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Updated Apr 19
Updated Apr 19





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💜💜💜 thank you for reading the whole thing i know its long! but i felt it was all necessary to say! :))
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streitkaty wanted to thank you guys again for being some of my first customers! i probably should have posted this note sooner but didnt expect my posh closet to take off like it has! i tagged you guys mostly so you would be able to read the first part about my packages/shipping just fyi. thanks again so much for the purchases and much love! hope to posh with you again soon! 💜🤗
Jan 29Reply
streitkaty and thank you guys so much for the great ratings and love notes! i cant thank you enough for helping me support myself 💜💜💜
Jan 29Reply
sopoline1 Thank you sharing.. love knowing I am supporting a fellow animal lover!
Jan 30Reply
lilyannemarsch I do the same thing with packages!! I reuse the boxes I receive from buying things online, I'm also vegan and I'm actually in the process of building my own tiny house!! If you have any tips please let me know!! And what's your Pinterest I would love to check it out! Designing it is a lot more stressful that I thought😂 btw It's always great to see others spreading Veganism!! Keep doing what your doing girl
Feb 01Reply
streitkaty @lilyannemarsch omg so cool!!! ahhhh i love my TH. would love to see yours when its done! if you go to my “about” page on here my pinterest should be linked there and the board is called “my diy tiny house” theres a floor plan on the before board to help you get your bearings on whats what on the after pics! lmk if that doesnt work lol :)) love finding fellow vegans!!!
Feb 01Reply
upnorthuglies Ahh I love this and it made me follow you. I wish more people put this kind of care into their packaging and paid attention to their waste!
Feb 01Reply
streitkaty @kelseyocello omg this is so sweet thank you so much!! makes it all so worth it! girl i KNOW 😅😭😫i think about how much wasted packing materials just from this app alone get thrown out in just one day or one week and it gets me so sad lol
Feb 01Reply
abbbs318 I reuse everything! I don’t get why people want flashy packaging 🤷🏼‍♀️ it all serves the same purpose! ❤️❤️ awesome post!
Feb 02Reply
streitkaty @abbbs318 yassssss exactly! you get it! lol thanks so much 💜💜💜
Feb 02Reply
theglamourforum Hi! I am 100% interested in the kylie Valentine’s Day palette, can you let me know how much you’re charging and if so can I buy it right away?
Feb 02Reply
streitkaty @aslomowitz hi love! im so sorry but i have no idea of the price yet, it depends on how many others like it are listed on posh when i get mine!! thank you so much 🤗🤗
Feb 02Reply
streitkaty i try to keep my preorders fair that way, but if you make an offer on that post for the palette with your highest offer price now, i may accept!
Feb 02Reply
witte1hl I also reuse packaging as well ❤️
Feb 05Reply
kkgirly547 I will probably ship that kylie pallete to you day after tomorrow. Gotta work today and tomorrow and probably won't have time. Enjoy !
Mar 07Reply
streitkaty @kkgirly547 thank you so much sounds good! :))
Mar 07Reply
lauriecore Love all this!! 💚 Hello fellow vegan posher!
Mar 15Reply
mamamiiaxo Hi! I’m so glad you loved the palette and I am so so sorry for the packaging mishap the USPS I went to did not have any bubble wraps on hand and I stupidly thought the envelopes would be enough! 🙄 anyway I appreciate your feedback and if you are still interested in the other palette I have then I can give you a discount on it and cover full cost of shipping. Let me know. Thanks!
Apr 10Reply
mamamiiaxo Oh and I promise to ship it out better! Lol
Apr 10Reply
streitkaty @mamamiiaxo hey sweet girl! omg thank you so so much.... i totally understand! i have had people ship palettes to me just thrown into a plastic bag with NO padding or any wrapping of any kind at all and they somehow arrived fine- i was shocked!!! i dont mind to press it back in as i understand things take a beating in shipping and you def cant control that, but i just wanted to tell you bc other ppl might not be as understanding if they arent as experienced with posh!!
Apr 10Reply
streitkaty that is sooo kind of you and i would love that! how sweet! il bundle it now and you can send the discount and free shipping whenever youd like 💜🤗thanks so so much again!!! v excited for this!
Apr 10Reply
mamamiiaxo Haha that is just my luck that it would arrive like that! 🤣 I have no experience with shipping makeup so I guess I’m still learning but now I know what not to do lol. Great! I’ll send you the offer now and it’s no problem at all just want to make things right and thanks again for the feedback I always appreciate honesty
Apr 10Reply
streitkaty @mamamiiaxo hahahah i know right? i have the worst luck sometimes. i had to get used to shipping makeup too and now i probably overpack and overpad things but i guess thats okay too hahah and okay thank you again so much! i really appreciate this and am very excited. i really appreciate the great deal and willingness to make things right! 🤗💜🥰hope your day is awesome! thanks again!
Apr 10Reply
mamamiiaxo @streitkaty 🤣🤣 definitely better to overpack! No problem! Thanks for your purchase it will be overpacked and shipped out tomorrow lol
Apr 10Reply
mamamiiaxo So so glad you go the item and everything turned out great! Thank you so much for updating your review and rating and thank you for your kind words. I hope you enjoy. Thank you
Apr 16Reply
streitkaty @mamamiiaxo youre so welcome and thank YOU for a great transaction! now i have two of the kris palettes so i will never run out lol i love the shades in it . thanks again!!! :) take care!!
Apr 16Reply
morganoubre Thanks for your purchase!!! I will take your shorts monday morning to the post office!!
Apr 21Reply
streitkaty @morganoubre thank you so much! so excited for them :))
Apr 22Reply
meg_closet @streitkaty I love this. I’m glad that you are taking steps to make the environment a better place!! Also, feel free to check out my closet and make an offer:) I also do the same with my packaging😃
Jun 05Reply

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