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Updated Jan 06
Updated Jan 06

📠Reasonable Offer Calculator📠 please no copying!

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Confused about the term "reasonable offer?" Not sure what's reasonable versus what's a slap in the face? Not sure how to calculate percentages? if you answered yes to any of those questions, you've come to the right listing! Please refer to the table in the cover shot and the comments below, to predict my reaction to your offer. Please note that if your offer is less than red, I will email Posh to complain about you. 😁 An automatic discount is applied to bundles in my closet for greater savings
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gretchen42 If you're in the green chances are good that I'll accept. Yellow, I'll probably counter, might accept if the item's been up a while. Orange-I'll decline & if I'm hungover or off my meds, I'll block you too. Red-Definite block, possible snarky remark & sharing the offer with my PFFs who will join me in ridiculing & mocking.
Apr 02Reply
mommy2007 @gretchen42 I love it, I think if they read the rules or refer to the listing it would work, in my case 30% off is already red zone. But in my opinion I price to low already.
Apr 02Reply
gretchen42 @mommy2007 I agree about your prices!
Apr 02Reply
gretchen42 I have a cat on my lap and he hit enter before I was ready. There are amazing deals in your closet!
Apr 02Reply
roxys_treasures @gretchen42 ❤️It Gretchen! 👍 Only trouble is people don't seem to know how to read!
Apr 02Reply
azthreadz This is probably one of the best things I've seen yet + the awesome description lol! 😂👏👏👏
Apr 08Reply
elajoydesigns Ok @gretchen42 so I was totally justified being ticked at the $35 offer for my $80 item! This chart rocks 👍
Apr 10Reply
gretchen42 @lexiburk In the interest of keeping us from wasting each other's time, please take a look at the above chart before submitting any more offers. If 20% off won't work for you, then there's no reason to submit any more offers. The item you want is Kate Spade, NWT, very cute, has a lot of likes and hasn't been up for long. Thanks!
Apr 14Reply
gretchen42 @lexiburk I fail to see how I was anything but polite, you however, have not extended the same courtesy. Maybe you'll find something to suit your needs and budget at a thrift store or yard sale. Best of luck to you!
Apr 14Reply
emory1975 @gretchen42, love this!! Which more people thought about their offer before submitting!!
Jun 13Reply
emory1975 @gretchen42, lol, meant wish not which
Jun 13Reply
anna1011 @gretchen42 I left a comment saying I was totally stealing this and asking if you objected. And I came back and noticed it didn't post. So. I totally stole it I love it and the description and it's just fab. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 it should be passed around like a posh newsletter or something.
Jun 14Reply
gretchen42 @anna1011 I'm flattered, but I have to tell you that having this up in my closet has unfortunately not kept the low ball offers away. Good luck! 🍀
Jun 14Reply
gretchen42 Thank you @nyreecox 😁😘
Jun 14Reply
anna1011 @gretchen42 that's why it needs to be distributed in a posh newsletter or something. Make it standard practice! All we can do is try and be the change we want to be in the world...and until then there's wine cookies and ice cream 🍪🍨🍷🍸🍹🍫🍦
Jun 14Reply
gretchen42 @anna1011 Or Posh could upgrade the app to include the feature that another on-line selling site that I don't use, promote or endorse, that I won't mention but rhymes with teefay, that allows sellers to set a min amount for an acceptable offer & if an offer under that amount is made, it is automatically & instantly rejected, with a message saying why. I've emailed in this suggestion many times & gotten the robot reply that it's been forwarded to the appropriate party. Maybe someday..
Jun 15Reply
anna1011 @gretchen42 that would just be wonderful 😻 I'll add that to the list of emails I send to companies when I've had too many glasses of wine and cookies don't solve my problem.
Jun 15Reply
gretchen42 @anna1011 I have a very similar coping mechanism. Mine is wine and pound cake. :-)
Jun 15Reply
anna1011 @gretchen42 cookies cake ice cream... All produce similar results. But thanks to these low ballers I can't afford cake they never put that on sale so I have to make do with these super fab cookies the grocery store has been putting on sale lately... And the $5 bottles of wine. Maybe they have to low ball because they buy the $15 good stuff?
