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mynahshine This is also very near and dear to my heart! I would like to share the link to your closet to my FB page as I know my family and friends support this as well!
Apr 08Reply
richera137 @deforrest5 That is fine! & thanks for your support.. A special needs Mom works extra hard. It has been a ruff road but I have meet some amazing people & she has exceptional teachers and school. xoxo
Apr 10Reply
nanookmom @richera137 I want to say it was truly a pleasure meeting you today 😘. I hope we'll keep in touch, and I look forward to sharing your closet. Take care beautiful girl 💞💞🌹
Apr 11Reply
richera137 @nanookmom likewise It was a pleasure! Xo
Apr 11Reply
richera137 @nanookmom darling please tag me in the awesome share groups we spoke of! Thanks for your wisdom again
Apr 11Reply
nanookmom @richera137 👍done 😘
Apr 11Reply
vik_rod Hi @richera137 I'm a proud mom as well. 😊 this month I've been lighting it up blue on Poshmark. I've been sharing as many blue items as I can to help spread awareness. 💙🌀💙🌀
Apr 25Reply
mrsdimples3 May the Lord continue to keep you and your daughter in Jesus Name
Apr 30Reply
richera137 @mrsdimples3 Thank you for your kind words xo
Apr 30Reply
khattie Yes us autism mamas are truly out to the test. Everything we do is ultimately for or child! People don't understand why sometimes I take 4 days to ship. How do you explain your kid had a meltdown the last three times at the post office, or we had yet another 2 hour drive to Duke for a specialist visit. Our lives revolve around our babies! Everything else is secondary 💛 it's the sacrifice and blessing of being their mom.
May 08Reply
richera137 @khattie got that right! My daughter is verbal now, but still has issue. Thanks God for her school.
May 08Reply
cureautismforc I would love to talk to you. My little boy, the love of my life has autism and I'll be opening my closet for him. I have leukemia so I'm working up to getting started. I have insomnia often so I should be asleep! You are the first mom I've found who is using the autism awareness ribbon as an icon like I am. I really hope we can talk😊💙🙏❣Diana
May 13Reply
richera137 @cureautismforc HI sure ask me anything. I am fundraising now for my daughters school which uses music therapy. Hope today's a good day for you. How old is your son?
May 13Reply
awaywardmermaid @richera137 My daughter is in the spectrum as well & my heart & prayers go out to you🙏💕 We have invested in therapies for over 10 years now. Early intervention does wonders!! Will definitely share some PM love👠👗👛
Jun 24Reply
awaywardmermaid @richera137 Oh BTW, no need to return the share😇
Jun 24Reply
richera137 @kasohio Much love back to you! xoxo yes it has & music therapy seems to be helping alot!!
Jun 24Reply
awaywardmermaid @richera137 My dear friend is a music therapist & I so agree! It's underestimated as a true & viable therapy ☹️ I hope you have access to many resources where you are. The autism scholarship helps a lot! We even had to sue our local school system to provide the resources she needed. stay strong, stay positive & stick with those who are as well. 💕
Jun 24Reply
richera137 @kasohio awe! You are so sweet. Yes she goes to a Jewish semi private therapeutic nursery & my aunt is a special education prosecutors here in NY. Thank you so much for your kindness xoxo
Jun 24Reply
unique24 @richera137, I am a mom to a son that has autism and I understand the struggle. Hang in there!
Jul 06Reply
richera137 @unique24 Thank you doll! xoxox Same to you
Jul 06Reply
unique24 @richera137, thank you and Happy Poshing!
Jul 06Reply
matadora1978 hey richera darling! i hope your doing well! love how your closet looks...gorgeous!!! :) xoxo
Jul 08Reply
richera137 @matadora1978 hi beautiful! I am well, hot as a tamale lmao! How are you doll?
Jul 08Reply
matadora1978 burning up girl!! but doing well :) @richera137
Jul 08Reply
bmalone336 I love that you're doing this. May God bless your efforts and your sweet child.
Jul 22Reply
richera137 @bmalone336 ♡♡ thank you so much! Xo
Jul 22Reply
xclusiveflair May God Bless you and your baby abundantly.
