Granada Hills, CA
About @idaah
Posher since Jul 2018
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 3 hours ago
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From @hmwiseman
Can I just tell you...thank you. I bought this same jacket when I was 16 years old - 24 years ago. I loved and wore it faithfully until 6 months ago when it lost its final battle with the washing machine and was shredded. For the last 6 months, I tried on countless other denim jackets, but none of them could compare to 'the one' that was lost forever. I looked on PM with almost no hope, but to my surprise and delight - you became my savior with the EXACT same jacket. I feel like I should now believe in reincarnation or some sort of denim jacket destiny. Thank you again sincerely! - Heather
May 15