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Updated May 18
Updated May 18


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Link in my "about" section! Don't worry- it's not a typical fashion blog... I am blogging on some of my favorite topics- and the focus right now is Poshmark! I say all the things we think but don't say... and some advice for the newbies who are just starting out. Stop by and let me know what you think 😘
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angel10 yay! @valentinalollib @modanista check it out ladies :).
Feb 24Reply
dollface86 Lol there's gonna be a lot to blog about!! 😄😜 every week I feel like I learn something new
Feb 24Reply
grayasparagus @dollface86 isn't that the truth!! Some I am nervous to post lol!
Feb 24Reply
nikki_nicole79 Can't wait to check it out!
Feb 24Reply
angel10 I just read it and I absolutely love it and agree haha!
Feb 24Reply
grayasparagus Lol @sassified thank you my dear friend! You made me for real laugh!
Feb 24Reply
tallison @sassified~ I do love Elle & have read some of her blog! Great stuff! 👍😘
Feb 24Reply
brenace Lots to write about!!!
Feb 24Reply
briewineposh Yay! 🎉👏💞🎉👏 So proud Elle! It's terrific!
Feb 24Reply
grayasparagus @brenace I think so too! And it's lots of fun!
Feb 25Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @brie309 you know your opinion means a lot to me!!!
Feb 25Reply
tonatzin Loved the blog!! :)
Feb 25Reply
linsleppo OMG I can't WAIT! 👏👏👏👏👏👯👯👯👯👯 I'm going to catch up my feed real quick and then hop on your blog! 👏👏👏👏👏👯👯👯👯👯
Feb 25Reply
linsleppo I just read the whole blog! Every topic! Love it girl! 👏👏👏👏👏 TOTALLY AGREE with everything! And the Top 10 list is FABULOUS OMG 😂😂😂 SERIOUSLY?!? I used to go out a LOT and now I get annoyed when I have to leave my very special and limited Poshing time 😂😂😂
Feb 25Reply
grayasparagus @linsleppo really??? Thanks for taking the time!!! I am having so much fun writing it!
Feb 25Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @tonatzin !!!
Feb 25Reply
newmaciel So cute, what a smart blog!
Feb 25Reply
grayasparagus @newmaciel Thank you so much!!!
Feb 25Reply
prissybailey Thanks for sharing your insight . Great tips . 👏🎀👍
Feb 25Reply
grayasparagus @prissybailey thank you so much for taking the time to visit the site! I do hope people find it helpful... And maybe get a laugh!
Feb 25Reply
bb6491 Love your blog! I am fairly new to poshing and just started reading your blog and love your insights and tips! 👏👏👏
Feb 25Reply
vogue_vice yay! you posted it!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @emilyclaire82 yes! I took the plunge! *gulp*
Feb 26Reply
vogue_vice you're a very strong writer - and very witty! hard to be both! :)
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @emilyclaire82 wow- thank you so much. That may honestly be one of the best compliments I have ever received!
Feb 26Reply
2di_4 OMG!!! I ABSOLUTELY ❤️❤️❤️LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ YOUR BLOG😍😍😍😍 ThIs piece specific piece would be perfect titled, "A day, every other day or every flippin' day life of a Posher, Poshanista, Poshaholic" p.s ya hooked me with your comical insights 😄😜😄😃
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @2di_4 lol! Thank you! I speak from my own struggles!!! #PosherProblems
Feb 26Reply
thestarrynight Just read several of your blog posts - loving your new blog! So funny and super enlightening for a new Posher like me! Thank you for sharing :).
Feb 26Reply
erikagannon very cool! Thank you for doing this!! If I can be f help or contribute, please let me know!!!! An asset to Poshmark you are!!! needless to say...subscribed!!! :)
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon absolutely! Thank you and I certainly will!!!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight thank you! I really hope it does help- I am trying to address issues/topics that I myself wondered about early on. If you have anything you would like me address- please keep suggestions coming!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @bb6491 thank you!!!
Feb 26Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Do you have posts re: sales/pricing, ie the typical range of time that it takes to make your first sale, usual velocity of sales for new items, pricing strategies, etc?
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight no, but I am going to address pricing very soon! Thanks for that confirmation ! Next up is... RATINGS! Just have to gather the courage to publish it - lol! It can be a touchy subject 😳😁
Feb 26Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Oh wow - I don't even know what ratings are yet! Looking forward to your post!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight you have a super cute closet and your photos are fantastic!
Feb 26Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Oh my gosh! Thank you! My ears are burning (with joy)! Just joined PM last week and been working hard to build my closet. Addicted to PM! Have found all 10 of your "Things You Didn't Know.." article to be true! I work in fashion, and my (physical) closet is jam-packed with treasures: one-of-a-kind designer samples; items I adore but err, can't fit into right now; hasty purchases that I didn't try on which resulted in mirror dismay at home; vintage pieces I've found over the years. Excited to share my lovelies with a community just as fashion-obsessed :).
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight you are off to a great start and welcome! It took me about 2 weeks to get my first sale and TRUST me, my cover shots were nowhere near as great as yours. Keep sharing and you will have a sale in no time!
Feb 26Reply
ashtyn40 Looks like I found a site I'll be frequenting! I've read about half of your sharing piece so far. Good tips!
Feb 26Reply
jen26vegas Great blog, your top 10 list was great, number 8 was my favorite!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @ashtyn40 ! I appreciate you taking the time!!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @jen26vegas ! I know they are all true for me!
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @ridinghood13 long story my friend...
Feb 26Reply
grayasparagus @chell209 if you click on my "about" in my closet there is a link there! If you are in a desktop it is at the top of my closet :)
Feb 28Reply
rosebudcat Just read your blog!! LOVE it!!!
Mar 01Reply
corporatebarbie Hi Elle. I just checked out your blog. It is very well done. I love the style, and your writing. But mostly I love that you are generous and open minded and encouraging. Each Posher has their own style and as long as they are following the rules, we should appreciate that. I will be back. Thank you so much for blogging!
Mar 02Reply
grayasparagus @kristinkingsley Thank you so much for that feedback! I want to try to put a positive spin on everything that could seem negative- I'm glad that came across :) I appreciate you taking the time to read it!
Mar 02Reply
martylou83 I just read every single one of your posts! Thank you so much. I learned some new things and picked up some tips that I'm excited to utilize! 👍
Mar 02Reply
grayasparagus @martylou83 thank you so much !!! If I can help someone make a sale- I will be thrilled!
Mar 02Reply
marycstephens The blog is great!!💗😄
Mar 02Reply
chictowear Great blog! You are tooooo darn funny! I love it! :)
Mar 02Reply
maureen888 My word! I've been reading this maybe the past hour, I think I've fallen right in love with you! 😂 Thank you! 💕 Fantastic read this far! 🙌
Mar 03Reply
grayasparagus @maureen888 LOL! Thanks for that early morning laugh- a real laugh- not just an obligatory 'lol' . Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings! I'm having so much fun saying everything that's been on my mind for the past year.
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 Coming from a writer, a posher, and the world's biggest critic (never take me to the movies), I am so thoroughly enjoying this! With the frenzy, I'm sure a movie is not very far behind! Yes, we will all go see it! Only some of us will yell at the screen! I'm sure all agree, as it hits home with all of us, but I'm not sure how many are talking to their phone as they do! Hahaha! Status Level: Hero
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 Ps- I tried putting in a $5 offer on this listing, thought it would be a great laugh! Apparently, I need to add a few more zeros to that offer!
Mar 03Reply
grayasparagus @maureen888 haha! I tried to put a $3 offer on a friends party post but it told me the lowest I could go was $2500 !!! I had NEVER Seen that before- guess Posh put a low-ball blocker in place!
Mar 03Reply
grayasparagus @maureen888 and thank you from the bottom if my ❤️ for those words of encouragement!
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 I love it! I can't decide which term I can't stand most, low baller, sharing is caring, or the new PFF, but hang in there, I'm just getting to the PFF, and that is a newer term for me! I lie not, I've had to google some things the past few years, i.e., #TBT, #YOLO RUM (still don't fully understand that), etc., basically, anything hash that isn't browns, I have to google it... My age may be starting to show! 🙈
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 Good gravy! I had no idea what was with the PFF! I feel silly! I blocked someone who kept calling me PFF! It freaked me out, honestly! I am not an acronym fan, I love words! I'd just come out and say, "Hey girl, I see you!" Boom. FF! lol! Omg! ☺️
Mar 03Reply
grayasparagus @maureen888 You blocked a PFF!!!!!!!!!!! OMG
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 I didn't know her! I thought she may have been crazy! I need to know these things, please! Keep writing! 🙈
Mar 03Reply
grayasparagus @maureen888 will do my friend! Oh- and thanks for always consistently sharing my closet!
Mar 03Reply
maureen888 You're welcome! But it's all my benefit! If I want it, I share it, keeps me from buying it! Unfortunately, I can't share at Neiman Marcus and other stores! I'd save a lot of money! 😂😜
Mar 03Reply
mytherapy Elle! I love your blog! I stayed up until midnight reading the entire thing last night, couldn't stop! Love your writing style, love the topics you chose, and I love how you offer so many viewpoints on everything. Perfectly written and definitely captivating! Can't wait to see what your next topic will be...well done, my friend! 👏👏👏😘💕
Mar 04Reply
grayasparagus Thank you thank you thank you @mytherapy ! You made my morning!
