About @my38strings
Posher since Nov 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 24
Meet the Posher

Love Notes

I owned a couple pairs of Santana Canada boots and liked them so much I ordered more recently. I splurged to cheer myself up while having health issues. The prices were all good. Out of five pairs, yours were the only that fit. They are in good condition, go on and off easily. Two of the pairs were huge. One was tiny. One pair had one tiny boot and one that fit just right. Thank you for offering the one bright spot among so many failures. I don’t understand how the others went so wrong. All size “7.” You seem to be the only one who knows how to size these boots right.
Jan 20

Thanks!! The packaging and wrapping is so beautiful and thoughtful! Really went above and beyond. Wonderful seller A+ 🌿
Apr 22