Meet your Posher, Jamie
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Hi! I'm Jamie. Some of my favorite brands are Gucci, kate spade, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

24 others
like this

Hi Jamie! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Linda and my closet is @ollyposh. Poshmark is a lot of fun and you are going to love it. If you are selling, sharing is important. it is the best way to bring attention to your closet by sharing items from your closet and if you are buying remember to like or bundle more than one item to get a better offer and to pay one shipping charge. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!!! Take care and Happy Poshing
Apr 09Reply

Hi Jamie would you like a private offer? No pressure. Sylvia💕😊
May 21Reply

@aruba1313 Sure
May 21Reply

May 21Reply

Hi Jamie will get your items out first thing tomorrow. Have a nice evening .Thanks Sylvia😊💕
May 21Reply

@aruba1313 Thank you, am exited to wear them soon.
May 21Reply

They are beautiful colours. I am sure you will like them. Take care.😊
May 21Reply

Hi Jamie I am so sorry I have looked high and low for one of the light blue earrings .
Not sure where am they are . I can replace them with a different blue just as nice or better. Or we can adjust the price it’s up to you. This has never happened before. I will wait for a response . So sorry thanks Sylvia
May 22Reply

Hi Jamie I have a red pair stunning if that would work.
May 22Reply

It’s me again as a replacement due to my loss with another earring I would add bonus extra earrings 925 silver . Thanks
May 22Reply

Hi Sylvia, The red and an extra pair sounds good if you can't find the light blue.
May 22Reply

I mean the other blue and the red, that is . I didn't see your messages until now, hopefully you can still ship them today?
May 22Reply

Hi Jamie will send you a pair of red stones instead plus will add something else due unable to locate the blue one. 💕🙏☺️😊
May 22Reply

That sounds fair, Thanks Sylvia.
May 22Reply

Hi Jamie your package is on its way. Stay Safe. Thanks Sylvia
May 22Reply

Hi Jamie will have your items out in the morning. Thanks Have a great evening.😊💕💕Sylvia
May 27Reply

Hi Jamie just took your package to the PostOffice. Stay well . Thanks Sylvia💕😊
May 27Reply

Hi Jamie I see you have received your package. Hope you enjoy your items and thanks so much.Sylvia😊💕
May 28Reply

Hi Jamie I am so happy you love your items. Thank you for your kind words and rating. Enjoy have a lovely weekend and thank you so much. Stay Safe Sylvia💕💕
May 28Reply

Hi Jamie thanks for your kind words and rating. Stay Safe. Thanks Again. Sylvia
Jun 03Reply

@jnickel1965 Hello there ! I see you liked a few of my listing. Please let me know if you would like to purchase, I can give you a great deal if you would like to purchase multiple items! ❤️
Jul 15Reply

Hey! Would love to give you a great deal on a bundle if you are interested in the blanket & converse shorts!
Jul 20Reply

@vintagehalifax ok, am going out now but will continue looking through your closet and add other likes to my bundle when I get home tonight.
Jul 20Reply

@jnickel1965 Okay amazing! Thanks so much!
Jul 20Reply

Hey! See you liked quite a bit haha I'm doing a bit of a clear out here before some new inventory comes in so if you want to get a bit I'll do an amazing deal!
Jul 21Reply

Hi Jamie ! Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking so many items ! If you’re interested in making a purchase , I’ll gladly make you an offer 😊
Jul 22Reply

@jnickel1965 Hello there ! I see you have liked a few of my listings. If you are interested in purchasing please create a bundle and I can offer you a great deal! 😃
Jul 23Reply

Hi Jamie, thank you for your likes in my closet❤️If you bundle 3 or more items, you would receive a 15% discount plus discounted shipping at $9.99. Let me know if you have any questions and Happy Poshing!🥰
Jul 27Reply

Hi Jamie,
Thank you for visiting my closet.I just sent you an offer on your bundle,plus I added one free Bonus Gift item that you liked.
Please feel free to as ask me any questions or add more items to bundle for a Fantastic Deal.
Kindest Regards,
Sunshinegirl333/The Posh Fairy 🧚♀️🦋😊🌸🌺
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for your purchase Jamie! It would be shipped today.
Jul 28Reply

Hi Jamie, I sent you a bundle offer on the 2 items you liked, let me know what you think, thanks 🙏
Jul 28Reply

Hi Jamie thanks for your bundle offer $175 is as low as I can go. Kate spade purse cross body $225 free shipping as I can add to your bundle otherwise I loose money after pm 20%
Jul 29Reply

Hi Jamie, hard to make offers when I am driving around🙃I just sent you a bottom line offer of $211 and free shipping on the light Blue Cross Body Wellesley Purse. If you want to accept, then I could pack with your bundle in the morning. Thanks, again.I am home now.🥰
Jul 29Reply

