About @samfuqua5
Posher since May 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Jul 28 2022
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Love Notes

What a hum dinger of a bundel. ..every earring set is just beautiful. ..pretty pink ones...nice style and length. .sweet green ones...stricking colors...perfect...the silver ones with the blue and amber crystal hanging on the inside are stunnig...nice length. ...the square ones with the white swirl design in the square are just gorgeous. ..awesome design. ..my family members will scream when they see them all....they all have that swing that we love...a must have..lol...I am going to pick my favorite one and that will be all mine...ha/ha...glad i found your closet. ..back soon for more goodies. ..putting them each in those little zip lock bags and putting that nice tissue paper in the box with them made sure all got to me with no problems. ..much appreciated. .thanks. .take care. .A+++++++++
Oct 18