Mar 04Reply
grayasparagus @brie309 thought this one would make you laugh
Mar 04Reply
briewineposh Ooh nice! I'll read it tonight! 👍
Mar 04Reply
mykidsfault I love your blog! You have great tips and you're very funny. 😀
Mar 04Reply
grayasparagus @mykidsfault Thank You! XOXO
Mar 04Reply
mikesdumplin @vance289 Elle…nice blog!
Mar 04Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight hey! I just wanted to let you know I posted in the blog about pricing strategies👍 thanks for the suggestion!
Mar 04Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Thanks for letting me know! Just finished reading your article - it was super helpful (been wondering about the Coming Soon listings I've seen). What's a recommended range for number of likes for an item before you publish a sale price - 5, 50, 100?
Mar 04Reply
tippiejax Again, love it, will use it, help to mentor...just ️THANKS!
Mar 05Reply
grayasparagus @tippiejax thank you so much for your kind words! I only can hope that it helps someone make sales or helps them cope with #PosherProblems lol!
Mar 05Reply
lakeforest Elle, I just read your whole blog and you're to be commended for saying all the things many of us ( yours truly) haven't had a chance to say yet👏👏👍Posh has evolved a lot since I started, lol😉 I'll definitely refer your blog to those I've been currently mentoring! Have a blast at your Rock Star party too🎉xo Dorothy
Mar 05Reply
grayasparagus @lakeforest thank you so much for taking the time to read it!!! And thank you for recommending it! It's nice to hear from someone who has been here a while!
Mar 05Reply
lakeforest You're very welcome😘
Mar 05Reply
briewineposh You drew those didn't you! Drawiffic!
Mar 06Reply
bronte83 Great blog! I loved reading about the sharing culture. I'm pretty new around here, so I often wondered why there were some suggested users with thousands and thousands of followers yet no shares. 😊
Mar 07Reply
grayasparagus @bronte83 thank you so much! I hope people find it helpful!
Mar 07Reply
chantell926 I love your blog! IG friend♥️
Mar 08Reply
poshmishmosh I love your blog! I was reading and reading then remembered, "It's party time!" I look forward to subscribing and reading more later. Enjoy your party!
Mar 08Reply
bronte83 @dmv25 this is the blog I was telling you about.
Mar 08Reply
onthemovecc @soangeline Visit this blog and it may help answer some of your questions until I can answer your email. I apologize for the wait on that. I just have a ton going on right now!
Mar 09Reply
grayasparagus Lol you are too sweet @mnestheide !
Mar 12Reply
grayasparagus Thank you so much for that @mnestheide !
Mar 12Reply
twowheeltam great blog!
Mar 14Reply
grayasparagus Thank you SO MUCH @twowheeltam !!!!!
Mar 14Reply
iheartwarhol thanks Ash for the tag my female love. @sassified . i just got to take a look at the blog--- it is great Elle!!! you clearly took a lot of time working on it
Mar 16Reply
paicar @vance289 absolutely LOVE this💕💕💕
Mar 23Reply
nkathy great closet " )
Mar 24Reply
grayasparagus @nkathy Thank you !!!
Mar 24Reply
jteach23 Look at this great info ladies. 🌷🌷🌷🌷 @hila808 @wendibearr @jenniann5246 @retagit @dmv25 @kira57
Mar 24Reply
angel10 Lmao I'm on your blog catching up & I'm reading the Hosting a Party post. "The Posh Police" part almost made me fall out of my bed laughing. You are the best! Haha 😂😂😂.
Mar 25Reply
grayasparagus @angel10 😂😂😂dedicated to you my PFF !
Mar 25Reply
angel10 @vance289 you are so clever and clearly an awesome writer! Please tell me that's what you do for a living.
Mar 25Reply
grayasparagus @angel10 I wish! Thanks!!!!!
Mar 25Reply
saritakanelucci @vance289 love it Thanks bunches 👏☺️
Mar 26Reply
pepchick @vance289 - great blog! So interesting to read how and why another user handles PM.
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus Thanks so much @pepchick !
Mar 26Reply
classyvintage So cool!
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus @bjames32 I'm so glad! If there are any subjects that you would like me to address- please let me know!!!
Mar 26Reply
cgranados I LOVE your blogs! Thank you for sharing, I totally related to them. You gave me some reassurance on a lot of subjects I had some concerns on and answered many questions :) Not to mention some giggles too! ☺️ Thank you!
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus @cgranados that's more than I could have hoped for! Thanks for taking the time to read my crazy posts 😘😘😘
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus Hi PFFs! I just posted a new blog post about being "safe" on Poshmark. I think it's important tips for newbies who may not realize what can be risky. Don't worry, I am not going to ask this everytime- but if you know any newbies that may benefit- please tag them! Also, feel free to comment and add any advice YOU may have about Practicing Safe Poshing! Xoxo @brie309 @bal91 @sassified @icravebargains @honeypig14 @bellanblue @erikagannon @thebrightside
Mar 26Reply
bellanblue Love the name! Will share
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus Hi PFFs! I just posted a new blog post about being "safe" on Poshmark. I think it's important tips for newbies who may not realize what can be risky. Don't worry, I am not going to ask this everytime- but if you know any newbies that may benefit- please tag them! Also, feel free to comment and add any advice YOU may have about Practicing Safe Poshing! Xoxo @angel10 @emilyclaire82 @angelrick @thestarrynight
Mar 26Reply
ventiquadglam Shared! I just think following posh rules are really beneficial to poshmark safety:)
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus @angelrick absolutely! Especially if you want to be covered by Poshmark Protect!
Mar 26Reply
angel10 awesome! My best advice is to read up on the feedback of others before purchasing or "selling" and yes I said "selling"... It's sad but you have to be careful of buyers as well. I would rather have no sales than sales from scammers or dishonest ppl. Also trading! --- JUST DON'T DO IT! there are some trustworthy ppl up here & the idea of trading does sound cool at times but you must be very careful! okay I'm done lol :) ...... go ELLE!!!
Mar 26Reply
erikagannon I'll be glad to!! Your blog is AWESOME and helpful! I've been meaning to tell you! I am about to drive but I will tag some gals tonight!! And feel free to have me share anytime no you are doing a great thing here!!👍👍
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon Thank you sooooo much!
Mar 26Reply
i_cravebargains Love it@vance289 🙌💃🙌💃🙌💃 very informative. Hey I learned something's myself because I never thought about how someone could say they didn't receive the bundle. Wow!!!!! Thanks so much 💕
Mar 26Reply
briewineposh I love your titles 😜💞
Mar 26Reply
grayasparagus @brie309 😝😝😝
Mar 26Reply
thestarrynight @mrsmadariaga @classyvintage @noy2312 @jessicacampbell Ladies, as experienced and super amazing veteran Poshers, could you help share @vance289's great blog with your newbies :)? I've found the blog to be very helpful!
Mar 26Reply
classyvintage @thestarrynight I just saw this today - good to know
Mar 26Reply
mrsmadariaga @vance289 @thestarrynight sharing away. Thx for tagging me
Mar 27Reply
mlesure @vance289 LOVE IT!!!💛💛💛
Mar 27Reply
rudegyal Nice blog! 😀 I never thought about the going out of town part. I started taking pics of seams etc too. If i have a odd feeling i will record the items. Sad, but it has to be done. Buyers remorse happens and i see people damage items just for a refund. 😟
Mar 29Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @rudegyal ! It is sad that there are people out there that would do that :(
Mar 29Reply
rudegyal yw! forgot about the " i didnt get the package too!" Ppl have done that too. I looked at their address on google earth, i find it hard to believe sometimes. lol
Mar 30Reply
kerriet Great posts and advice. Thanks! 👍
Mar 30Reply
momoretro This is great, many things I never thought of including the problem with "model?" Thanks!
Mar 30Reply
cdiva917 Good Morning! Hope you have a great day!
Mar 30Reply
grayasparagus @momoretro Thank you for taking the time to read!
Mar 30Reply
grayasparagus @mrsdiva703 Good Morning to you too!!! Once again- we are the only ones up and at it! LOL
Mar 30Reply
cdiva917 Right! Early bird gets the WORM! *gulp* I like when the feed is slow, easier to share the feed, and see who is up and sharing! More interesting to see the west coasters up and AT IT! Posh never sleeps.
Mar 30Reply
momoretro It's worth it, in general I have felt safer on Poshmark than elsewhere. A few mos ago was badly burned by a seller on E--- and P- did not protect me as they claim to. BTW, I love your closet I see that you have many "neutrals" which I love. I have a moratorium on buying currently, but enjoying looking!!
Mar 30Reply
grayasparagus @momoretro thanks!!! I'm all about neutrals and classics too. I am not much for trendy things! I do occasionally like "odd" mixed in with classic.
Mar 30Reply
redumbrella @kaciopea😊👍👍👍
Mar 30Reply
cmarshall38 @vance289 Elle where have I been?? I didn't know you even had a blog and it is sooooooo good!!! I am a seasoned Posher and you are teaching me new things!!! Can I find you on Bloglovin?? I NEED TO FOLLOW!!!!!
