Love Notes

I am so apologetic to you but this is happened to me on a reputable site twice one I'm still trying to get my money back for the MCM purse and the another is a other item that I purchased so I figure everybody's running scams I am so sorry I hope you take my apologies I don't care if it's real or not it looks so good as gorgeous and a lot of people didn't know what they were looking at they just looked at it as a rusty piece but this is that gunmetal silver which is gorgeous only thing I see a small emblem on the back of the CC that kind of tells me is authentic but I I'm going with what you said I'm so sorry about this misunderstanding the post office or a really scrawny people I let them have it though because I accused you before anything could be settled but I don't know why it said Sending back it was sitting in the post office after three days okay thank you sorry.
May 04

Love it! The strap on mine broke and I searched everywhere for another one and finally found it here!
Jun 08