Brewster, NY
About @mydachsalem
Posher since Nov 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 16
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @dandella
I received this precious treasure today! Virginia, thank you for this! I can actually wear this one and keep my other displayed with my collection. Not enough room here to tell you all what a wonderful, thoughtful, kind person Virginia is! Just trust me when I tell you that she is and she has a heart of gold, not to mention extremely good at shipping too! The item was so well packed and it arrived so quickly in a time where there are so many delays this was absolutely amazing! What a wonderful transaction from beginning to end! Much Posh and Juicy love my friend 😄😉😘💕💞😊🤗🥰❤️💖🎉🎈⭐☺️💟🌹💜👍💗😍
Sep 28