Mar 30Reply
grayasparagus @cmarshall38 thank you so much for that!!!!! I really just started it maybe a month ago?? I have NO CLUE what bloglovin is!?!?
Mar 30Reply
cmarshall38 @vance289 no worries it's cool! I just needed to figure out how to subscribe. But I figured it out. Seriously it is well written and awesome information!!!
Mar 30Reply
grayasparagus @cmarshall38 haha ok! I will search and see if I can figure out what to do- thanks for the tip!
Mar 30Reply
classyvintage Just got a strange notification. It said not to ship the jumpsuit😳 gotta love it!
Apr 01Reply
grayasparagus @classyvintage hahah! Gotta love it!
Apr 01Reply
binski1021 Too funny!!
Apr 02Reply
selvey5 I've been enjoying your blog!! Appreciate the time you've put into it!! Keep up the fabulous work!😘
Apr 03Reply
dpalmer01 @vance289 Hello...I am pretty new to PM. I really enjoy all the layers that one gets to discover selling and buying here. I feel like there is a whole world out there that I've missed out on. I'm on board now!!! I just read your blog and was already to snicker over some things I can relate to in a short amount of time. I started laughing about the pregnancy test part. Wow! Look forward to some shooping, selling, and meeting others on PM. Diane
Apr 03Reply
grayasparagus @cmarshall38 I am now available on bloglovin! It took a few days to figure out what was wrong and why it wouldn't connect- But I solved it! Thanks for letting me know about it!!!
Apr 03Reply
notoriousvog Thanks so much for your blog! ❤️ I just read a bunch of posts and I'm going back to read the rest right now! 👍 I wish I had read something like this when I first started on Posh a year ago...
Apr 03Reply
grayasparagus @notoriousvog thank you for reading! This month is my one year on posh too! Basically that's what I wanted to do- give the "real life" advice - cut to the chase- and not just regurgitate the Poshmark guidelines :) thanks again!!!
Apr 03Reply
tiffbutton @vance289 Good read. Love ya thoughts
Apr 04Reply
elajoydesigns Loved this blog post! Shared with all my PFF's 😊💕😊
Apr 05Reply
grayasparagus I appreciate that @pjmack !
Apr 05Reply
elajoydesigns @vance289 Your welcome! We had a good laugh cause I definitely talk to my PFF's more 😊
Apr 05Reply
jkdressler I love this Elle! I just subscribed :)
Apr 05Reply
grayasparagus ❤️❤️❤️Thank you @jkdressler !!!❤️❤️❤️
Apr 06Reply
erikagannon @1hermitcrab a hey there by dear friend!! Just took a quick work break to introduce you to Elle... She is a super sweet Posher that offers up some great tips on her Blog! Now I know you are in no way a newbie... But I follow her Blog too... It's GREAT info!!!
Apr 06Reply
grayasparagus Thanks for the introduction @erikagannon ! Hi @1hermitcrab, its nice to meet you!
Apr 06Reply
grayasparagus @1hermitcrab I think I just became your 10,000th follower!!!
Apr 06Reply
erikagannon You're very welcome!! Lori, @1hermitcrab you are going to love Elle! She is always so kind and upbeat!
Apr 06Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon I owe it to coffee... Lots and lots of ☕️☕️☕️
Apr 06Reply
erikagannon Hey... Whatever works gal!! I even hit up the coffee this morning!! Look out! I'm hyper enough without! Lol
Apr 06Reply
grayasparagus @1hermitcrab I started the blog a little over a month ago! It has all been positive so far- I have nothing to compare it to- or any friends who blog so I have had to teach myself how to do it! I don't know what the biggest challenge would be- that's a great question! I guess it would depend on what your goals are and what you want to get out of your experience. If you have a circle of great friends and are having fun- then it sounds like you win!!!
Apr 06Reply
grayasparagus @1hermitcrab followers #'s aren't everything- that's true- but celebrating milestones is soooo much fun!
Apr 06Reply
erikagannon @1hermitcrab WOOOOHOOOOO CONGRATS My Dear Friend! You so deserve it!!!👯👯👯👯
Apr 06Reply
lepetitearmoire Just read your blog about the SU, I just got the SU email on Friday. I hadn't seen any major follows until this morning around the morning party. I noticed last night I almost had 8K and this morning when I opened my PM I had almost 8500 and within minutes I reached about 1000 new followers. I wish I had know about the hour SU you mentioned. It's so helpful am fairly new, so there are some things I still need to figure out how they work, but it was very helpful to read your blog!
Apr 06Reply
cmarshall38 Ladies follow this blog!! It is seriously one of my favs and I follow A LOT of blogs!! Awesome and sooo much valuable info! Check it out!!!
Apr 07Reply
ventiquadglam GIRL.. you are almost to 100k👍👏👏👏👏
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @angelrick omg I can't contain my excitement!!
Apr 07Reply
ventiquadglam Let's pretend whatever posh party is that day is being held in your honor 😜
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @angelrick teehee! Ok!!! 😂😂😂
Apr 07Reply
teaca I am going to check it out now. :)
Apr 07Reply
briewineposh Read your SU're listed 4-5 days per week! 😳😳😳
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @brie309 I have kept track- you know how I analyze EVERYTHING. Have you kept track?
Apr 07Reply
briewineposh No need to! It's 2x a week...not almost every day! Geez
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @brie309 these are the things that keep me up at night and that I want to get to the bottom of...
Apr 07Reply
briewineposh Could be worse!
Apr 07Reply
suzmeow Love your blog! I read it the other day but totally forgot to tell you :)
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @suzmeow thank you!!!! Did you read the cat lady post?? Lol 😻😻😻
Apr 07Reply
suzmeow YES 😹😹 That one was my favorite, but of course I'm biased. We should be honored to be leading this movement 😼❤️❤️❤️
Apr 07Reply
grayasparagus @suzmeow I would... But my cat is unimpressed and keeps me humble 😂😂😂🙀
Apr 07Reply
jkdressler @kcbaker Elle! Please meet my dear friend KC. She just joined Poshmark in search of new looks. Not sure if she's ready to sell but I figured you and your blog would be a great help to her. KC be sure to follow Elle! She's the best!
Apr 08Reply
kcbaker Hi Elle! My dear friend @jkdressler connected us. So happy to be entering the Posh world. I love your writing. Looking forward to connecting here! In search of some new looks post baby and now back feeling great and strong in my body. Your styles are awesome. Xo KC
Apr 08Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @jkdressler ! Hi @kcbaker !! It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by the blog- that means a lot to me 😃 Posh is soooo much fun- I started off selling and ended up buying so I'm sure you will end up doing both! It's hard not to. Please let me know if you ever need any questions answered!
Apr 08Reply
lamiapeonia @mollylapine check out this users blog!
Apr 08Reply
briewineposh Ooohhhh so close to 100k! I just hit 90k. I can't WAIT for triple digits ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apr 08Reply
aliv101 Whoop whoop - love the name. It's my name, too! 🍀
Apr 08Reply
grayasparagus @brie309 yessssssss! Oh please make sure you tag me when you have sales so I can share the listing! I have been out and about today and just now saw it
Apr 09Reply
couturial i just took a glimpse at your blog that i've been meaning to check out for a while, thanks to our mutual PFF @angel10 i loved your SU article. so thorough!!! i will have to check out the rest but wanted to let you know that i enjoyed the article (and learned a lot!) xoxo
Apr 09Reply
grayasparagus @valentinalollib Thank you so much for letting me know!
Apr 09Reply
ellahanns @vance289 ❤️Loved your blog!!!!
Apr 12Reply
susansboutique @debiromano Debi this blog is a great read!! 🎉👏👏
Apr 13Reply
grayasparagus @maboffey Thank you very much!!!
Apr 13Reply
grayasparagus @susasrie32859 thank you! And also thanks for recommending it!
Apr 13Reply
grayasparagus @247mommieto2 thank you soooo much!!!!
Apr 15Reply
hellogwenny Omgosh, I'm going to be late to work 'cause I just started reading your blog and don't wanna stop. I like how you keep it real. 😊 Must drag myself out of bed now... Can't wait to read more tonight!
Apr 15Reply
grayasparagus @hellogwenny that is so funny- I hope you made it on time!!! Thanks for that great compliment 😃😂😂😃
Apr 15Reply
cinnamonnormi @vance289 love your blog!! Keep up the good work!
Apr 16Reply
cjk4e @vance289 saw this earlier & checked out your blog... Great info & made me smile! I agree with you on the stars as I am just buying right now I give 5 stars if as described good service etc I don't fault the person if I did not ask enough questions! I think that was the biggest learning curve thing for me is knowing what to ask... We learn from trial & error... I have become far more selective as who I buy from & I ask far more questions now.
Apr 16Reply
paulaalbe1 @vance289 perfect post!
Apr 16Reply
artistichater Oh my god you are hilarious! Love the blog 😆
Apr 16Reply
grayasparagus @cjk4e I learned the hard way too! Thanks for taking the time to read my silly blog!