That is a great offer, thanks but am going to pass on it for now, [I already bought something else]. I will keep my eye on it and your closet in the future though. I really do love it and would love to own it.
Jul 29Reply

@jnickel1965 Hello sweetheart 🤗 thank you for your bundle purchase 🥰and all your likes in my closet... just shipped your package 📦 enjoy opening it up! Please come visit my closet again soon ... night night love 💗
Jul 30Reply

Hi Jamie,
Thank you very much for your purchases.😊
I just wanted to let you know that I have shipped your order it should start tracking within the next 24-48 hours depending on post office schedule on Saturday.Your tracking number is: 1026 1679 9893 6294 .
Have a Great Weekend!
Kindest Regards,
Sunshinegirl333/The Posh Fairy😊🦋🌸🌺
Jul 31Reply

Hi Jamie, I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Feel free to contact me with any questions, accepting reasonable offers 🙂🛍
Aug 01Reply

Hey Jamie!
Just wanted to let you know I brought all your items to my local post office earlier today. With the long weekend it had been closed. Looking forward to you getting the shipment!!
Aug 04Reply

Hi Jamie, just checking in with you to see if you have opened your bundle yet? Tracking shows delivered so wanted to be sure you are happy with your purchases.Thanks, Aleita🥰
Aug 05Reply

Thank you for the 5 Star rating, Jamie🥰
Aug 05Reply

You're welcome, sorry for the delay accepting, was out of town and didn't get a chance earlier. Thanks for the lovely items.🥰
Aug 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💫
Aug 05Reply

Thanks for sharing the Posh Love 😍 I add new items to my closet often so please pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Aug 08Reply

@alice_stella hi you had a like to my bag you could put an offer thanks
Aug 09Reply

Hi Jamie, thank you for shopping my closet and your ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐rating, it means a lot to me. Hope you love your purchases. Take care and Happy poshing 💕💕💕
Aug 10Reply

Hi Jamie, you bought the Gucci loafers from me and I just realized I didn’t send the box with them !! The box was in storage so I forgot about it. I hope that’s ok ! Otherwise let me know if you want to return them. Have a great day:)
Aug 11Reply

@ananass Hi, I really need the box. They were going to be a gift for my daughter in law. She doesn't own any Gucci and wanted to surprise her.
Aug 11Reply

@jmjpluscanada I can post the box in another listing (5$) and ship it to you, does that work?
Aug 11Reply

I guess so , as long as I don't have to pay any extra shipping etc.
But I can't accept the shoes until the box gets here also.
Aug 11Reply

Thank you for the shares! Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply

hey, so theres a little issue with your bundle..i cant find the breacelet. i tjink my lil noece mqy have took it. i dont have another the same but ive got many very similar. if your okay with takinf another style ill add another one in for free for the trouble. ill post pics in an hour or 2 when im home. im just waiting for poshmark to send me a label for ovetsized shipping, but it should be very soon so i can get it sent out this afternoon. again, sorry about this
Aug 11Reply

@burnando I would take the kate spade
Alice in wonderland case instead. if that's easier?
Aug 11Reply

@jmjpluscanada yeah thats fine. thanks
Aug 11Reply

@jmjpluscanada Hi Jamie, I have just posted the GUCCI box + dust bag. Send me an offer and I will give you the free shipping option!
Sorry again !
Aug 11Reply

Hi Jamie
Thanks for your purchase! I will pack it and ship it today 💕
Aug 12Reply

hiya Jamie!!! very very excited to send you a package again... thank you so much for purchasing!!! ❤️❤️❤️btw I have the travis Scott nugget pillow, I just didn't list it since it's too big an heavy to ship via Poshmark... let me know if you're interested in it!
Aug 12Reply

@irisfainberg Ya, That'd me great, If you told me how much it weighs, and the measurements, I could find out how much it would cost to ship. I have a Canada post account.
Aug 12Reply

@jmjpluscanada so sorry about answering so late! just got back from work, I'll measure and weigh it asap and give you the results. my husband is asking 250 for it but if you'll be paying shipping I'll definitely sell it for 200 ❤️
Aug 13Reply

That's not a problem, I just got home myself. 200 sounds good.
Aug 13Reply

Thanks for 5 stars 🌟…. Hope you like it 😊
Aug 14Reply

hey, glad you like youre bundle, and thanks very much for the nice words! take care
Aug 17Reply

hey girl!! thanks so much for the great rating and I'm so happy you love the shoes 💕
Aug 17Reply

Thanks for all of the shares!
Aug 18Reply

@must_hav Thank you as well🥰
Aug 18Reply

Hi! Thank you kindly for following & sharing. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
Aug 21Reply