Aug 26Reply
myselftime God Bless you and your special pumpkin along with all the other moms who have kids that have Autism too. My only blood nephew has Autism and he is also developmentally delayed. I love that boy to death and would not trade him for the world. But anyway sending prayers n hugs to all the moms and kids who have Autism. Love you guys. 😊
Aug 31Reply
richera137 @myselftime how sweet! Thank you & blessings to you, your family & your nephew ♡♡♡
Aug 31Reply
retrouvailles @richera137 @vik_rod I, too, am mom to a son with autism. He's now 15 & we have entered a new chapter in our journey. This has been a particularly tough week as we made the gut-wrenching decision to place him in a small group home nearby, pending our "fight" with the district to get him into the residential treatment program he needs!...
Sep 01Reply
retrouvailles @richera137 @vik_rod ...Given 12 years of experience in this arena, I have LOTS of wisdom to share, should you ever wish to ask a question or just talk. Best wishes to you and your precious daughter!! 💕Ali Z 💕
Sep 01Reply
chrisp2015 My daughter is autistic, as pie, and almost 21. Can't get a grasp on her behavior and we tried college with accommodations , but she is a tricky chick, lolol. Voc rehab is next week. I'll share what I can , wishicould buys one thing just for you and your struggle, but I'm struggling on here , andstayhomewithmygirl. Glws
Sep 14Reply
richera137 @chrisp2015 Have you ever tried holy basil. My daughter is doing a lot better, She goes to an amazing theraputic nursery.
Sep 14Reply
chrisp2015 No i ba5ve struggled with her, but she's had counselors teachers aids constant help. I had no idea, until I had to do it myself. The school kinda misled. Me Yes she does well, being monitored, but now its all on me. I'm lost ,frustrated , and scared So I need to get help
Sep 15Reply
jennbryan2011 ❤️❤️My daughter has autism. She is 10. Keep doing what you are doing. You are doing great. Much love. ❤️❤️
Sep 15Reply
richera137 @milkandsugar Amen! It is definitely a sisterhood of love & understanding of our special angels ♡♡♡
Sep 22Reply
snokitti_31 @richera137 thank you for sharing my closet. Someone reached out and told me she found it through you. Many blessing💞
Sep 25Reply
joleneberg great cause...@Bsharp2016 @Carolinacatohio @Anissa_Annika @AjsTreasure @ClearlyCorbie @E_amommy @Ashn85 @Brees_tribe @Badams87 @Caitlint83 @Curblynn @Neveahscloset @iam_dami @Dawn520 @Dwerner13 @Blue2u @Aires6489 @Peachikeens @ime81hdz @iceychips @Bbgboutique @1socalmom @Jennybg @Sunnystorm4 (hannahs.littlefinds) @Jessbohr @Elliesthreads @Jdelso12 @Beautyblvd @Joleneberg @Familymorrow @Mountainwriter @Katiebarth @Klhorrocks
Oct 17Reply
warrior04 @richera137 Good evening, I too have two children on the spectrum. An 11 year old boy and an 8 year old daughter who both have PDDNOS and PDD and LRD and GDD. My 13 year old twin boys both were delayed as well. When my 4 children were all in diapers it was hard for me to take everyone to their therapies but it is all worth it because these special children have us to guide them through their journeys with much love and patience. Thank you for being such a giving parent.
Oct 17Reply
janimack7 Wonderful cause! Bless you, RICHERA❣️ 🙏🏼💞😊😘 Please read, great closet for a great cause! Thanks for the tag, Tiffany❣ 💞@mrsmadariaga
Oct 17Reply
richera137 @warrior04 Wow! What a super woman you are. It is ruff. She is doing great, still having sensory issues. Her school helps so much. I am pregnant now so kinda hard to move around. Bless you & all your angels ♡♡♡♡
Oct 17Reply
richera137 @janimack7 thank you ♡♡ Same to you xo
Oct 17Reply
janimack7 💞💜💞
Oct 18Reply
julesrn07 I love this! Both of my boys have autism. We began with early intervention as soon as we noticed delays with each of them. I am an RN, but left my career in order to be home for the intense therapy as well as the "you never know what the school day may bring". I feel like I'm always on call. I use my funds from here to but the next size up for them as well as my little girl. Sometimes a treat for me too! Shopping in public is nearly impossible with all three anyway.