Apr 17Reply
artistichater I've been thinking of starting a blog myself but haven't had the time to start writing! Maybe one day…
Apr 17Reply
i_cravebargains That's good stuff PFF!! 💕👍 @vance289 😊☺️
Apr 17Reply
grayasparagus @icravebargains Thanks PFF!!! AND for that share bomb!!!!
Apr 17Reply
i_cravebargains You're welcome 😊👍 @vance289 ❤️
Apr 17Reply
lindslonadier @vance289 thanks for sharing - love your blog!! so many great posts with poshmark info and tips! I'm always looking for more posh tips - do you know of any other blogs or sources to check it out ? Thanks again!! Keep writing those great posts!! ❤️❤️
Apr 18Reply
mrsperkins I just read your blog. I could go on and on in this comment, but I won't. I'll just say- brilliant. I wish I only knew of you sooner.
Apr 18Reply
grayasparagus @mrsperkins thank you!!!! I appreciate you taking the time to read it!!! I have only been blogging for about 6 weeks
Apr 18Reply
mrsperkins Of course, I was happy to read it. You did a great job! (editing can be kicked up a knotch😉). I enjoyed all your help you laid out for new Poshers, I wish I had a chance to read something like that as I was starting out. Another good subject to touch on is the enormous amount of bullying by women on here. When I think of posh, that is the #1 horrible thing I think of. I have been attacked so many times
Apr 19Reply
mrsperkins My hubs and I have been involved involving posh support and I'd say they are really disappointing. The lack of support from the support team was rather discouraging.
Apr 19Reply
moonbunnytoo @tutimafe some great tips in Elle's blog! 👍
Apr 22Reply
tutimafe @moonbunnytoo Thank you Nicole 😘😘😘 you are awesome :)
Apr 22Reply
concept Good idea, I'll check it out ;-D
Apr 22Reply
bayougypsy71 @vance289 I will be reading! @loran37 and @marilyn555 heads up for this blog.
Apr 28Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @raquel71 ! I hope you enjoy it!
Apr 28Reply
bayougypsy71 @vance289 where do I find it? :)
Apr 28Reply
bayougypsy71 @vance289 Duh! Nevermind....going to the site now. sorry, it's been a slow thinking day for me, hahaha!
Apr 28Reply
iyanla2015 Really good blog!! Keep it up!!
Apr 29Reply
tonkathrift @vance289 wow I'm sooo happy You showed up on my feed today!! I'm loving your blog!!💚💚 keep up the great work! Very inspiring 😍
May 01Reply
grayasparagus @tonkatrace Thank you soooo much! I appreciate that!!!
May 01Reply
hellobianca Loved reading your blog!!
May 01Reply
molliesmall @vance289 Great blog! I just subscribed! 😊
May 02Reply
cnainmi I just caught 4 more people in my "Poshing" net at work. I'm spreading the joy!!
May 04Reply
lambandclover This blog is fabulous! Thank you (I've been stewing over a 4 star for days... I suddenly feel better :))
May 07Reply
grayasparagus @jessjherrera I am so glad you feel better! I was super nervous about posting my ratings but I knew so many people were in the same boat and just no one wants to talk about it or admit it! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog! XOXO
May 07Reply
meg23 Check out this blog, a few posts down she has an awesome listing about being a suggested user and how the rotation system works. Very informative for us "newbie" SU's! @closet_du_jour @monikasmoshposh @mrswitker
May 07Reply
mrswitker Thanks for tagging me @meg23! I can't wait to read everything. This will be so helpful☺
May 07Reply
meg23 @mrswitker no problem! 😉
May 07Reply
simplywine What a great blog! I'm new to posh and found your writing witty, funny and informative. Thank you!
May 09Reply
hharri17 Love it!!
May 12Reply
closetblues @vance289 Elle, thank you so much for looking at my closet and following me. I just send out the email and Im crossing my fingers!....thanks again!
May 15Reply
grayasparagus @lluviaonix my pleasure! You will get it in no time!
May 15Reply
onthemovecc Love the new tip on the blog :)
May 16Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @bal91 ! I am on a half way "break" haha!
May 16Reply
onthemovecc I love reading your blog it is so funny and definitely relate-able I die every time
May 16Reply
siouxshawn I'm going to check this out now!! I think I've asked ( to myself ) all of those questions!!! Away we go🚀
May 16Reply
lisadraper Hi sweets :)) xoxox Lisa
May 27Reply
grayasparagus @lisadraper hellllloooooo!!! Hope you are having a great week!
May 27Reply
thestarrynight Hi hun ! I've recommended your closet and awesome Posh tips to a few newbies. Thought I should check with you - is it ok to keep directing folks to you? Your blog is super helpful and funny :).
Jun 03Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight of course! Thank you!!
Jun 03Reply
onthemovecc @jordanacouture If you get a chance go to this website...It is really helpful and a nice take on the Poshmark world! LOL
Jun 07Reply
grayasparagus Hey @meg23 thank you soooo much!! This is my post with my blog info
Jun 11Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Loving your blog and loving sharing it with Posh newbies. Could I ask for additional advice on how to become a Suggested User? I've taken your blog advice to heart: I work hard on styling my (Posh-compliant) closet, share often, regularly attend parties, love welcoming new Poshers, and have received 5-star feedback on all my sales to date. What else can I be doing to optimize chances for taking my Posh membership to the next level?
Jun 11Reply
grayasparagus @thestarrynight if you are doing all that it sounds like you are in track! Make sure you have emailed to request to be an SU and then just wait 👍
Jun 11Reply
meg23 @hinaqr @nyreecox this is the blog I was telling y'all about, there's a great article explaining how the suggested user system works and how to maximize its potential to boost your closet! Check it out!
Jun 11Reply
thestarrynight @vance289 Thanks 💕! I emailed the SU team a little while ago - fingers crossed!
Jun 11Reply
hinaqr Thank you @meg23 really nice if you to help out. 😊
Jun 11Reply
susansboutique @kariejeanne this looks like a great blog to check out! 😍
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @susasrie32859 ! I hope you find some of my posts useful!
Jun 23Reply
delores57 Send the payment in Thursday morning
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus @delores57 hi! I think you may have commented on the wrong post- wanted to make sure the intended party got the message!
Jun 23Reply
onthemovecc Thank you so much for sharing that! You are the best! is there a way to access that list while on the comp?
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus @bal91 I have only found it on my iPhone/iPad... If I find it then I will let you know! (I didn't look that hard I will admit)
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus @bal91 and thank YOU for your input yesterday!
Jun 23Reply
onthemovecc LOL okay :) I havent found it yet Ive been searching around a little bit
Jun 23Reply
onthemovecc No problem girl! :) So I dropped out of the style challenge lol it was soo hard to keep up with especially when some days I just want to lay aorund in my jammies :)
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus @bal91 I rarely actually wear an "outfit" so it was way too much work to "stage" those photos!
Jun 23Reply
onthemovecc LOL I hear you! Same with me :)
Jun 23Reply
grayasparagus @classicstylegal this is my blog where I blog about Posh... I basically give away all my strategies and post advice etc.But If @kellyandsaw is your friend you already have an expert on hand!
Jun 30Reply
classicstylegal @vance289 Thank you so much! I really want to turn my Posh closet into a solid source of income and y'all's advice is so helpful! Kelly is my best friend, and she has been amazingly helpful and motivating - she's kind of a badass!
Jun 30Reply
jennie_child Do it again
Jul 01Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💋
Jul 01Reply
thriftymash @vance289 YAY! I was jussssst wondering earlier today when you'd post again. I'm trying to keep tabs on that cart you mentioned😜 I posted it in our fb group too so hopefully those ladies read it LIKE I TELL THEM TO👊🏼😻😻
Jul 01Reply
grayasparagus Awwww thanks @sassified ! Good to hear from you!!!! Hope you are well! I am working On Making a blog page... Can I be part of a "group" if I am a "like able" page?
Jul 01Reply
thriftymash @vance289 Hmmm I'm not sure but I'll experiment with it. It's also... Not everyone in there are "friends" on fb so we only interact on that group. It's pretty dead right now though cause we've all kind of wandered away.
Jul 01Reply
grayasparagus @sassified ok, I will activate my "page" and we can test it! Will tag you when I do... Have been wanting to join your group since you mentioned it ohhhhh a year ago! Lol
Jul 01Reply
grayasparagus @sassified ok! I just make it active... The Gray Asparagus page
Jul 01Reply
grayasparagus @sassified no problem.. Send me the link and if I can't add from the blog page then I will do from my other page. I go to bed super early so I may not respond tonight- I am asleep by 9pm EDT
Jul 02Reply
cdoll84 Good blog and good advice! Ps-the girl on the train was such a good book! Just read it somewhat recently too.
Jul 02Reply
grayasparagus @cdoll84 Thank you so much! Yes it was a great book- I just finished up "In the Unlikely Event" by Judy Blume and it was FANTASTIC.
Jul 02Reply
cdoll84 Oooh! Good to know! It could be next on my list to read then!
Jul 02Reply
peaceloveposh @vance289 Elle whats up ? came into share no pic's :(
Jul 06Reply
ladie_glam I enjoyed reading your blog
Jul 06Reply
meg23 Awesome new article! The line about ponchos looking like snuggles totally cracked me up!
