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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

Meet your Posher, SusansEatInChicken

Meet the Posher



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New to Poshmark? Use my code when you create a new account and you’ll receive $15 🇨🇦/$10 🇺🇸 credit CA 🇨🇦 SUSANSEATINCHIC USA 🇺🇸 SUSANEATINCHICU I also have clothing closets @CharlotteBeare 🇨🇦 & @CharlotteBeareu 🇺🇸
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reginaalicia Thanks for sharing my listing! ❤️ 💙 💜 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🍾 🥂 🎉 WISHING YOU & YOUR FAMILY ALL THE BESTBIN 2024!! 🍾 🥂 🎉
Jan 01Reply
cynduf88 Hi Welcome to Poshmark. This is a wonderful community where you can shop, sell, or just browse through so many amazing closets. Please check out my closet. If you see something that you like, make an offer. Happy Poshing!!!!
Jan 05Reply
efrayer55 Welcome to Posh and Happy Shopping!!!🛍️ Check out my closet! Something for everyone! Always offering Buy 2 Get 1 Free of equal or lesser value! Or send me a reasonable offer, and the items are yours!
Jan 13Reply
dshanno Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I am a Posh Ambassador let me know if you have any questions I would be happy to help you. I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy New Year’s ! 😊
Jan 14Reply
parkertina029 Welcome to Poshmark. Let me know if you have any questions
Jan 14Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jan 14Reply
ezfashion1 Hello there! welcome to Poshmark!🌹🤗🙋‍♀️👋I have found this site to be awesome for shopping and selling I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I do. Thanks for Your like,follow, feel free to reach out to me and ask any question you might have , I’ll be gladly to answer I also offer 10% discount on bundles Just add 3 items and more and you’ll save on my listing huge discount then msrp, Wishing you happy holiday’s and good luck for you for the new year coming 2024🎉🤞🌈🌈🛍️🛍️💞💞
Jan 23Reply
effiedattilo Hi, welcome to Poshmark. My name is Effie, been selling and buying here for about a year, sold around 100 items for around $1000 You can do that too, it is pretty easy. I sell a variety of brands, women and mens items. Make an offer if you like anything, so far I have accepted almost every offer. Happy Poshing!
Jan 26Reply
sukimattubrown Thank you for the share🙏
Feb 07Reply
oliviaami Hi @655957f1c3dbeee9a351c1c4 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Feb 14Reply
oliviaami Dear @655957f1c3dbeee9a351c1c4 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Feb 14Reply
littlelulu35 Happy to be the first to welcome you. Thank you for following me and I look forward to seeing what you put in your closet so I can share your treasures with my followers to help get you sales. 😊
Mar 04Reply
mcvintagebauble Hi! I'm MCVintageBauble, a k.a Mary. Come on over to my closet & find some bling for your closet!   Feel free to share the items you like with your followers. Don’t be afraid to use the bundle function to make an offer, or just click the  ❤️ on any item & I’ll send you an offer.  Happy Poshing 😊
Mar 04Reply
funkypineapple Welcome to PoshMark! A place to buy and sell great fashion! A tip for success here is to have many followers. If someone follows you, follow them back. Share your own closet multiple times a day. Sharing items in your closet and items in the closet of followers, gives items more exposure which leads to sales. Sharing and following also helps with buying. Accept packages promptly on the app & leave a note! As Poshmark Ambassadors we will help you if you need any assistance. Mandy & Susie
Apr 07Reply
vtgcovergirl Thank you for sharing from my closet! 😊
Apr 15Reply
americanfullway Thank you for sharing my listing! Happy Poshing !😊
May 09Reply
danabella_92 Hi, I’m Danielle! 💕 Thanks for taking time to look through my closet! I currently have a bundle offer of 10% off 3 or more items. But even if you see 1 item and want to send me an offer, feel free. I’m sure we can work to find a price thats perfect for both of us. 💕
May 17Reply
catsrule242424 Hi, welcome to Poshmark, when time allows please check my closet. I have various sizes and all offers considered...bundling 2 or more items is an additional 20% off...have a great day
Jun 18Reply
salesbygigi Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet where you can find a little bit of everything! 👖📚👗🧸👚👟👞 Happy Poshing! 🌸🙂☮️
Jun 25Reply
shopmycloset365 Thanks for checking out my closet! Right now I’m offering 3 for $25 for all items $15 or less! Create a bundle & I’ll send you an offer! Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jul 03Reply
bevscrafts2013 Thank you!
Aug 11Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks for the follow and for visiting our closet. We wish you Posh success 😍 We've cut our prices to clear some stock, so take a look if you get a chance. We're also accepting reasonable offers. Happy poshing!
Aug 15Reply
imemineyours61 Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my closet where I sell preloved clothing and home decor. Also, check out my hand crafted work: upcycled jeans and skirts, microwave cozies, winter hats, yoga socks, spa kits, enrichment cat and dog toys. We are glad you are part of the Poshmark community.
Aug 15Reply
queenblues4luv Welcome to Poshmark! The best place to buy & sell. Thank you for the share. Checkout my closet and feel free to send me an offer on anything you like. I look forward to poshing with you. Have a beautiful evening & happy poshing.
Aug 21Reply
omarvelasco449 Welcome to Poshmark.
Sep 07Reply
mytimetoletgo Love your closet!💕💕
Sep 16Reply

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