About @thamelin04
Posher since Aug 2021
Average Ship Time: 4 days
Last Active: 3 hours ago
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Though the packaging it comes in will get destroyed and thrown out I was really happy to see the colour of the package. It was really pretty and made me happy making my evening a little better (I really like nice small details). Okay, now onto the actual product I received. I have gotten a chance to try the bra and the condition was great, the padding was still there which I like and wanted. It looks great and as expected from the reviews of this product on YouTube and my own personal experience of another bra from White Fox and Sarah's Day it runs small, as this fit me perfectly and I'm normally a small(sometimes Xsmall in somethings) which worked out great for me. Anyways, over all I am happy with my purchase and this seller.
Oct 25