About @poshbritchick
Posher since Aug 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 09
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I owe you more happy words than I can even type without crying SO MANY HAPPY TEARS! YOu are wonderful!!! I will miss you! Please stay in touch!!!
Jun 14

My sweet sweet friend! I cannot wait to try all of these lovelies on! They are ven prettier in oersona!! Love you Zena! You are the BEST!!!
Jun 07

ON MY POSH! Zena...you have completely spoiled me!what a fantastic deal for gorgeous dresses....they are even more beautiful in person! I was under the weather this past week and I sincerely apologize for my delay in feedback. The extra gift you sent brought tears to my eyes... you are truly an amazing posher!!💓💓💓💓
May 30