Jul 08Reply
classyvintage Good morning🌻
Jul 14Reply
re_glam_it @vance289 ....thank you for sharing my closet ♡ may you have a beautiful blessed day today ♡ I wish you a lot of sales to come your way this week ♡♡♡♡♡
Jul 14Reply
jkdressler @phillyfinds hi Marianna! Meet my pal Elle. She has THE best posh blog I know and her tips are incredibly helpful. I always look forward to my gray asparagus emails!
Jul 15Reply
phillyfinds Thanks @jkdressler ! Nice to meet you Elle. Looking forward to reading your blog and learning about this space!
Jul 15Reply
closetblues Love what you have in your bag. So realistic!...I learned to keep my bag organized! As years passed I realized that keeping receipts serves no purpose, I through them away almost automatically ..... complete comment inside your post for Inside your bag. Love your post...!!!
Jul 17Reply
kellenaaa Lovely closet! Share some of my listings?? I'll get you back definitely! & also everything's under $30!!
Jul 19Reply
bunster11 So helpful!! Thank you!
Jul 22Reply
cyd143 I love your blog!!! I was only going to glance at it & actually read it when I really woke up (not at 3:30 am lol) but I couldn't put it down! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your closet & your blog! Awesome!
Jul 24Reply
erikagannon On the wheel baby! Happy Friday!!!
Jul 24Reply
sullybear @vance289 omg!! I love this! I just spent an hour or so reading it all!! Perfect and I responded a lot!! Hope you don't mind. Had some questions for you. Also I have ran across some newbies and they didn't know how to tag so that their response was sent to the person. Maybe just a thought to help. 😃 have a great day and excited to read more!!
Jul 24Reply
grayasparagus @sullybear thank you for visiting! I promise I will respond to all the comments- I loved them. I like to hear from people as to what they liked or want to hear more of 👍😀😘 I don't have all the answers but I definitely have opinions! Lol
Jul 24Reply
sullybear @vance289 lol no worries your opinions are why we all read you!! 😃👍have a great day!!
Jul 24Reply
alreid79 💞Love the new post! You seriously say everything I am thinking, while Poshing. 😉 So, thank you for making it all seem normal!
Jul 24Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 Thank you! I figured I'm not the only one who thinks like me :)
Jul 24Reply
seakareem Loved the blog post and it was very helpful as a new posher to hear a veteran's approach. I work so much during the school year, I really want to get some routines down so I can keep up then. I'm having a lot of fun presenting and posting my clothes-aside from that though, it's Hard to know where to dedicate the most energy. This was helpful!
Jul 25Reply
thestarrynight Just read your blog again - here's a "because you and your blog are awesome" share bomb :)!
Jul 28Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @thestarrynight ! You are so sweet
Jul 30Reply
onthemovecc Can't wait to read your new blog post! Will read it soon!
Aug 01Reply
grayasparagus @bal91 thanks friend!
Aug 02Reply
poshboutique16 @vance289 I just bookmark your blog on my computer I love it also I'm follow wring you here on posh because I love what I see I will be back HAPPY TUESDAY 💜💜💜💜⭐️
Aug 04Reply
arigrldesigns @vance289 Elle - Just read some of your blog and I really like it👍🏼will be reading more soon! Awesome info💗✨
Aug 05Reply
grayasparagus @pmgr22 THANK YOU! That means a lot to me coming from you!!
Aug 05Reply
arigrldesigns @vance289 Yesss! 💓Elle it is super informative, smart and funny AND spot on, I have to say!! Looking forward to reading more! 🙆🏼💐Congrats on a very successful Blog! 💐
Aug 05Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Nice to meet you!
Aug 06Reply
angel10 you should put your blog link under you about me page :).
Aug 07Reply
grayasparagus @angel10 funny you should say that! I just had to email Posh Support because I have to re-add it every few days.... For some reason it deletes it!!!!
Aug 07Reply
angel10 @vance289 that's so weird! I definitely thought you had it there before but couldn't quite remember.
Aug 07Reply
grayasparagus @rosesandbunnies I just ran across your post and am following! If you need any advice or have questions as you start to sell- feel free to ask! Also, I have a blog where I give Posh tips and advice (website in this listing). Good Luck!
Aug 07Reply
rosesandbunnies @vance289 oh thank you so much!! You're so kind! 💕 I'll check out your blog shortly :)
Aug 07Reply
grayasparagus @247mommieto2 I am going through the exact same thing! July was a VERY slow month for me... August has been a slight improvement. I think it is a mixture of things... Back to school time and everyone spending their clothing money on the kids, and also wanting to wait for a shipping promo. I think weather has a lot to do with it too....
Aug 09Reply
grayasparagus @247mommieto2 I know that for me- it's late in the season to buy more summer clothes and am ready to transition to fall, but it's WAY TOO HOT where I live to even think about a sweater! I'm just going to hang in there and keep doing what I'm doing- "likes" are not a bad thing- especially when there is a closet clear out promo.
Aug 09Reply
cmc514 I keep meaning to stop by and tell you I loved reading your blog the other day. Particularly the shipping one!!! EVERY POSHER NEEDS TO READ THAT!!!
Aug 09Reply
lorlordeluxe AWESOME Blog. Glad to have found it! @vance289
Aug 12Reply
candykissa143 Love this
Aug 12Reply
alreid79 @nikkij9 Read all her posts on this blog! She has tons of tricks and info. Awesome seller! Check out her listings!!! 😘@vance289
Aug 14Reply
nikkij9 Thank you @alreid79
Aug 14Reply
grayasparagus @pre_pa514 Thank you so much for that!!!
Aug 14Reply
grayasparagus @lorlordeluxe thank you!!! XOXO
Aug 14Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 you are always too kind!
Aug 14Reply
ladyb_saintsfan Hey girlie! Love all the new listings!❤️😘💋I wanted to tag a posher who's interested in reading your awesomely informative blog! @kissiea
Aug 14Reply
kissiea @ladyb_saintsfan Thanks so much, Brit! I will definitely check it out today.
Aug 14Reply
ladyb_saintsfan @kissiea No problem! Just sharing the love! It is very insightful.👍🏻
Aug 14Reply
kissiea @ladyb_saintsfan Reading 😁
Aug 14Reply
catlady007 Awesome post.
Aug 14Reply
shopwithada Great posts on your blog!
Aug 15Reply
marina_wildhawk Thank you for sharing your insights!! Just read the sharing info. Super good info to know! Cannot wait to try this out today. Thanks again! 😘😘😘
Aug 16Reply
mmbracelets Thanks for info. I will check out blog
Aug 18Reply
cmc514 You're so welcome! I made a post about re-poshing a couple months ago, after a buyer was actually worried I'd be mad if she re-poshed b/c it didn't fit her. I explained how it worked (using "the polite way" as you call it!). I obviously haven't posted it yet lol, I felt it needed some rewording in regards to how one should consider pricing. I really need to post it now for other reasons 😒.
Aug 18Reply
cmc514 I LOVE how you mention that others can see your purchases! That is a great point. It's one thing to factor in shipping & PM's 20% fee, but much more than that (ESPECIALLY if they got a great deal) is just plain rude to the original seller IMO.
Aug 18Reply
perfectlyprim Hi @vance289 I can't access your blog, hoping its my error
Aug 20Reply
grayasparagus @perfectlyprim yes, sorry! Having issues with it- I will let you know if/when I get it up and running
Aug 20Reply
grayasparagus @perfectlyprim It's back up and running! Thank you for letting me know- clearly I have no clue what I am doing :)
Aug 20Reply
missjessicaanne I love❤️ your blog posts!!
Aug 25Reply
akaerin Great advice! I have often held out on making an offer, and to my horror, see that sold for actually a couple of dollars LESS to somebody else he WASNT ashamed to make an offer! I will definitely pass on your blog. Love it!😍
Aug 25Reply
grayasparagus @akaerin I hate learning lessons the hard way ARRRRRGH! Thank you !!!!
Aug 25Reply
jules_fern @vance289 Oh hello there! I have been reading your blog all morning and loved your tips and advice ☺️ What I most loved was your funny story about the necklace that sold. If you are at all interested in a similar, I feel prettier necklace from Francesca's Collections, I have been thinking of selling it before the fall 😊💕
Aug 25Reply
poshboutique16 @vance289 I love the blog can't wait to read this postb👏👏👏👏👏👏💜😘
Aug 25Reply
cmc514 Can't wait to read it! I'm sure its awesome!
Aug 25Reply
sweetserver017 @vance289 hey I just wanted to say I snooped through your blog a little just now and I could totally relate to what you said about having a maximum price you're willing to pay but then being afraid of insulting the seller 😁
Aug 31Reply
briewineposh PFFs!! If you haven't already read some of Elle's blog, you NEED TO GO NOW (yes now 😜) and read some of the wittiest and most helpful advice for PM buyers, sellers, and just fashion addicts alike. You won't be disappointed @bake_me_a_cake @kastudillo @katz2 @maboffey @meg23 @valorieann @iheartwarhol @closetenvy2 @nkhob @navarrecharm @pre_pa514 @read247 @triciabean94 @tsaia1977 @theprincess_s @lsimon221 @lorenad_21 @fifig23 @bthereasap @diordiva @d2lala @bensgirly @vivacouture @shamalban
Sep 04Reply
tsaia1977 @brie309 I totally just read the make an offer post. So. True. Sigh.....
