! Wicked TreasuresP
About @w1ck3dtreasures
Posher since Aug 2017
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 22
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om friggin' g, the set is f'ng awesome 🍯, Iam beyond in luvvvvvvvv ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, I just have to take the pants to the cleaners and have them hemmed up a lil' bit and have them taken in and that should be about it, but other than that, each item that u had described was and is ON POINT!!!!!!!!, u hear me🥳🤩😍💐🥰🌹❤️💯👍💫⭐, she is just friggin' beautiful, I luv this set, Iam soooooo glad that I SNATCHED IT UP and got to it b4 anybody else can get to it, but thanku for everything, it was a pleasure to do business with you 🙏😘💯❤️, and I'm glad that I can help support ur small business- much luv n respect to u 💐💯🙏⭐👍🥰🌹❤️💓🎉☺️🎊🌞
Jun 12