About @mtid0768
Posher since Jan 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 10
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @tcherryreese
Bundle 🌾 of nice 🙂📷 looking🖼️ Drexlite and Air Flex dress 👗 shoes.👢👞 Very happy 🎉😁 with order, and satisfied with purchase!💲🛍️ Pleasantly surprised 😯 at how fast ⏩ they arrived.🚀 Stoked about the fast 📨📲 shipping.🚢⚓ MTID0768, the seller, gave me a super sweet 🍰🧁 deal, and 📴💲 offered me one of the best deals on the planet!🌎 One 🕐 pair is dark 🕶️ brown,🤎 and the other is black.🖤 They look great 👍 and 🥻 dressy, and also make great shoes 👢 for a Halloween 🎃 costume. I was astonished at the comfort & beauty 👸💃of both pairs! Thanks 😊 so much, MTID0768 for everything!🙋
Sep 06