About @winks641
Posher since Aug 2021
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 8 hours ago
Montana State University-Billings
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I absolutely love the hat unfortunately it got carried up to my apartment by my cleaning lady for me and she placed them all in the bag thinking it would be a great place for them (I bought three hats for redundancy) to be unfortunately she used a clean trash bag and my son took them out to the trash thinking that’s what they were so all three of the hats that I bought that day are gone. I absolutely love the hat and I wish I still had it
Sep 22

My husband recently retired from the IBEW n I bought this as a gift, as he collects things like this... He was very happy n was even able to remove the spot on the front! Thank you so much!😊
Jul 04