Jun 15Reply
gretchen42 @nomada Hi! Thank you for the compliment. I just made this one to replace the one that's been copied so many times. There are several closets above that probably have the old one in it. Please feel free to use that one! I'd like to have one that's unique to my closet since it was my idea originally. Thanks!
Sep 28Reply
gretchen42 @nomada - you're welcome! I truly appreciate you asking and understanding. :-)
Sep 29Reply
gretchen42 @nomada awwwww.......thank you 😁😘
Sep 29Reply
gretchen42 @nomada @anna1011 has the version that everyone is copying in her closet. 😃
Oct 01Reply
anna1011 I'm going to drink my coffee and hope we've started a revolution 👯
Oct 01Reply
anna1011 Also. I'm having a garage sale this weekend. Would it be weird if I printed the chart and taped it everywhere?
Oct 01Reply
gretchen42 I just added screen shots from Facebook of a thread where this was discussed on September 25 and a PFF states that she thought it was mine. Also, if you look at the prior comments on this thread, and the dates, you'll see that this has been up since April. I recreated it after the date of the FB thread because that's when I realized how many people were stealing my work.
Nov 09Reply
gretchen42 No one who has the chart in picture 2 had it before April 1.
Nov 09Reply
gretchen42 Again, not attacking anyone, just stating the truth and asking that the copying stop, please. Thank you.
Nov 09Reply
relovedresale This is awesome! Do you really report 50% offers? Is there any "consequences" because I get a lot! Thanks!
Dec 16Reply
gretchen42 @myclosetcleanup yes and no on reporting them. If I get more than 2 low ball offers from the same person in a short amount of time, I report them for harassment. I also block them. There appear to be no consequences from Posh for low balling.
Dec 16Reply
doodie4 @gretchen42 Am really enjoying reading these comments! Too funny!! You have a great closet, btw!!
Jan 13Reply
gretchen42 @doodie4 Thank you!
Jan 13Reply
doodie4 @gretchen42 This is the best chart I've seen so far - I love the faces on it too!! I agree with @anna1011 that this should be standard practice and/or distributed WIDELY. I know what you mean when you say that it won't stop all of the lowball offers, though.
Jan 13Reply
jackiez8 I love this, so you mind if I copy?
Jan 21Reply
gretchen42 @jackiez8 here's a link to one of the MANY copies that dozens of people ripped off without asking me or giving me credit. It's pretty much the same, just doesn't have my name on it. Please feel free to use this version. Thanks!
Jan 21Reply
bthomas10591 @gretchen42 . Do you mind if I repost?
Feb 06Reply
doodie4 @gretchen42 I have been re-reading the comments here. I love the idea of a minimum amount for an offer!
Feb 10Reply
lexcarpenter @gretchen42 I love this! It is so irritating when people make offers below 50% off, I get that all the time. So frustrating especially when most things in my closet are under $50. Thank you for making this!!
May 19Reply
mylegacy I'm new to Poshmark and I've just had my first lowball offer that was 40% of my asking price, which was already 30% of the original retail price on NWOT Jimmy Choo shoes. I was irritated, but honestly a little hurt too. I admire your chart and was hoping that I might post it in my closet with appropriate attribution to you as the creator? Again, thank you for your creation and hopefully it will be viewed as helpful by all. Best regards,
Jun 24Reply
gretchen42 @mylegacy Thanks so much for asking! You're welcome to use the chart in picture 2 since 1/2 of Posh already copied that one without asking me first. I can tell you that it doesn't keep the lowballers from doing what they do though, which is why it's at the bottom of my closet. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to not even respond. I don't counter, or even decline when it's that bad. They usually never come back if you just ignore them. Good luck!
Jun 24Reply
mylegacy Thank you Gretchen. I'm a lawyer by trade, so I would never dream of copying another's original created work without proper attribution and I understand your dissappointment. However, based upon what your experience has been, I will take your advice. Ignoring works with inappropriate comments from family, so perhaps it is the best response. You are a helpful Posh mentor! All my best,
Jun 24Reply
gretchen42 @mylegacy You're welcome! Thanks for the kind words.
Jun 24Reply
gretchen42 @hb85 Certainly! Thank you for asking first and happy poshing!