Nov 19Reply
richera137 @julesrn07 Bless your heart & all your kids. I can, so relate ♡♡♡♡
Nov 19Reply
kristenbrooke55 Same here! Raising lots of money through Posh for Autism treatments and programs! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Jan 06Reply
musemax Beautiful closet! Beautiful cause!
Jan 10Reply
musemax So nice to see that you advocate for your daughter!
Jan 10Reply
richera137 @musemax thank you! Xo ♡
Jan 10Reply
mercurymom Your closet is awesome but not as awesome as ur daughter, I'm sure. My son has autism and just turned 17. Time flies. Hold her close and never grow weary! You're doing an great job! 👏🏻
Jan 16Reply
richera137 @mercurymom Awe thanks! Blessings to you and your son ♡♡
Jan 16Reply
alijay2 Bless you all and yes we're the super moms of the world i totally understand and yes thank god for some of the schools who are able to be so helpful to our children my son is finally starting to speak and say words as well. I support autism awareness very much we do the walk every year in our city.
Jan 20Reply
nochillj That's amazing god bless!!
Jan 22Reply
dandilion44 ❤❤❤
Feb 03Reply
mildredisaac I have a 12 year old daughter with autism. Our children are amazing. Keep strong, keep the faith. God will continue to provide and give you strength.
Feb 06Reply
richera137 @mildredisaac thank you! And yes they are precious & what an awesome GOD we serve! ♡
Feb 06Reply
mildredisaac Amen my sister!
Feb 06Reply
triciatx @richera137 ♥️💛💙💚♥️
Feb 07Reply
dandos you are an amazing mom for doing this. I too am a mother of a child with Autism and i will support the cause anyway i can. my thoughts and love go out to you and your little angle. blessings to you both <3
Feb 15Reply
tpmom @richera137 A thrift store near me called Andy's Yard Sale takes donations and all $ goes to autism. Guess where the unlisted D &B bags went on Friday ?
Feb 28Reply
richera137 @tpmom wow! Smh Thanks for your support
Feb 28Reply
cali_gal @richera137 Such a passion of mine..... you are a courageous woman! 🌺
Mar 07Reply
mandateter Omg my daughter has chromosome deletion and autism! Always so nice to meet another mom who has the heart of gold!!! This is new to me so I'm learning as I go. She is 3 and is full of life!! 💙💜💚
Mar 08Reply
richera137 @mandateter bless you & you angel. I have a DS baby & Autistic 4yr old. It is ruff, I am here if you have any questions or help. ♡♡♡♡
Mar 08Reply
mandateter @richera137 thank u that makes me fell so good!!!!
Mar 08Reply
kieranicole3 @richera137 very very true!! I am a mom to a handsome little boy named Riley who is 6.5 and was diagnosed on the spectrum as hard as it has been watching him be challenged with things that come so simple to others it has brought so many amazing people into our lives! Positive thoughts and prayers for you and your daughter.
Mar 10Reply
richera137 @truenonoelle22 How precious ♡♡ And thank you for God's work that you do with our special angels, that means the world to mom's like myself. Bless you xo ♡♡
Mar 15Reply
mama_magnolia God bless you & your daughter. 🙏😊💕
Mar 16Reply
nia1113 @richera137 Keep up the good work!! 👍💕👍 @rmccouture Another closet with a great cause!! I know from experience, it's not easy having kids with extra needs (the paperwork, meetings at school trying to get them support, doctors appointments, occupational therapy weekly, activities to get them into the community..) Not that anyone said raising kids at all is supposed to be an easy job!! Wouldn't trade my boys for anything or anyone!💕🌍💖 Luv,Nia XOXOXO
Mar 23Reply
richera137 @nia1113 you know the fight! Thanks for the love, understanding ♡♡♡ xo
Mar 23Reply
falalarn My son has Autism as well. He is 14 and as you know with this diagnosis comes learned patience and struggle. God Bless our children, their caretakers and especially Moms and Dads. Have a great day !!!
