About @susantbowser
Posher since Aug 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Sep 25 2024
Love Notes

Thankyou, for the pants. Did you receive the note about Franklin & Marshall College? I cannot believe it is over $70k a year. It is now one of the most expensive schools in the country. There was a recent article in US News&World report. When I went to school there it was about 1/10th the price. I am old. I do not know how It happened. Iloved the school, and chose it for small class size. When I went on to Princeton, I had to teach classes, as a grad student. I loved teaching! I can not believe F&M is more expensive than Princeton. The beginning of the month was our reunion, but Covid canceled that. I would have driven over to College Ave, where I used to live. I will always remember Lancaster. My mother loved the carriages at night. She also liked Park City mall. For a person with an apartment in Manhattan, I will never understand that. But I thank you so much. When you are tall, it is often difficult to find an pant inseam that fits. I never have a problem in Europe, but people in the US must be just getting bigger. In Amsterdam, I find men and women just as tall.It is wonderful to look people in the eye! I smile at them. They probably think I am a weirdo. Oh well, maybe I spend too much time looking through telescopes. I am an Astrophysicist. I am looking for tall aliens! Thank you again. Stay well!
Jun 05