About @nicole_3wright
Posher since Jul 2017
Average Ship Time: 4 days
Last Active: Sep 13 2023
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I wanted to thank you soooo very much! My parents gave me this exact bracelet last year after I was assaulted by 4 men. I had never taken it off. I was in a car crash in July 23 this year. My best friend who was driving passed away and it was a miracle I lived. My cross bracelet didn’t make it with me to the hospital. I was devastated. 5 weeks after the crash, we went back to the site of the crash. It is a busy construction zone. I was looking around and found my bracelet. Just sitting there. It was banged up but all in one piece. A sign! My parents went to Kay to find another one, but they don’t have it anymore. I was thrilled to find this!! Thank you!!!
Sep 12