Sep 04Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @brie309 !!! You are the best PFF!
Sep 04Reply
grayasparagus @leea38 if you need any Posh tips as you start out... This is my blog where I spill all my strategies :) if you have any questions about getting started I would be happy to help !!
Sep 04Reply
brittneyb125 @vance289 ahh so you are the mastermind behind that blog!!! I love it and always read it :)
Sep 04Reply
grayasparagus @brittneyb125 "Mastermind"? Wow thanks!! I though I fell under the "Crazy-Obsessed-Posher-with-nothing-better-to-do" category! I like your take better ;)
Sep 04Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon I hope you don't mind that I mentioned you in my latest post!
Sep 05Reply
alreid79 New Read!! 👏🏻🎀@kas630 @nikkij9 @autumnlynn3
Sep 05Reply
erikagannon Of course not my dear friend! I'm honored! Cannot wait to read the latest!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Sep 05Reply
ehfw Thanks @vance289 for so many great tips💕
Sep 05Reply
grayasparagus Thank you for reading @ehfw ! I hope I can help others in some small way!
Sep 05Reply
jkdressler I so love your blog Elle :) I haven't participated in share groups mainly because my schedule varies so much that I feel like it would be hard to commit. But if YOU start a group, I would definitely give it a shot :)
Sep 05Reply
grayasparagus Awwww thank you my friend @jkdressler ! I would love to start one but my fear of commitment holds me back, Hehe! I will let you know if I do though! XOXO
Sep 05Reply
jkdressler I can tell from the way you write that it's probably not a fear of commitment: rather a fear that if you start something, you'd want to live up to it 100%, so the fear comes from not being able to give it 100%. Am I right?! I'm like that too :)
Sep 05Reply
grayasparagus @jkdressler 🔨🔨🔨 nailed it.
Sep 05Reply
jkdressler You're awesome :)
Sep 05Reply
candybycandy Love this blog great info💞💞💞
Sep 05Reply
grayasparagus @jkdressler I figured we have more more in common than our love for black colored clothing! 😂😂😂
Sep 05Reply
jkdressler Oh definitely!!!!😜
Sep 05Reply
erikagannon Elle, I am speechless!!! And that takes a lot!!!!! I'm moved!!!! Thank you for including me!!!
Sep 05Reply
tonistwinkles @vance289 This is so cool! How can I blog for Posh? I'm a Writer/English teacher if that helps....💘😊💘
Sep 05Reply
grayasparagus @twinkletoestoni I am not affiliated with Poshmark in any way... I just blog about it and other things for fun! The official blog for Posh is I THINK that you can submit to be a guest blogger for them but I have never done it. I blog about Posh unofficially only because I want to help :)
Sep 05Reply
tonistwinkles @vance289 Ok, thanks! 😊
Sep 06Reply
voguerecycled @vance289 I somehow came across this and just read the entire blog! Posh sales have been totally dead for me despite doing all of the "right" things...I could totally relate to refusing things drastically and still no sales! It just stared picking up for me in the lady 2 days after a month! Anyway love your blog & I too would love to start a share group but I'm way too busy ☺️
Sep 06Reply
erikagannon would you mind if I posted this and the link to your blog? I am truly honored you made mention of our group!
Sep 06Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon I'm glad that you like it!!! Of course, you may do whatever you like my friend!
Sep 06Reply
erikagannon Thank you thank you my friend!!! I do adore you Blog!
Sep 06Reply
kittenb I love your posts! Always spot on. :-)
Sep 06Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @kittenb !!!
Sep 06Reply
erikagannon Elle! Do you have my cell number?! I need you mailing addy! I don't think you've purchased from me and even if I do now from you I won't get it in time to join in the fun! I'm on Wordpress, insta, twitter...
Sep 06Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon what kind of fun???
Sep 06Reply
erikagannon Oh my POSH! At my typos!!! My house has been turned upside down! I want you to be a part of the fun is what I was meaning to type... Albeit poorly! Shoot me ur mailing address if it's ok to send you a fun tee! That's all😊
Sep 06Reply
arigrldesigns @vance289 Hi, Elle! Loved your Group Therapy blog! Great reading! Very informative. I've never joined a share group.-- just might do that!😁 Thanks! 💞
Sep 13Reply
grayasparagus @pmgr22 Thank you!!! If you want to test the water- check out one of the 2 that I mentioned. No commitment and if it's not your thing- you won't let anyone down by not signing up again :)
Sep 13Reply
arigrldesigns @agentgirly😋
Sep 14Reply
erikagannon Good morning beautiful!! If you have the time would you mind sharing my miss me to the party? I'll be on the interstate driving home from the Carolina posh party!!!
Sep 20Reply
erikagannon Just whatever you can.. If you can!!! 😘😘😘
Sep 20Reply
grayasparagus @erikagannon sorry! I was not Poshing today. Hope that someone was able to do that for you!
Sep 20Reply
jkdressler Hi Elle! I have a question that may be good for your blog to address. How come people add items to a bundle and then disappear? What's your experience with this been?
Sep 22Reply
grayasparagus @jkdressler ooooh yes! I have been waiting to discuss bundling until I have more experience. But my short answer/opinion to this is that I think that the "bundle" is the new "like" also- I think they may be using it as a calculator to see how much it would all be. Thanks for the suggestion and it will prob be my next post!!!
Sep 22Reply
jkdressler I think you're totally right. I think people add to a bundle also so if they end up coming back to your closet much later and then realize they had a previous like on something's then they can get the discount. I've been selling mostly via the make an offer button but I have yet to sell a bundle through the bundle feature!
Sep 23Reply
hacsince91 The thumbs up! I'm similar, I'll take months off at a time and then return for one or two and barely touch it then wash and repeat. I've embarrassed myself with the giant thumbs up a few times.. Ahah
Sep 25Reply
ayshadancer Hey, Elle! Have you messed around with the new features yet? Tagging colors, new categories/sub phone just updated last night and some of my items already have the new color tags. This could be handy!!
Sep 25Reply
grayasparagus @ayshadancer yes, it auto sorted what it knew... Like if you have "black shorts" in your title then it would put it in those two categories. Have you gone through your listings? Have there been any mistakes? I haven't had the time to do it yet.... Definitely cool/helpful !!!
Sep 25Reply
ayshadancer I've done a few listings, just recategorizing and adding a couple of color tags but of the few I've checked, there haven't been any mistakes. Not glaring ones anyway, like a skirt being tagged as shorts. I may mess with it a little at work today. Shhh! Don't tell my boss! Lol
Sep 25Reply
keilyn30 loving your blog. :)
Sep 25Reply
grayasparagus @titocat thank you!!! 😘😘😘
Sep 28Reply
poshboutique16 @vance289 AWESOME AWESOME POST its so true we have to learn a lot on our own but at least we are willing to SHARE thanks 👌🏾✔️💯✔️
Sep 28Reply
poshboutique16 @baileybuybacks you gonna love this 😘😘😘😘 please check out this blog FABULOUS
Sep 30Reply
tudie11 I LOVE everything thing you post, it's all the stuff I wonder about but don't want to ask!
Oct 03Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @tudie11!!!
Oct 03Reply
jayy71 Hi could you please email me, I had a problem with my campus' mail service delivering my package.
Oct 05Reply
erikagannon Really you can put on lashes?!
Oct 11Reply
just_between_us Hi 🙋 Thanks for the follow 😊 I'm a relatively new seller (member since 2012, but selling x3wks). Your blog has been INVALUABLE to me!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences and mentor us newbies. Helped ease some frustration and teach me new things several times over. Great service to us "freshman Poshers" and thanks again! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Oct 15Reply
grayasparagus @just_between_us Thank you so much!!! I am glad to have helped! Thank you for letting me know- comments like yours keep me going!!!!
Oct 15Reply
shelley4nne @vance289 Love your blog 💖
Oct 15Reply
ggdiana Love it!
Oct 16Reply
jaybrand @vance289 I just spent an hour reading your blog 😍😍
Oct 16Reply
threadfactor OMG!!.. You are so awesome for taking the time to post all this info 🙏🏼 thank you👏🏼💓this is my 3rd week on Poshmark, and I'm thankful for all the info and help everyone has given 💓
Oct 16Reply
katieb79 @vance289 I love your blog!!! Thank you so much, it's been so helpful😚
Oct 19Reply
grayasparagus @katieb79 thank you so much for taking the time to read it and letting me know!!! 💋
Oct 19Reply
smchop Great blog!! Love it!!!!
Oct 21Reply
grayasparagus @smchop Thank you so much!
Oct 21Reply
lucydale88 Thank you for sharing the dress that I posted. I am new to this site, and still learning on how to improve my closet and make it as beautiful as yours. If you have any tips I am of course open and would be grateful for it. Have a great day!
Oct 21Reply
grayasparagus @lucydale88 nice to meet you! Check out my blog, I give out every piece of advice and tips that I have learned in the past year and a half (and I'm still learning!) if you have any specific questions please let me know!
Oct 21Reply
lucydale88 Thank you! I'll definitely be reading that.
