! Maggie.
About @rasberryberet
Posher since Feb 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 14
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Love these embroidered shirts by Ruffles by Angelica. I used to purchase from her directly while in Arizona where she was showing her shirts at the Big RV show. I ordered some directly from her home after she quit selling them. Once in awhile I find one on here. I just like the embroidered ones not the English lace. I like the sweatshirts too. Now that I am disabled and can't work any longer I can't order them in builk like I used to. If you happen to find any more embroidered ones I would really love to see them. I wear a Lg or XL I jsut can't afford to buy more than one or two at a time since I am 80 and on Soc. Security. Thank you so much for a lovely shirt.
Dec 08