About @lulub5
Posher since Apr 2013
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 12 hours ago
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I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but since the hurricane a week ago, things are now finally starting to open and internet is back up ❣️ Wow, what a rough storm it was! Anyway I wanted to let you know that the little one who will be wearing the WDW dress is going to make a very good impression on the judge when he sees her with her hair French braided and her beautiful little dress on ! I appreciate everything so very much as I really wanted the children as well as the moms to look their best when they have to go in and meet with him before they have to go up against the man who was supposed to love them but instead harmed them and I hope he gets mental help or time in prison for the beatings they took from him as no one deserves to be beat ! Thank you so much for your understanding, and patience as well as your help in me getting these precious little clothes for her little ones ! You will never know how much it means to so many ❣️ Ruthanne
Sep 06