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Jacksonville, NC

About @spbendall

Posher since Apr 2013

Average Ship Time: 2 days

Last Active: Mar 08

Love Notes

From @anon3b0ba


May 05

From @anon58093

These are exactly what I hoped they'd be!! Thanks so much :)

May 07

From @kheling

I was afraid they would be too big but with the drawstring they fit perfectly! Packaging tip though- you should put your item in a ziplock inside the bag or box- the side of the envelope was split open 2-3" and you could see the fabric of the shorts! They were ok in my mailbox though- no damage! I just always imagine my boxes being put on someone's uncovered stoop in the rain... and prepare for that. Happy poshing!

Apr 30

From @kamabile

I love it! Thank you so much!!

Apr 15

Shares (3)

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