About @sarahr0316
Posher since May 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Aug 12 2024
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

The contour palette was broken…the side with the bronzer but I was able to fix it with alcohol. Once it were drys it will be wearable. Nice items in this mystery box!
Sep 09

I want to tell you how you have made another lady very very happy! I was having a hard time today. Nothing I did was turning out right. Then I saw my beautiful dress. (It's perfect by the way) and the more I dug I found makeup!!!! Well that just made my day! SARAH YOU ARE AN ANGEL FROM ABOVE!!!!!I needed that so bad. I have to interview a full time baby sitter I did not want to look like hell.lol So what I'm going to wearing, and makeup all in one bundle. Then earrings to top of that!!!! You made an grouchy lady smile. God Bless you sweetheart 😘
Aug 18