Stella M. 💖C
About @stella_chic
Posher since Jan 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Feb 24
University of California-Los Angeles
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I wore this & got sooooo many compliments. I got more comments about this than any of my "REAL"' jewelry! U can bet this is a well loved piece in my jewelry box w/ the good stuff....lol! Totally enjoy it. So glad I purchased. Tk u for the nice packing so that it wasn't knotted up when it arrived. Really appreciate doing business u. Apology for late acceptance. Plz forgive? 💖 haven't gotten to wear the beautiful dress. Let me say, more beautiful in person. Did show it to a girlfriend to prove to her she could find bargains like I did & she was amazed at quality & of course how pretty. Hope this dress will get more ppl on Poshmark. This was the best deal of the day! Tks honey for ur pricing where anyone can look good!
Aug 02