! SonyaK
About @sonyakcloset
Posher since Feb 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 4 hours ago
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Thank you Sonya for making this new gown with tags available for purchase, accepting my offer, and the gift. I love that scent. I plan to use this coral gown for my 35th wedding anniversary. This would be a perfect attire for me. Thanks again!
Aug 11

Hello, I just picked up the bag at the Kinek in the USA, hence the delay in accepting the package. I am from Canada, so to receive a package from the USA I must send to a kinek address one hour from my home. Thank you very much for this wonderful bag, it is like new. And thank you very much for the little gifts! Enjoy ❤️
May 31

Beautiful vest!!! And amazing “thank you!” You are welcome!!! It is a pleasure!!!
Apr 26