About @lynn600
Posher since Aug 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Sep 29 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I got my handbag and guess wallet in the mail today. And I was so impressed! I would never usually buy any purse of this color ever! But when I saw this purse And this wallet I just had to have it I had to buy it! It was just so unique and beautiful to me because the style the colors just different not like every other person you see out there being sold! So when I Saw this purse and wallet I knew I was going to buy it so immediately I bought it and I received it and I am so so impressed and happy it is so beautiful it is more beautiful in person than it is in the picture LOL. So, I just wanna thank you for selling me this purse and wallet and a decent price and I am going to enjoy it and show it off!.” So, if I could write you with more stars for these two beautiful items I would but I gave you the maximum stars for the most beautiful purse and wallet I bought. God bless take care and good luck! Sincerely, blonde48 💋👄🌷❤️👍👍😎😇
Mar 12