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Grand Bay, AL

About @sonjas_1214

Posher since Apr 2018

Average Ship Time: 1 day

Last Active: 5 hours ago

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Love Notes

From @lynneme30

Whoo it smelled like cigarettes bad but it matches my handbag perfectly. I pray 🙏 I can get the smoke smell out of it. That smell gives me a headache. I'm one of the people who can't take cigarette smells but thank you graciously for the wallet. It's very nice and big and roomy. So many compartments too! Wow

Oct 17

From @mrsredbird

Nice wallet. Looks like the photos. There was a strong musty/Smokey smell to the wallet when unwrapped. Used the Brahmin conditioning cream on it, hoping that would help get the smell out.

Sep 23