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Bakersfield, CA

About @mcbavaro

Posher since Jan 2017

Average Ship Time: 4 days

Last Active: Mar 10

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Love Notes

From @mtmuzic3

I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited and pleased with any purchase. My 15-year old son has lived through trials and tragedy. This bear was one of the few constants in his life. I had gotten one identical to it (no hands showing, so very rare) at goodwill, used and tattered, when he was a baby. Several years ago, we went through a major life change. Both his father and I (not together) moved, so two houses, two moves. Somewhere, somehow “Baby Zachary” was lost. He was devastated, but as a now 15-year old, he’s scarce to admit it. After 9 months of searching online and many phone calls, here I found it. When I received it and opened it, I cried as it brought back so many memories. I can’t wait to give it to him on his 16th birthday. I know, I know…he’s a big boy now. My son has Tourette’s Syndrome and OCD. I also know the comfort it will bring him knowing it will be here in the same house as him, even if it’s not exactly the same as his old one, there’s a definitive connection. Thank you for the product, excellent quality, and sheer joy you provided. Excellent seller.

Dec 14

From @kueoka01

Beautiful as expected. Thank you!

May 13

From @shirleyhudson01

Beautiful Little Big. Thank You So Much. I Will Continue To Browse Your Closet. Happy Thursday. Have A Wonderful Day

Aug 25