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About @gagascloset75

Posher since Mar 2020

Average Ship Time: 1 day

Last Active: Feb 24

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Love Notes

From @lifili_56

Hi Jen! Thank you very much for this pretty Lilly Essie Lilly top. Stay well. 😁

Jul 07

From @hadley2222

Thanks for the fast shipping!

Jun 10

From @mooman6661111

Excellent packaging!!..arrived pristine!!...thanks so much!...have a good day!

Jun 07

From @vickieavery72

If poshmark 10******** I would give you that trophy of awes that you brought to my eyes and my girls, as well as our ❤️s too. You are amazing!!! You were incredible to to shop with, share stories together, and the box you mailed left us all speechless... I never asked for any of these items, and who you are, the heart that you have, and the blessing you are for me and all my girls were beyond crying. I have been on my on married for 20 yrs from age 16.. I just turned 50 on May 23.. You have touched our hearts, our lives and you are so appreciated more then u probably will ever know.. I always pay it forward, in as many ways as possible.. From stopping help someone, buying a meal for someone, and tossing it to a person with a sign on side of road, etc.... But I just want u to know, I have never been taken back, as much in a fabulous then the true heartfelt help. For my girls u made them and me able to have spring, summer and fall occasions all exciting. Because we have something and amazing to wear, design our looks with more then 3 shirts, shorts, pants and skirts/dresses.. I told them we all need it But it's been over 4 yrs for me to have anything to have nice and pretty and the girls it's been twice a year Christmas and their bday.. Poshmark give this woman a trophy of hearts.. God Bless you Always and Thank you 😊,

May 26

Shares (1,673)

Guess by Marciano Dresses & Skirts - Guess by Marciano size S Cathena kimono sleeve silk dress watercolor w/ pockets
wet n wild Other - 5/$25 WnW Cloud Pout Lip Mousse- DUO
Revlon Other - 5/$25 Dark Blonde Brow Fantasy Revlon
NARS Other - 5/$20 NARS Laguna Bronzer mini
Juvia's Place Other - 5/$20 Juvia’s Place Mini Lipstick’Kebi’
ELF Other - 5/$25 elf Luminous/Matte Putty Primer MINI DUO BNIB
Colourpop Other - 5/$20 Hello Kitty Eyeshadow Yellow Quad