Mar 27Reply
corilynn84 As a fellow part with a child on the spectrum i salute you!
Mar 31Reply
hhatchett1 I have a son that's autistic too!! Power of the autism momas
Apr 06Reply
richera137 @hhatchett1 amen ♡♡ Blessings to you & your son!
Apr 06Reply
thumper73 I'm an Autism Mom too. Both my 15-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son are autistic. Not an easy road to navigate, especially being a single parent and working full time, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I think what you're doing is great and I'll share share share! We Moms need to stick together 😊 💕
Apr 15Reply
richera137 @thumper73 ♡♡♡♡ God bless you & your family! Yes we are a special kinda WONDER WOMAN XO
Apr 15Reply
thumper73 @richera137 🌸❤️🌸
Apr 15Reply
goldenqu33n52 @richera137 god bless your little angel, I help kids who are on the spectrum. Your an amazing person with all the stuff you go through.
Jun 05Reply
richera137 @goldenqu33n52 thank you for all that you do. I also have a trisomy 21 infant! My life is hectic but loved.
Jun 05Reply
goldenqu33n52 @richera137 awww thank you. Your closet is gorgeous btw!!💕💕
Jun 05Reply
sammy @richera137 awww. Sweety. That must be difficult. U are doing a wonderful thing for your baby. God bless.
Jul 11Reply
sammy @richera137 can I make a donation anywhere to help?
Jul 11Reply
shopmyclosetfl @richera137 LOVE your closet, and now I know why...good mom, good heart and LOTS of love. I wish my cause were less selfish for my closet, but mine is for myself to help make income after having cancer. I applaud you for being a mom AND fighting the fight on many fronts. Sending much Posh love. and MAD respect.
Aug 05Reply
richera137 @jaxgal1 thank you my love! It's a fight I was born for ♡♡♡.
Aug 05Reply
mrsmadariaga Aww so sweet!! I'm an Autism Coach for my district and help train others how to work with students on the spectrum. Sending special 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕💕 blessing your way 😘
Aug 08Reply
richera137 @mrsmadariaga thank you ♡♡♡♡ xoxo Bless your heart for all that you do. I have a DS 7months old also. Super busy life, I have.
Aug 08Reply
mrsmadariaga Oh wow! Yes you are a busy lady but I'm sure you were only given those angels because of all the love you have inside. Wishing your family all the best abs good luck with your posh party tomorrow!! I hope it brings you tons of exposure and sales ❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉💰💰💰💰
Aug 08Reply
jessb422 Such a great mama!!!!! You have an amazing closet and use your earnings for an amazing cause! I teacher autistic support and I love it beyond words. I'm sure your daughter is such a special angel!
Aug 08Reply
mandykakes @richera137 I support you!!! My heart is filled with joy and goes out to you ❤️ while I'm not yet a mom and can't understand the depths of your day today, I am a school psychologist and support you 💯 percent! Thank you for sharing with our amazing posh community. You are amazing 💁💞💛
Aug 08Reply
sweetrebelfashn SO sweet. I've known tons of Autistic babies and they are all sweeties. What a sweet mom you are! xoxo
Aug 08Reply
milian100 My son is autistic and I'm a single father. Not only Moms now... lol. Hope your pumpkin grows to be an amazing person as I'm sure she will be. They're truly special. Congrats on your PoshMark it's very posh! ; )
Aug 09Reply
casescloset HAPPY POSH PARTY✨✨ please check my closet out for some great host picks💕💕 Have SO much fun and HAPPY POSHING
Aug 09Reply
thefashionloft I'm with you! My 13 year old son is on the spectrum. He is such an amazing boy whose beautiful mind works in a very different way than other kids. Unfortunately he was getting bullied at his old school but we switched him to another school. The kids at his new school are great. They celebrate his uniqueness and he's doing so much better. I wish you and your angel the best!!! 😘😘😘
Aug 17Reply
charitypoole Also very dear to my heart. All my sales go to purchase a therapy iPad for my autistic daughter! Go momma!
