About @rfrawley
Posher since Apr 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jul 04 2024
Wayne State College
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Thank you so much for the sweet package! The second very well wrapped and shipped package I have received from you and the kids love it and said thank you so much 🥰❣️❣️❣️ They are thrilled with the package because everything was wrapped individually so thank you for that because you truly brightened up their day as well as their moms :-). Thank you so much, Ruthanne 🥰❣️❣️❣️
May 19

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and help! These precious little clothes are in excellent condition and came wrapped individually which makes the kids at the shelter feel like they have something to open after the package and they loved them all! All of the little ones have started helping one another put outfits together as we get PCs in ! Slowly but surely we are getting them a precious wardrobe that’s theirs to keep and if they take good care of them, they will be able to sell them too ❣️ When they do they can get more cute clothes! Thank you so much for the bow as someone scooped it up quickly and said to tell you thank you so much ❣️ I also appreciate your note and it doesn’t matter if it is not a card , it tickles me that you took the time to write a personal note! I hope your moving goes well 🥰❣️❣️❣️ Thank you so much, Ruthanne
May 19

These jam jams are omgosh so soft and so lightweight! They should last her a while. I got a size bigger. The girl just keeps growing. Thank you so much. Good luck on your move. I’m
Mar 01