Columbus, OH
About @pam258
Posher since Jul 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 8 hours ago
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @vspstylish
Thanks, @pam258 , for the lovely Chaps fuscia dress. 🌷 It's very pretty, and I really appreciate how you took the time to wrap it in tissue and with your wonderful handwritten card! 😍☀️❤️ There is barely the lightest mark on the front of the dress (it was not visible in the photos you took), but I will try to get it out and wear it to see if it's noticed, otherwise I will pass it on or donate. I recommend your Posh closet! 😎Have a great week! 😍☀️❤️🌷
May 15