Hello😊 happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🤗if you see something you like you can always send me an offer💐and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask❤️thank you🌹
Aug 22Reply

Hi, thanks for accepting my offer for the KL Cat Tote. In the listing it says I can also get a Kate Spade free add-on. Can I get the Kate Spade Solar Calculator with the yellow dots or you will provide me choices? Thanks.
Aug 26Reply

@ilove888 Hi thanks for your purchase. The ad says that if you bought at the regular price, but I gave you a huge price discount, so unfortunately it doesn't apply to your purchase. I have already shipped your package also but I did include a couple free gifts with it.
I will sell you the calculator at a reduced price of $28 and $9.99 shipping if you would like to purchase it though?
Aug 26Reply

@jmjpluscanada That's ok. Thanks the same :)
Aug 26Reply

@ilove888 Welcome, sorry but if you ever order from me again, and the calculator is still available, I will add it to your bundle for free.
Aug 26Reply

Hey thanks for your purchase! Every thing on my closet is on sale for you in bundles, just shoot offer thanks :)
Aug 28Reply

@curated_garms Ok thanks, I will take another look. I guess I should have offered lower lol
Aug 28Reply

@jmjpluscanada lol yeah :) the Chrome hearts I’m pretty firm on, but most of the items in bundles will have a good discount
Aug 28Reply

@curated_garms I understand about the CH, seems like a good deal still, thank you
Aug 28Reply

thanks Jamie :) any color is great.
Aug 29Reply

Thank you so much for the likes! Feel free to make a bundle for a great deal! I also accept offers! Happy Poshing :)
Sep 01Reply

Thank you so much for sending me a offer! i just sent you a counter offer! I hope we can agree on a price :)
Sep 01Reply

Hi Jamie, I live in Calgary too. I could give you a much better deal in person? Thanks and have a great night!😘
Sep 07Reply

Hello Jamie, welcome to Poshmark,the best place to sell or buy from many listings.Happy Poshing 😊👖👙👗👠🩱👢👞🧥👚🥼🧶🥿🍀
Sep 27Reply

Hi there! Just dropping by and I have a few items from my closet that may interest you! Feel free to send an offer or ask any questions. Happy poshing 🛍!
Sep 27Reply

Hi Jamie, thanks for your purchase. Will try to ship it out tomorrow, but I can’t promise since I still have to find a box to fit the Leafs blanket. I noticed you are in Calgary. Are you not a Calgary Flames fan?😂
Oct 02Reply

@sweet_closet68 Lol, no not a fan.🤣
Thanks, i am in no rush, am looking forward to receiving my items though🥰
Oct 02Reply

@jmjpluscanada Hi Jamie, found a box to fit the blanket so I’ll ship it out tomorrow.
Oct 03Reply

Check out my closet!
Clearing everything out cheap! Lots of amazing stuff, mostly new and like new!
Lets make a deal!
✅ Top Rated Seller
✅ Fast Shipper
✅ Quality items
Oct 05Reply

Hi there,
I just ordered the tea cups & saucers ($200+shipping). Just wondering if you can cancel the rest, because I only needed 6tea cups & 6 saucers (for $100 instead)
Many thanks!
Oct 07Reply

@lestudio ok, no problem, I will cancel your order. I have created a new listing for just the cups and saucers, you just have to purchase it.
Oct 07Reply

Hi there,
For some reason the order I was canceled earlier ($200 & I reordered $100 for 6cups & 6sausers) it wasn’t cancel in my purchase & it looks like it’s still waiting. Would you please make sure it was canceled. Thanks!
Oct 15Reply

@jmjpluscanada Hi there, For some reason the order I was canceled earlier ($200 & I reordered $100 for 6cups & 6sausers) it wasn’t cancel in my purchase & it looks like it’s still waiting. Would you please make sure it was canceled (if you look back on October 7th, you will remember) Thanks!
Oct 15Reply

Hi Jamie, Thank you for the purchases 🙂 I've shipped out your items, you should get them fairly soon as I live in BC. Thanks again
Nov 13Reply

Hi 🙋 Just dropping by that to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance 😍
Nov 22Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Nov 25Reply

@effibabe for sure 🥰
Nov 25Reply

Thanks for accepting my offer, Jamie! Happy Holidays!! Take care 4 now!!
Dec 17Reply

Thanks for the 5-Star rating! Absolutely LUV the items in ur closet, BTW!! All the best for 2022!!
Dec 30Reply

@514lenab You are very welcome 😊
Thanks for the good deal, I love my items from you ❤
If you ever want anything from my closet, I will give you a great offer.
Dec 30Reply

