About @yuliar
Posher since Jan 2014
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 23
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Love Notes

These are so cute!! They're a little small on me personally, so I'll probably repost. But thanks so much!
Jan 12

The purse was in amazing condition, and she was such a sweetheart and very truthful that I would shop with her again and again and tell my friends and anybody else to definitely shop with her and look through her closet! :-) Also when she said she sent it she sent it and it got here in time consider my birthday is today! :-) I also just wanted to say thank you to her for being so honest, truthful, and such a sweetheart because it's hard to trust people on some of the sites because I have been burned before but I've learned to definitely only go through the people that you trust shop with the same people that you know won't screw you over! :-)because I feel like I've met another great friend! 😊 So shop with her you can trust her 😍
Apr 15

It was in pristine condition and fit like a glove ☺️ Packaging was a bit tore up, but other than that it was fabulous!
Mar 18