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13 others
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🙋🏻♀️Welcome to Poshmark! You will love this app! 💜There’s a couple of tricks to get a lot of followers which means more sales to ya!!🛍 Make sure you follow loads of closets and share their items, so they can notice you and share yours to their followers!! 🛒Also share your own a lot .... like a lot!!! 🎈Cheers to Poshing!!!
Oct 11Reply

@adoreemporium Thank you! I appreciate any and all advice. 😊
Oct 11Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark!!
Oct 11Reply

@ethorpstudios Thanks!!
Oct 11Reply

Welcome to poshmark where you can find fashion in great price. I hope you take a look at my closet for men's women's and kid's fashion. Discount Bundles are available as well as offers. Enjoy poshing. 😍😍😍🎉
Oct 13Reply

@mytinymarket Thanks! I will. 😁
Oct 13Reply

@choffer24704 anytime!!!
Oct 14Reply

🍂Welcome To Posh.🍂 So excited to meet you ! My Name Is Krystle Sno
I am a Posh Ambassador. If you ever have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask. Ambassadors are here to help!🌹Have a Beautiful Morning!🌹
Oct 19Reply

@krystlesno Thank you so much! I'll be listing items within the next couple weeks, so I imagine I'll have plenty of questions soon. 😃
Oct 19Reply

💕☺️Hi! Thank you for following my closet ! I read your comment!💕🌷welcome to poshmark! 🤗I’m a poshmark ambassador, top seller, fast shipper, top sharer and mentor!💫if you have questions,I’m Here to help! Remember if your selling ,share your items everyday and add your followers by clicking under followers in your closet they’ll be in blue! Also reading poshmark guidelines under closet helped me a lot too💕Hope this helps and happy poshing!❤️☺️💕If your here to shop have fun!🌷
Oct 20Reply

If you ever have questions please ask IM
Happy to help 🤗🌷🥰
Oct 20Reply

@choffer24704 Thanks for sharing!😁
Oct 21Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and welcome to Poshmark 🎉😁🥳
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and welcome to Poshmark 🎉😁🥳
Oct 25Reply

@dazzlingdeals Thank you!
Oct 28Reply

Hi Crystal, I'm Aisha, nice to meet yall😁 very cute couple you 2 make lol💚 THANX A BUNCH 💐for the like & HAPPY HAPPY POSHING TO YALL🌺
Nov 04Reply

@aishapenn2 Thanks!!
Nov 04Reply

🙋Hi, Welcome to Poshmark. Enjoy your new experience. Make sure to share, share, share others items and they will return the favor by sharing yours for more exposure.. if buying you save alot on shipping when you bundle, 2 or more items. If you want ideas for your closet feel free to see mine. Good Luck. Have a wonderful day. Happy Poshing!😃🛍👠👕👗👙👜👢👘🕶👞👟💕
Nov 05Reply

Thank you for you purchase of Vintage Coach Purse. I will send it out on Tuesday as Monday is a holiday. Thank you again!
Nov 08Reply

@karen_gallaher Perfect! Thanks 😊
Nov 08Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am committed to caring🌸sharing🌺and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕I will be humbled should you choose to check out my closet🌼it is not a requirement however🎀I😇I pray for your health wealth and happiness💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Nov 10Reply

@madblk3 Thank you very much! ❤❤
Nov 10Reply

Hello 👋 and welcome to Poshmark a community of great people and amazing deals 🔥. I have selected 🍀you to receive One FREE item from my closet when you purchase an item of equal or lesser value. Look 👀 around and find you something special 💐. Have a great day and Happy 😊 Poshing !! 👠💄👜
Nov 11Reply

@celestreasures Thank you so much! ❤❤
Nov 11Reply

Hi!! Thanks for following me! You are my 24,000th follower! You are so special because 24 is my lucky number!! I’d like to celebrate you and give you 50% off ANY item in my closet! Just send me an offer💕🛍
Nov 16Reply

Hi Crystal...I am having a 6 for $20...on $5 items add two more $5 items to your bundle. No shipping discounts.
Dec 11Reply

@starcruson Thank you! I just got a couple things. Really good deal though! 😊 You always have neat stuff. Cheers!
Dec 11Reply

@choffer24704. Cool beans! Thank you!!!🙌
Dec 11Reply

I love your closet! You’ve got an awesome collection of bags 🛍🤩
Dec 16Reply

@cmartinez510rc Thank you! ❤💖
Dec 16Reply

@choffer24704 hello 🙋 im Kay... (Posh Ambassador) i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow. 👍 i carry many everyday brands such as: bebe, Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, Speechless and more. i welcome your likes, shares, or maybe even offers 😀 happy poshing!
Jan 10Reply

