About @krispiritu
Posher since Mar 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Dec 23 2024
Love Notes

Thank you so much for selling this perfect tank top to me!! My co-worker had this hot tank on in a picture where she had a spray tan and I was like where did you get that?!? It is her best picture!! They no longer had it at H&M at the time so I kept on searching for it and finally about 2 years later I found it!! It did say on here x-small but it is a small, but that is okay because it fits me and cotton shrinks when you wash it anyways!! I don't even think H&M sells x-small anyways in tops anyways?! I love sexy, black tops, especially when I go out on the weekends!! Thank you so very much!! You made my search be over finally, even my co-worker was laughing when I told her!!! Thank you again!!! You are super!!! ;*)))
Sep 16

These boots are amazing! Thanks so much. I can't wait to rock them in the fall ❤️
Jun 11