About @triggs89
Posher since Sep 2023
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jan 27
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Smaller than expected- but delightful! Better than the larger old school version! Thank you!🥰
Dec 13

I’m sure the combination of my choices would be odd to some folks, but I’m tickled pink by them : ) Thanks! I’ll be using the teddy bear tin and the nutcracker tin to mail out holiday goodies. The Keurig organizer is already doing its job! The wallet is for a frog loving sister 💚💚💚 The Nesquick cups are for grandkids who loved having rabbit milk at Nana’s house…! You have been such a great stop in my search for Christmas presents! I have 5 pounds of candy so far for Halloween and my holiday gift list is nearly done(!!!) Many thanks 😊
Sep 12

Many THANKS Anthony for sending my order so quickly and especially for packaging so GINGERLY as it arrived intact. I appreciate you sharing this little treasure as I now have a matched set! Blessings to you and yours, Diane 🙏
Sep 07

Best Posh transaction ever! Excellent seller, such good communication.Thank you so much!
Jun 12