About @margaretcg94
Posher since Sep 2018
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 03
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

This is so perfect! Like I said before, it's a Christmas gift for my mother, because she fell in love with the blue one that I have. She even went so far as to tell me that if I ever got tired of mine she'd take it off my hands. 😂😂 My moms a great lady, who just battled breast cancer and won. She's always had an eye for nice bags, but she's always put her family first, and never invested in a good handbag, so along with this, I'm also buying her a Kate spade bag that will match. Just as soon as I find one that she'll like. I can't thank you enough. A super great lady is going to be very happy when she opens this up on Christmas eve!
Oct 17

Really beautiful ring, love it. As expected it was a little tarnished but after a few minutes with a polishing cloth it looks brand new. I'll love it for many years to come, thank you!
Jul 28