Oct 21Reply
grayasparagus @janismarie of course I had to mention it!!! 😘😘😘
Oct 22Reply
nluciano Thanks so much for the shares ❤️be back soon to share your gorgeous closet . Running out of power. lol
Oct 24Reply
grayasparagus @nluciano don't worry about it! No need to share back! Have a great day😀
Oct 24Reply
ayshadancer Ack! New potential topic!!! What do you do when you have two offers on the same item, one of which has a pending counteroffer from you? A posher gave me an offer, I countered but she has not yet responded (7 hours left before it expires). I just got another offer on the same item from a different posher that falls between the first offer and my counter offer.
Oct 25Reply
ayshadancer I know the other posher has been on since then (thanks Posh for including that bit of info!). Should let her know that I need to know what she wants to do and let the second posher know i'm waiting on a decision or what do you think? I'd be willing to accept the second offer--it's only a dollar off of my counter to the first offer. But i don't want to upset the first if she still wants them. She did arrive first, afterall.
Oct 25Reply
emalabama @vance289 Elle, I love your blog.❤️ I am new to Poshmark. Just getting my closet organized, and being, well me, I am obsessively researching tips/tricks etc. I stumbled upon your blog through another I was reading (I know, I know...haha) and have spent the last 30 minutes reading intently. It's the best I've come upon as far as practical advice and keeping your sanity goes.💖 I love your POV, advice, and congenial writing style. Keep it coming girl.
Nov 06Reply
georgeannvan Great insight on your blog! Best wishes :)
Nov 09Reply
grayasparagus @leslifai000 this is my blog where I discuss TONS of Poshmark stuff! Check it out!
Nov 10Reply
leslifai000 thanks so much @vance289
Nov 10Reply
81southboutique Just read all your posts, thank you so much for sharing!! I so appreciate it
Nov 12Reply
grayasparagus @clairexcouture Thank you so much! I love writing it!
Nov 12Reply
81southboutique @vance289 can I ask if you do this full time? That's like the fantasy for me, but I don't want to be unrealistic about it!!
Nov 12Reply
grayasparagus @clairexcouture No I don't, some days it feels like it though!
Nov 12Reply
nkathy thanks for the Shares ... you have a great closet!
Nov 13Reply
westcoastchic @vance289 Thank you for sharing your info. Just subscribed to your blog. This will be my first holiday season on Posh and your input was very very helpful💖😊
Nov 13Reply
grayasparagus @italia1grl Thank you so much for letting me know! And thanks for subscribing!
Nov 13Reply
ladie_glam You inspire me!
Nov 14Reply
akaerin LOVED this one! 😃
Nov 17Reply
susansboutique Great blog as always Elle!! Thank you for the great advice!
Nov 17Reply
ayshadancer Love the new post! I'll be finished with my classes soon and will be able to work more on Poshing. Hoping my sale will help kick off the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years season!!
Nov 17Reply
grayasparagus @ayshadancer crossing my fingers for you!!!
Nov 17Reply
ayshadancer Thanks, sweet Elle! You're the best! Have things picked up for you since your vaca?
Nov 18Reply
grayasparagus @ayshadancer yes! Once I started taking my own advice ! Haha
Nov 18Reply
ayshadancer I have such a hard time with that, too, sometimes. I can dish out decent advice sometimes but i have a hard time following it. Strange, isn't it? Glad your sales have picked up!! That's always nice. :) It's a small goal butbi'd love to have 3 sales in one night. Lol!
Nov 18Reply
clairemichellek love your blog!!!!
Nov 18Reply
grayasparagus Hi @lauradamon! I saw that you are hosting your first party!! Congrats! On my blog I have a post where I explain the nitty-gritty details from the last time I hosted (just in case you aren't sure what to expect). Check it out if you like :)Good luck and you will do great!
Nov 18Reply
goldenpolkadot @vance289 ohhh this is awesome! Will ck out tomorrow👍🏼
Nov 24Reply
kitkat2340 What does trade mean on poshmark?
Nov 27Reply
grayasparagus Hi @kitkat2340 ! If someone comments on your item "trade???" it is their way of asking you to swap items with them. You would decide which items to swap and ship to each other. This is NOT supported by Poshmark (not against the rules either) but if something goes wrong then you are not protected or insured.
Nov 28Reply
grayasparagus @kitkat2340 I do not recommend trading. I do not trade and have a purchase only closet.
Nov 28Reply
ayshadancer Hey, Elle! Love your new blog post. I'm super excited for you!
Nov 30Reply
grayasparagus @ayshadancer thank you my friend!!
Nov 30Reply
nythrift @vance289 did you just share my wardrobe? Because my phone just physically exploded :) So, you are nice as well? I have to hate you now. :) thank you Elle for helping a rookie out. Your blog should be Poshmark Bible. And your closet is a dream. You nailed this. :)
Dec 02Reply
grayasparagus @nythrift HAHA! You are too kind...
Dec 02Reply
grayasparagus @nythrift Thank you for that tag! I didn't know if I could comment on that listing in case you wanted to keep it comment free. 😘😘😘
Dec 02Reply
nythrift @vance289 I got that idea from a different posher and thought it was awesome. There are so many beautiful closets and helpful poshers that I want people to know. It's free for comments and other great closet suggestions. :)
Dec 02Reply
grayasparagus HI @peaceangel2 I got you tag about a host pick! Check out my blog if you want... I give some advice about how to get (and qualify) for a host pick. Have a great day :)
Dec 04Reply
grayasparagus @peaceangel2 whoops sorry- I tagged wrong person!
Dec 04Reply
1pickyshopper @vance289 Hi I tried to go on and it says can't open page, am I doing something wrong?
Dec 04Reply
grayasparagus @lisasandler let me look! Did you click the link at the top of my page? If you are using the app it's inside the "about" section
Dec 04Reply
grayasparagus @lisasandler it's works on my end... Did you leave the "the" off the beginning maybe?
Dec 04Reply
jules_fern @vance289 Any chance you could tell me how come when I post listings I can only select 2 colors and I've seen other people lost items with several? Seems so insignificant but it might help me with visibility.
Dec 08Reply
grayasparagus @jules_fern I only have the ability to list 2 colors as well! If I see someone who has more than 2 I will ask them and let you know, I would love to know as well for my multi color items.
Dec 08Reply
jules_fern @vance289 I asked one girl and she had no idea Posh just gave her the option haha Thanks for keeping an eye out!☺️
Dec 08Reply
secretmarvels 💜 your blog Elle! I joined to buy in July and created my closet in late Oct. A newbie like me so appreciates your insights! 💫🎉 Thank you! May we all bring Joy to others and shine all the way in our own unique style! 🌟🙏💕 @azann @happyorganics @dezchic @fashionanyone @sfconway
Dec 08Reply
morgue6feet @lbarbaria Great blog to read.
Dec 08Reply
incognito13 @vance289 hi Elle, don't feel you have to share back...I just like spreading the news around that you're co-hosting :)
Dec 08Reply
grayasparagus @incognito13 Thank you! You are so sweet!
Dec 08Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @secretmarvels ! Comments like that make me keep blogging :)
Dec 08Reply
grayasparagus Thanks for recommending @morgue6feet ! XOXO
Dec 08Reply
jkdressler Great post! Did u share multiple items per closet or just one, as they came up on your feed? Did you focus on those who seemed to be online currently (meaning they shared their own listing so you know they were on)? I always have that dilemma about what pays off more!
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jkdressler Thank you! I do all of what you said! It's really just everything on my newsfeed, but sometimes a listing will catch my eye so I check out their closet and share or I recognize a posher that I may not have shared in a while... I don't keep track of who shares back especially like right now when I am sharing at 5am! Most times people will share back- later in the day and that helps my closet get shared when I can't.
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jkdressler ... and of course I have my personal share list that I share from (you are on it, of course) so typically every few days if you notice me sharing 15-20 of your items- I am using my list :)
Dec 09Reply
i_cravebargains Hey @vance289 I love you new listings. I meant to tell you yesterday. :-)
Dec 09Reply
happyorganics 😊❤️ @jysabuda Another amazing posher with great tips!
Dec 09Reply
jysabuda @vance289 how long did it take you to post so many items? I'm struggling with getting it over 150. I'm overwhelmed now because I have so much stuff that stacked up so high that I just want to throw in the towel. I need some motivation 😭😬 can't sell if I don't list!!
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jysabuda Hi! I have been on Posh for about 1.5 years so it has been over that period of time! I have it down to a science but it can still take a while. What I would recommend is putting your LIKE items together (tops, pants, bags etc) and do it one category at a time. I have started to make a list of measurements, materials, condition. From there I take photos, and then I list last.
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jysabuda Also, make goals,only do 10-20 pieces at a time and chip away at it that way. If you try to do all at one- you will get burned out!
Dec 09Reply
jysabuda @happyorganics thanks for recommending. I'm amazed by all these Poshers who can list over 500 items. Makes me feel like, I will never get there. Doing this business is like having a full time job. Hoping that I'm not going to give up up continue on. Did many MLM and just given up but I'm thinking this is different. Thank you for you advice and support...I really need it!
