About @sn07874
Posher since Sep 2018
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: Mar 22
Meet the Posher
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Thank you so much for your help in getting the beautiful little dresses and the little girls have already tried them on and modeled them for all of us and they look adorable in them! Thank you so much ❣️
Mar 18

Thank you so much for the beautiful little clothes and I just wanted you to that the kids at the shelter adored all of them! We appreciate it more than you can imagine. I am going to be getting more items for summer and next fall soon ! Thank you so much for your help ❣️🥰
Mar 17

Thank you so much for the beautiful little clothes as the kids at the shelter are thrilled beyond belief! I truly appreciate it! They love knowing that they own something and I guess kids really don’t want to share their clothes and I can’t say that I blame them! Lol. Thank you again and be blessed for helping me out as everyone is so thankful as well as happy🥰❣️❣️
Mar 17