About @jessy22ap85
Posher since Feb 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 21
Meet the Posher
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Love Notes

Shoes were exactly as described. They were in excellent condition, and the shipping was relatively fast. I would definitely buy from the seller again.
Dec 08

Thanks so much for the prompt shipment! Jeans were in brand new, perfect condition and the packaging was lovely. Size wasn’t quite right for me (H&M is always a sizing coin toss!) but it was worth a try!!
Oct 12

Thank you so much for adding the extra piece!! I had this shipped to my daughter and she told me today that you added an extra shirt. She loves all her pieces and they just fit. We are having crazy weather so the long sleeves is ok for now! I'm going back to look in your shop now and I will have her look too!!
Apr 26