About @vtghypegems
Posher since Sep 2019
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: Mar 12
Fashion Institute of Technology
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Love Notes

Thank-you for the deal on the Design Spectracolor pencils. I was thrilled to find that the missing colors I needed were all included. There were two pencils that were Derwents, which are a good pencil too, so the total missing Spectracolors were about 12 from the complete set. I'm sorry it was such a hassle back and forth with the price, but I appreciate you being so patient and giving me a good deal in the end. I have several extra colors now, but after thinking about it, that gives me more confidence in using them...that I won't run out and not be able to replace any of the colors. Thanks once again for the deal, and for getting them to me so quickly!
Feb 22