Baltimore, Maryland
About @michelle98
Posher since Jan 2013
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: 5 hours ago
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Love Notes

From @bronte12
Received my delightful Posh parcel today and just had to try it on and break into my Happy Dance with a Rose in my Teeth! This was a perfectly seamless transaction transaction, all thanks to Michelle, my delightful Seller. You may now find me cavorting regularly in her audacious Closet, and I am hereby inviting all my fellow Poshers to join me there for much Merriment plus Retail Therapy at its finest! Superlative Job, Seller. I love love love both you and your special Closet! Pin a Rose on your Nose, Michelle. You are both gracious and fashion-wise. "See" you soon, my dear!
May 27