Aug 31Reply
adduncan123 Autism mom here too 😍
Sep 01Reply
tipsyunicorn This pulled on my heart strings. I'm a paraeducator in a special needs classroom. Much love and strength to you ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 02Reply
richera137 @adduncan123 ♡♡♡♡ xoxo God bless
Sep 02Reply
richera137 @tipsyunicorn ♡♡♡ we appreciate all that you do! Xo thank you
Sep 02Reply
gaylenknack How awesome are you! 🤗
Sep 08Reply
tnt4569 @awaywardmermaid Wow I’m sorry to intrude into the conversation but I have been struggling through out my sons entire time in school from kindergarten until 11th grade. Nobody wanted to help and they just kept pushing him from one school to the other. Now he is in SLC class and seems to be doing well but they’re still not much support. I am in Houston Texas I’m not sure where you ladies are from. Im so glad you got the help you needed 😊♥️🌈💙🌈😊🌈♥️🌈💙🌈
Oct 03Reply
awaywardmermaid @tnt4569 No worries at al! So sorry for your struggles as well. We had to sue our school system. It's a shame that we have to advocate constantly for our kids. It is rewarding though & I focus on people, like you, who are positive supporters 🦋💕
Oct 03Reply
richera137 @awaywardmermaid Special needs mama's are the true Lioness! I may have to sue my school system also & get a voucher for a private school more in tailed to my daughters needs!
Oct 03Reply
tnt4569 @awaywardmermaid It is people like you and all of the other supporters that restored my faith in humanity. Thank you to you and everyone else helps to give our children a voice 💙🌈♥️😊😃💕🌺🌻🌈
Oct 03Reply
malin22 Hi from another autism Mom! 😘
Oct 25Reply
michelleuhl 💙💙💙I have an Aspie at home. Stay strong mama💙💙💙
Nov 26Reply
a5hi3y Autism momma here as well! ❤️
Dec 01Reply
rosebisou5 @richera137 Hey, Richera... I’m Saundra. I saw this and just had to say something. My son, Christian is Autistic. He’s 10 now. Still non-verbal but he’s starting to communicate with a PECS book. And it’s amazing. He’s finally getting ABA therapy. That’s what’s working. (It’s so expensive.) He’s improving! So grateful!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 It’s so nice to meet another Autism Mom.
Jan 08Reply
richera137 @rosebisou5 ♡♡♡ Hi 😙 God bless you & your family xo
Jan 08Reply
hodaya hi There please check out to my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. I do offer designer items, reasonable offers, bundle discounts and next day shipping , and free gifts with a minimum purchase of $45 on 🌸shoes and clothes🌸all gifts are marked with a bow. 😍
Jan 22Reply
eternallavender ❤️❤️ same here we have autistic twins and everything I do everyday of my life is for them ❤️❤️
Mar 09Reply
richera137 @eternallavender God bless you all! xoxo
Mar 22Reply
hauteluxtrend Hi fellow Posher! 😊 Just wanted to stop by and send some Poshlove. Happy Sales!💕💕💕💕💕💕
May 13Reply
cookiedodie Hi,my grandson has autism hes 7yrs non verbal but omg hes the love of my life..
Jun 09Reply
cookiedodie And i love,love that painting
Jun 09Reply
richera137 @cookiedodie God bless you & your family! I love the painting also ♡♡
Jun 10Reply
stacnjoe Gorgeous closet! I wish you many sales for the support of your family and cause. Autism effects so many lives and so many of us profoundly.. Thank you for what you do!
Sep 23Reply
richera137 @kcskatium Thank you so much for your business & kind words. It is needed more than you know! God Bless :) xo
Jan 25Reply
oughttobehaute @richera137 I cannot wait to meet you. My housemate teaches highschool teens w/ Autism. Im travelling between LA, here Summerlin Kakes, NV, and san francisco where i bought my home. I lost my LA home in divorce, though i paid, corrupt system. I have so many photograohets/friebds in NY, i will come when im able! Went to FIDM, but loved FIT!
