mississippi State University
Love Notes

The white tissue paper in the package hid the most stunning black & white houndstooth coat just like the photo I had seen in the Closet. I twirled with delight to get it out of the grips of that paper and on to my shoulders. I kept thinking to myself this is going to be the right one for this fall, I just know it. I put it on and with a twinkle of my of my eye, it was fated. We’re on a journey, the two of us, a very special coat and we are going places and seeing things like never before. Thank you so much for getting it to me so fast and thank you for your great communication and customer service. But most of all thank you for having it in your closet all ready for me to pick out! Everyone should have a lovely coat like this to sport around in this fall! AAA + Rating
Sep 28