About @tiffannylace
Posher since May 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 2 hours ago
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @manoravenue
Thanks a million for the fantastic sunglasses, received yesterday, 7-1-19. You know what I thought of, the minute I saw the design and the colors? A scene in the classic 1961 film "West Side Story," in which Natalie Wood and Rita Moreno sing "A Boy Like That" and then "I Have A Love," because next to the apartment's front door, there was a window that sort of like a modern stained-glass window with rectangular colored pieces of glass ... nearly the same colors as in these sunglasses. In any event, thank you for quick mailing and excellent packaging, and I hope we'll meet again on Poshmark!
Jul 03