Columbus, Ohio
About @ksutt18
Posher since Oct 2014
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 6 hours ago
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From @tcherryreese
KSutt18 sold me a nice pair of Timberland🌲clogs.👞 They arrived quickly, and in like new condition.💖The seller sent me an offer for a phenomenal 🌌 buy💲I just couldn't refuse. These clogs shoes 👞are so comfortable with great traction too.🧗They're perfect for work, and look 👀 good too.😍👍 The Timberland brand is known for being rugged🏔and durable.🥾 I am happy ☺ with my purchase 💵and have you, KSutt18 to thank for it. 💛
May 07