Mar 30Reply
richera137 @oughttobehaute Great would love to meet also. Are you going to come?
Mar 30Reply
eholder Hi! I'm Elizabeth. Just moved back to NYC after a 12 year LA hiatus. Would love to come meet everyone in NYC! Please let me know how I can help.
Apr 01Reply
richera137 @eholder Hi Elizabeth :) Welcome back! Would be great to meet you also, just your presence is enough! We have a great group of Pff's & lots of fun. Tickets are in the link above. Look forward seeing you there!
Apr 01Reply
richera137 @fromrunwaywlove Would be great to meet you! This will be a great time with Pff's :)
Apr 04Reply
eternallavender I’m a fellow autism mom to twins 😀 I love that design of the mom with the tattoo above is that an item in your closet by chance for purchase?
Apr 04Reply
richera137 @eternallavender I wish! I just felt it deeply as a mom of a special angel ♡♡
Apr 04Reply
richera137 @colincade Would be so great to meet you! You would have a ball. Limited tickets available :) Come Party in Manhattan
Apr 15Reply
poshpro_megan HI! I may pilgrimage up to see you guys! i live in Philly.. Did you just decide to have this or do you work with Posh to have a posh and sip. I am thinking about hosting one locally. thanks so much darlin!
Apr 16Reply
richera137 @megs_markdowns We do them frequently. We have some great Pff's that are coming from Philly also. I can link you with them at the event & maybe you guys can do a collaboration in the future :) Ticket link in my Bio
Apr 16Reply
poshpro_megan @richera137 awesome!! Thank you!
Apr 16Reply
richera137 @curatornyc Come netowrk party & have Posh Fun!
Apr 16Reply
richera137 @cnptreasures read above! All moms like us :)
Aug 22Reply
eholder Yahoo! Cannot wait to meet you tonight! Elizabeth
Aug 22Reply
richera137 @eholder likewise ♡♡♡
Aug 22Reply
joanieonie So awesome...sorry I missed it. I'll be sure to take a train in for her next one! I hear love was in the air...a posh exciting!
Aug 23Reply
richera137 @goldenqu33n52 I am Running a Giveaway for Special Needs Moms of Poshmark on ig closet12812. Stop by and Nominate. 💕🙏
Dec 21Reply
richera137 @mrsmadariaga Hello Friend! I am Running a #payitforward for Special Needs Moms of Poshmark on ig closet12812. Stop by and Nominate if you can, thanks! 🎁🙏
Dec 21Reply
richera137 @julesrn07 Happy Holidays! I am running a #payitforward Giveaway for Special Needs Moms of Poshmark on ig closet12812. Stop by and Nominate 🎁🙏
Dec 21Reply
designer_bagzzz Hope your weekend is fun
Jan 16Reply
clarathiel 🥳Congrats on hosting today's posh party! 🌿✨ I would really appreciate if you considered my closet for a host pick! 🌸 I have a variety of NWT and EUC items from LL Bean, Vera Bradley, Madewell, & more! thanks for the consideration! 💞
Jan 31Reply
richera137 If you would Please tag my NYE Live Show announcement.I sure humbly would appreciate it. I hope you can attend as well! Thank you Happy New Year @schalkat @motherskiss @thedealmama @blossominthesky @blondieforkeeps @teebaby1975 @steflosco @myfurryfamily @amandataylor @shoplinabtq @lovethesale76 @fabwun79 @katjoA @nay0315 @mrsmadariaga
Dec 30Reply
blondieforkeeps Yes please tag me
Dec 30Reply
lipslovecharm I am a special needs mom and a proud austism aunt 💙💙💙
Feb 05Reply
richera137 @lipslovecharm God Bless you and your family. I also work with other Special Needs Mom to make sure our school is inclusive 🩷🩷
Feb 05Reply
lipslovecharm @richera137 God bless you!!!
Feb 05Reply

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