Jul 07Reply
heathers3stars Hello Gretchen!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating such wonderful tool. I did a bit of searching after I got a $6 offer on a $35 item, to see if anybody else was having that kind of problem and this posting of yours says it all!! I love the chart so much, I created a similar one with a few minor modifications. As it was YOUR idea, I'd love to get your blessing to post it! :-)
Feb 12Reply
heathers3stars I will of course credit you the idea!! :-) I'll include a link back go this page too. I'll tag you on the listing in just a few so you can look it over :-) THANK YOU!!!!!
Feb 12Reply
gretchen42 @heathers3stars I see that it's already up in your closet. Best of luck with it. I didn't find that it reduced the number of insultingly low offers so I buried it in my closet. I hope it works better for you.
Feb 13Reply
heathers3stars @gretchen42 You're so kind to share!! Too bad it hasn't worked very well - I agree with some of the comments above that Posh should do something about this. Like a MINIMUM of 50%, at least...anyway, you did look over the listing and everything looks good to you? I wanted to be sure you got the credit you deserved - this was a GREAT idea!!
Feb 13Reply
heathers3stars @gretchen42 I'm Heather by the way, and I'd like to do something nice for you in return - so if there's ever anything I can do for you to help you out, just let me know!! I'll of course share!!
Feb 13Reply
heathers3stars @gretchen42 But if anything I have catches your eye, I'll definitely lower it for you as much as I can to break even, and I have all sizes. Some of the things of mine that have been listed for over a year, I'd be happy to GIVE to you if there's anything you see - especially if it's light I can just pop it in a first class package with some stamps :-) LMK as you are so sweet and kind to share your hard work like this!! Cheers, Heather
Feb 13Reply
blueb1rds Q fr a fairly new posher with a slooo closet. That is ok, like building a business. I have rcvd offers, but this chart validated my jaw dropping reaction last nite before I was headed to bed. So do we report those who make those 50% offers on our already 60% marked down? I countered her, but expect nothing... I haven't figured out how to block these people. Also... can I use this chart in my closet? It has happened a few times and it may drive me back to E- B__, but I like the class of this site
Feb 20Reply
gretchen42 @blueb1rds Reporting them does no good. Posh will still email you with the word YAY in the subject line every time you get a lowball offer. Yes, you can use this chart in your closet but I can tell you for a fact it will do no good. You just have to set a tone of quality and a standard of behavior in your closet.
Feb 21Reply
gretchen42 You'll get lowball offers no matter what you do. The only thing you can control is your reaction to them. I choose to counter with whatever feels good at the time. I'm lucky. I don't need the money badly enough to think about it very hard. If I was trying to make rent, maybe things would be different. To thine own self be true, here on Posh and everywhere else, and it'll all be OK. :-) Happy Poshing.
Feb 21Reply
blueb1rds @gretchen42 Thank you. I appreciate your insight and time. Have a good week!
Feb 21Reply
brandyzzle @gretchen42 re: “allows sellers to set a minimum amount,” I emailed Posh about that too!! 😄😄 Maybe if enough of us do it it’ll get implemented lolol. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Dec 08Reply
brandyzzle @gretchen42 Lmao “Posh will send you an email with the word “Yay” in the subject” 😂😂 You are so right, makes it sting even more when you see how low it is! I love your salt level on this topic. 😆💕 No BS zone.
Dec 08Reply
alexistexas33 This actually made me laugh - loved this chart.
Dec 18Reply
dior1017 love it ! Can I share/repost ?
Feb 24Reply
gretchen42 @dior1017 Sure. It doesn't work though. Heifers on here will still lowball the shit out of your listings. But good luck and happy poshing. :-D
Feb 24Reply
gretchen42 @lctreasures87 If it's any consolation, it's not just you. Everyone I know on here is getting lowballed constantly.
Feb 27Reply
asiananthro @gretchen42 Hi, I saw your chart on Google. I'd love to use it with giving credit to your username. If I have your permission to use, please let me know. Thank you and happy Poshing!
Apr 05Reply
gretchen42 @asiananthro sure. Happy Poshing.
Apr 05Reply

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