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jysabuda It's so much better than an MLM! Please don't get discouraged... it can take a lot of work and this time of the year can be difficult but get stuff listed and share, share, SHARE and you will have success!
Dec 09Reply
happyorganics @jysabuda Don't give up! Poshmark is amazing and the beauty of it is you can go at any pace that makes you the most comfortable. Everyone here is so supportive. Your listings will rack up as you go and keep in mind the sold listings are included in the total as well as informative posts. I am still learning as well, but I will always be here to help you or find answers to questions you have. :)
Dec 09Reply
jysabuda @vance289 love reading your insightful blog. I'm very new to this. I created an account last year but haven't been active until this year October. Wondering if you could answer some of my question as an experienced Posher. 1. Should I list all my closet items? Should I be more selective? 2. Can you make serious money on here? What does it take? 3. How can I know what items are most popular and most wanted? 4. Is it worth selling brand new items at retail prices on here?
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jysabuda Thanks! Well, what do you mean by "all" of your closet items? Some ladies DO make a lot- but I do not know how much profit they make. You do have to dedicate a lot of time and energy to make it profitable from my experience. As far as the New Retail, I do not sell that type- it's not my thing. I may in the future but I do not have experience now.
Dec 09Reply
grayasparagus @jysabuda You have to find your niche that you enjoy. You can determine what brands are popular through experience and also check out the brand showrooms- Posh showcases popular brands.
Dec 09Reply
jkdressler Good to know!! I really love your posts because you take the time to think about the strategies that work!
Dec 09Reply
charmcity 💕 Great to see your blog featured on Poshmark! 😍
Dec 11Reply
grayasparagus @charmcity thank you!!! It's like Santa came early!
Dec 11Reply
alreid79 💟 I saw you featured in posh blog, a picture You Instagram. Super fun👏🏻👍🏻
Dec 21Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 what??? Really!? Going to look now...
Dec 21Reply
alreid79 Did you see it? I saw it in my email, and noticed your name with the Instagram pic
Dec 21Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 yes! I saw in the email.... But didn't see anything in their blog
Dec 21Reply
alreid79 Ya I didn't read the whole blog. But congrats nonetheless! They liked what you did 👏🏻. I want to Instagram a pic of my favorite purchase, I saw that is there new contest.
Dec 21Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 did they announce a new one in that email?
Dec 21Reply
alreid79 Under the pictures it talks about now until end of December. #poshfind your fave purchase
Dec 21Reply
voguewolf Hey girl you have a beautiful closet! I'm so sorry to bother you but I've always dreamed of becoming a fashion & beauty blogger & I finally decided to start my own website, it's please if you have any advice, want to help me by sharing my blog or just want to keep up with it, it would mean the world to me. Thank you for your time, doll ❤️
Dec 21Reply
grayasparagus Hi @fahimxx thank you so much! The best advice I could give is to find a mentor or service that can advise you on how to reach your goals with your blog! I do not blog about fashion and just use it mainly to offer advice about PoshMark :) you already have site so you are already on your way! good luck and thanks for checking it out!!
Dec 21Reply
grayasparagus @lalalacy12 here is the site... if you type "hosting" in the search on the blog it will pop up or the link is under the Q & A tab
Jan 03Reply
lovelacy Wow!! So much great information. I'm currently binge reading all of it. Thanks so much!!!
Jan 03Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @lalalacy12!
Jan 03Reply
grayasparagus @nikle714 @kornbread11 I wanted to share this with you too (not sure if you both have hosted before) 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 look up a couple of comments and I explain to @lalalacy12 how to find my blog post outlining my last hosting experience, if you are interested!
Jan 03Reply
nikle714 Oh wow! I didn't realize this was you! I actually found your blog when I started on Posh in March. You've always had amazing info!!! Thank you!
Jan 03Reply
grayasparagus @nikle714 oh cool!! Thanks!!
Jan 03Reply
kornbread11 Thank you so much doll 😘
Jan 03Reply
chloejoy15 Love your blog so much. Thanks for the shares! ❤️
Jan 03Reply
grayasparagus @omgitsjayyy thank you spamming for saying that! Hearing that it helps really motivates me to write more! Xoxo
Jan 03Reply
lizziebell610 I'm am completely obsessed with Posh! I just spent some quality time reading your blog.... :) So awesome! And so glad I found it! Great information for a new Posher.
Jan 04Reply
kedybee8 I didn't know this was your blog! I've read through the posts and they're great! I was wondering whose it was.
Jan 04Reply
grayasparagus @shopaholic907 here it is! The web address is above👍🏼
Jan 05Reply
arigrldesigns @vance289 HNY🎉Elle🙌🏼❄️Lovin' your new additions👍🏼 wishing you lots of happy sales with many return customers hee hee😁Take good care💋xo
Jan 05Reply
grayasparagus @pmgr22 THANK YOU!!!!
Jan 05Reply
jzuniga Super cute blog! Read a few articles and over them :)
Jan 06Reply
jzuniga *loved
Jan 06Reply
grayasparagus @jzuniga thank you so much!!! I appreciate you coming by and saying that 😘
Jan 06Reply
allieberry I;m so happy I found your blog! gonna start reading now.. be back in a couple hours :D
Jan 07Reply
grayasparagus @allieberry thank you so much! I read your comment on the blog- your closet looks fantastic! Keep doing what you are doing and you should do great!! Xoxo
Jan 07Reply
touchofgrey @oneluv918 this is a great blog, you should check it out.❤️
Jan 10Reply
tudie11 Only blog I read. LOVE it!
Jan 13Reply
grayasparagus @tudie11 Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say
Jan 13Reply
kb2008 Awesome--let me tag some fave newbies!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼☺️👍🏼💕💌~ Kristen
Jan 15Reply
lovelacy Just read your post about getting flagged. You have the best info. Double checking my closet now. I love, love your blog!
Jan 16Reply
grayasparagus @lalalacy12 thank you!!! I'm sure your fine bc you didn't get "flagged" before hosting 👍🏼😀
Jan 16Reply
yellowhawkrings Are you in Instagram too
Jan 17Reply
grayasparagus @jmc1978 yes! I am @ theGrayAsparagus
Jan 17Reply
yellowhawkrings Ok I'll look you up now😃 I'm jmc1978trendy
Jan 17Reply
yellowhawkrings I was already following you! Lol😘 I just followed everybody that was on poshmark!!!!! Thank you.... For following me 💞💞
Jan 17Reply
yellowhawkrings Thank you for your generous amount of shares that is very kind of you🤗💞💞💞💕💕❤️
Jan 17Reply
grayasparagus @jmc1978 no thank you!
Jan 17Reply
yellowhawkrings My pleasure, I enjoy sharing a beautiful closet! I'm doing virtual windowshopping as I'm sharing.....😉
Jan 17Reply
grayasparagus Thanks @janismarie I appreciate that!!
Jan 19Reply
shoplittlebird This is a very good blog post! Extremely helpful. Thank you!
Jan 20Reply
alreid79 🎀 Just read the new post...Love!! Amazing tips, as usual. I wish it was daylight NOw!! 😂☀️
Jan 20Reply
grayasparagus Thank you for reading @disnejanes !
Jan 20Reply
grayasparagus @alreid79 Thank you my friend! Been meaning to write that one for a while now
Jan 20Reply
nythrift @vance289 you should start 100k + share group. It would be for Postmark elite that has 100k+ followers and everyone will strive to get in. Sharing 10 items/first 10 signed up/100k + followers. Can you imagine the exposure.:) All the little boys and girls will dream to be part of "top 10" club. Only half way kidding.:)
Jan 21Reply
the_cedar_chest I recently followed your blog & love it 💕
Feb 09Reply
grayasparagus Thank you SO much @the_cedar_chest !
Feb 09Reply
smchop Just read your new post- ♡'d it!
Feb 12Reply
grayasparagus @smchop thank you!! Did you agree or disagree?
Feb 12Reply
smchop So....Is room for everyone and everything on Posh? (well, "compliant" everything ;) ) I agree with you that yes, there is. Things will sift as most things in life do and those of us who still fit, will stay in whatever niche we've carved out. ♡♡♡ the basic premise of women empowering one another and have found it to be exclusive to Posh, & true. ♡♡ Blog on!♡♡♡
Feb 12Reply
grayasparagus @smchop 👍👍👍👍👍
Feb 12Reply
erikagannon love love love it!!! as always!!!
Feb 12Reply
erikagannon I'll be by to weigh in too...good discussion!!!
Feb 12Reply
teaca Going to read now love your blogs by the way😉
Feb 18Reply
grayasparagus Thank you @teaca !!!
Feb 18Reply
teaca You're welcome 😉 Happy Thursday
Feb 18Reply
grayasparagus @lemonlollie head on over! It's up now😄👍
Feb 18Reply
bohembebe Nice 👌🏽💕 I like how you did that... Notified, and I will read. Your way of blogging is unique. Fun. And refreshing. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Feb 18Reply
grayasparagus @bohembebe Thank you so much! I really enjoy writing it and hope that comes across!
Feb 18Reply
arigrldesigns @agentgirly✨👌🏼
Feb 18Reply
sunrisepickers @nythrift Just happened to see your idea about the 100K share group. That is a GREAT idea. Do you know if there is one like that on here?
Feb 18Reply

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