@kaysuniverse Thanks, Kay! ❤
Jan 11Reply

@choffer24704 ur very welcome 🙂 stop by anytime
Jan 11Reply

Hello Crystal thank you for visiting my closet and share it back I really appreciate it very much
I will have Valentine’s Day sale when you bundle you likes after 3 likes & buy it you can choose you free Palette.🛍🛍🛍🛍🍀🍀🍀💐💐💐🍒🍒🍒
Feb 03Reply

Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 19Reply

hi! thank you for visiting my closet! Happy poshing. peace and love! ❤❤ live the pics of your kitty! looks like my Lorelei!
Feb 25Reply

@kmk_ambassador Thanks! She's my lil pirate cat. 🐱 Have a lovely night!
Feb 25Reply

she looks like my Lorelei. a bit of Maine Coon? just lovely. I'm a cat mom.😹😹
Feb 25Reply

@kmk_ambassador Maybe, given the fluffy fur, but she is small. She's a rescue, so I don't know her origins. She's a bit of a wild one, my Leela. 😊
Feb 25Reply

@choffer24704 I can't believe the names are given similar wow
Feb 25Reply

@kmk_ambassador I saw your kitty. They do look alike! Long lost sisters? lol 😻🐱
Feb 25Reply

Hiya Crystal❣️❣️Thanks once more for stopping by my closet and for your lovely and beautifully kind sharing. 🤗💞💞
Feb 28Reply

@magpiemaven Thank you as well! 😊
Feb 28Reply

Hello🙋♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing my closet/boutique😊I’m happy to do the same for you🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Feb 29Reply

@bobbett328 Thank you! Shares are always much appreciated 😊
Feb 29Reply

@choffer24704 Absolutely my pleasure 😉 Thanks for following my closet too ☺️🌺🌸 Have a fantastic Posh weekend 🛍🛍
Feb 29Reply

Crystal just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage Brooch’s Gold Monet Starburst, Glass Aurora Borealis Flowers With Gold Stems (Made in USA) & Round Gold Wreath With Green Glass Crystals. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 07Reply

@msneverending1 Thank you! I appreciate that! ❤❤ Have a lovely evening!
Mar 07Reply

Crystal just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet, sharing & liking My Vintage Sterling Silver Oval Abalone Shell Earrings. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 09Reply

@ludolover Thank you as well! It's hard to keep up with sometimes, haha, as I'm sure you know, but I try to always return the favor. 😊 Have a lovely evening and stay safe and healthy!
Mar 18Reply

@ludolover Yes! I can't agree more!
Mar 18Reply

@choffer24704 ha! I think Leela is Maine Coon
Mar 19Reply

@kmk_ambassador Ha! Maybe. She's really furry, but she is small. She was a rescue, so I don't know her origins. 😸😻
Mar 19Reply

Hi there 🌼 I am having a huge sale! All
Items with a 🌼🌼is 4 for 25$. Create a bundle and I will send you the offer. ( no shipping discount). Come shop
With me 🥰 have a great day!
Mar 23Reply

Hello 😸 I hope this finds you and yours well! Your beauty of a little looks like my Erma Bombeck (one of the special needs kitties on my page).
Apr 07Reply

@cricketlee001 Aw, your kitties are super cute! ❤😻❤
Apr 07Reply

@choffer24704 Thank you! I've never met a bad looking kitty 😉 😻
Apr 07Reply

@cricketlee001 Ha! True. me neither 😄
Apr 07Reply

Oct 17Reply

😻Cat Whiskers are attached to tissues that have multiple nerve endings. These nerves are sensitive to even the slightest movement of air can detect objects without seeing them an advantage in the dark.Since whiskers are sensitive to pressure, cats use them to determine the position and movement of an object or of prey. also help to measure the width of an opening before they attempt to go through it.
What do you think Did the function of cat whiskers come about by evolution? Or was it designed?
Oct 17Reply

Hi Crystal, thanks for liking my vintage purse and native dome ring, do I see a bundle in your future?🥰
Feb 06Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
Feb 25Reply

@sandycupcake Thanks! ❤️
Feb 25Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself!
I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Feb 25Reply

@choffer24704 I sent you a counteroffer and I hope it is fine. I really love the earrings. If you still want more, I will understand.
Apr 02Reply

@choffer24704 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 12Reply

Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Dec 27Reply
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