Love your items
Jan 15Reply

@tammy_johnston Thanks so much. 🥰
Jan 15Reply

@lowrv You are very welcome, I'm so glad she's gone to someone who appreciates her.
Thank you for being a spectacular customer.🥰😀🥰
Jan 31Reply

@ericrugi Thank you as well 🙏 🥰
Feb 14Reply

hi @jmjpluscanada confirming you got your order? Can you accept?
Apr 09Reply

Hey 👋 Jamie, I saw you liked the fabulous Phantom earrings in my kloset, great choice! So I sent you an offer, as they are collectible the price isn’t going down further fyi…. Thanks, let me know.
Apr 24Reply

Hi Jamie, I am looking forward for your other Tiffany postings here. Thanks!
Apr 30Reply

@c_tsang Hi Carmen, I will post some more this weekend. Anything in particular you are interested in?
Apr 30Reply

@jmjpluscanada I am currently looking for 1837 Circle earrings and Paloma Villa earrings. But i am mostly just browsing whatever catch my eyes. Looking forward for your posts this weekend :)
Apr 30Reply

Hello! We are glad you join the Poshmark community. It's fun to shop and sell here. Let us know if you have any questions & we are glad to help. We are Luxury Cheaper, a top-rated seller and specialized on selling designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, CHANEL, Burberry, Prada & many more brands. 10% OFF on your first order on all our items. Check out our closet and we'll check yours. Happy Poshing 🥰🥰💖💖💖
May 06Reply

@jmjpluscanada Hi. Would you please consider my offer of $30 for the two fruit cushions? If so, please drop the price so I can take advantage of Posh's reduced shipping cost. Please let me know before your drop it, if you accept my offer. Thank you.
May 09Reply

@fabfamfashions Hi, yes I could drop to 30.
May 09Reply

@jmjpluscanada That's fantastic. Thanks so Much! I've been searching for these two cushions to go with my orange one since last summer.
May 09Reply

@fabfamfashions That's great, I'm glad I could help you out. I will ship them to you today.
May 09Reply

🛍 🛒 Hi there. I offer new Customers 15% off their first purchase, when you bundle 2 or more items. Discounted shipping, depending on purchases. Happy to answer questions. Thanks!! Linda 🌟
Jul 05Reply

Hi My Names Jason
I’ m new to Poshmark
I’m having a MEGA SALE!!
My Whole Closet Store
50% OFF the Prices Listed
Make bundle and I’ll adjust to 50% Off Total
Please come check out my Closet
Rare Collectibles Autographs,
Vintage Toys, Sports, Celebrities
and So much More!!
Feb 08Reply

thanks for sharing lol :)
May 22Reply

@toughskill86 You're welcome, I always return shares, eventually...
I see you are new, so welcome to Poshmark.
If you ever have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
I'm a Posh Ambassador and am glad to help.
May 22Reply

Hi Jamie
Welcome all Poshers. Thank you for the visit ☺️ This closet contains my personal items. When you shop, you’ll automatically receive my closet discount of 15% if you buy 2 items or more. I also encourage anyone to make offers to me. All reasonable ones will be considered. So don’t be shy. If not, when you like an item ❤️, I will send you an initial offer. If accepted, please reply. If not, pls send a counter offer. I’m sure we come to an agreement together. Thanks so ☺️
Oct 29Reply

Good morning Jamie, thanks for sharing my listing, that's nice of you. let me know if you are interested in making an offer, I promise to give you best discount I can! Happy Monday :)
Feb 05Reply

Hey Jamie, hope your day is good ….. i was wondering if you would send me ur best offer possible with a shipping discount ☺️🙏🏼👍🏼
Sep 27Reply

@katrinaallin Hi, it's Closet Clear Out Today, and if I lower the price to $23, Poshmark will cover part of the shipping.
I will do it now. The shipping should be 6.99
Sep 27Reply

@jmjpluscanada thats great hun, i dont wanna be you grateful 🥰😜, but you had offered me $21 before 🤔
Sep 27Reply

Let me know if thats possible? 🥰🙏🏼 pls and ty
Sep 27Reply

I decided not to loose it for a couple of bucks lol 😜👍🏼…… can’t wait ❤️ tu so very much Jamie
Sep 27Reply

@katrinaallin Sorry, I just saw your message.
Thank you for your purchase, though. I will ship it to you today.
Sep 27Reply

@katrinaallin You're welcome, thank you 😊 🥰
Sep 27Reply

Woohooo ur the best!!! Ty hun
Sep 27Reply

are you able to give receipts.
Sep 30Reply

@kristinas470 I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking?
Sep 30Reply

Thanks for accepting!! 🙏🏻😃
Nov 07Reply

@hughgio69 You're welcome. I will ship that out to you today. Thank you for your offer and purchase.
Nov 07Reply
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