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Updated Apr 29
Updated Apr 29

All things spiffy xP

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Be my paper doll? :D Thanks for stopping by. <3 I am a bit of a fashion lover and I tend to have a wardrobe for 3 or 4 different styles i like to shift between. If you have a tendency for goth, grunge, creepycute, or kinda retro dork casual, then you are in for a one stop shop! As soon as I can get my darn closet updated. ;D Please be aware I have some health issues so please be patient with me if I seem to take a while to get back to you. ^_^ I will not forget your question. Here to serve <3
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terryleecloth Welcome to Poshmark! I’m sure you will love it here. Great deals and awesome people. If you have any questions on buying or selling, let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Jan 13Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following my closet 😊 Let me know if you find something you are interested in
Jan 13Reply
txmav411 Hi! I want to know if you have any dresses and tops that are available for sale but not posted yet.
Oct 13Reply
cannibalerratum @txmav411 Howdy! Right after selling my "test" item to see if Poshmark would even be worth my time, my printer went to the office supply store in the sky, then quarantine happened. T.T So like. Without oversharing, I have just been. Mentally eff'ed. So while I will def be selling in the future, I just haven't posted anything for fear of being a crummy seller who can't get my buyers their stuff in the mail in a timely fashion.
Oct 13Reply
cannibalerratum @txmav411 But like, I actually have sooo many things I washed and stored in a spare closet. So is there any specific brands/items/styles you're on the hunt for? I can always let you know what I have! Even if it's not something that's going to be listed until further notice <3
Oct 13Reply
txmav411 @cannibalerratum Howdy girl! Thank you for your reply! I am not the best seller on here and mainly just buy. I like both dressy styles and dorky type casual styles too! I am all over the place there. I like certain concert tees and love the Metallica one you are wearing. I do prefer form fitting/stretchy clothes that show off my slender figure and very large natural chest size. I appreciate anything you might post and please tag me when you do. :)
Oct 13Reply
girlmeetsbot hi! You asked a question about my invader Zim shirt. While measuring it I noticed it had a small stain and I don't feel right about selling it so I removed the listing immediately. Sorry about the inconvenience, I couldn't figure out any other way to reach you 😊
Oct 19Reply
cannibalerratum @girlmeetsbot aww this works for me. :D thanks for being super nice and letting me know. <3 and I understand! that shirt was possibly too nifty to part with anyhow hahaha. but I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I also try not to sell any thing damaged without being like hey seriously here's a photo of every loose thread. >.<
Oct 19Reply
danaadams23 did you get my messages that I sent to you as a reply to your message earlier? I hope you did and I plan on sending your package right back to you asap, hopefully tomorrow,if we don't get this snow and ice storm that's coming our way!!! Thanks for letting me know about it getting sent back to me because I had not checked my mail until I read your message!!!!😉😍😻🌟
Feb 17Reply
danaadams23 hey I made the listing for you!!! Just didn't know if you seen it or not, but I tagged you!!! Thanks!!!
Feb 18Reply
annakmerwin Hello! I have lots of Zumba clothes in my closet. I’d love for you to check it out. I am open to all offers! Have the best day! 💕Anna
Feb 22Reply
thefatraccoon @cannibalerratum you’re a total babe! I’ll have your order out as soon as I can 🦝📦
Feb 26Reply
cannibalerratum @thefatraccoon you're the best raccoon since pocahontas :D
Feb 27Reply
amandadawn815 I'm clad imagine something I am just get started but I just looked at the tag in its Abbey dawn It's like God smalle but its larger I'm sure it's Abbey Dawn
Mar 12Reply
togepi19 Hey! Finally got a chance to check Poshmark today. Saw your offer, but missed it before you cancelled. Let me know if you still want it! Today got away from me. Either way, I hope you're having a great weekend!
May 23Reply
als11162005 Hi :) I have a question 👖
Jun 24Reply
als11162005 @cannibalerratum I think that a long long time ago there were a pair of super pretty tripp nyc pants selling and you left a comment on there, I was really wondering if you managed to buy those beauties? 🖤🥺If you did, would you pls pls pls sell to me? These are my dream pants and I woudl do anything for them
Jun 24Reply
cannibalerratum @als11162005 I did not ever buy any tripp pants through here actually. :o I have bought some dresses and some similar branded skirts and noise. which ones were they, out of curiosity? I do have a pair I'm thinking of listing but since I didn't buy em through here I kinda doubt they're the same ones. :c
Jun 24Reply
als11162005 @cannibalerratum oo ill be so interested in seeing the ones you have! Could you send me a picture on 1n$taGraM? @fairymedressup 💞🥺I’m so excited to see them! What size are they
Jun 24Reply
cannibalerratum @als11162005 sure im not home right now but if you saw the newer lolita street pants they came out with recently those are them. :3 but they're like tag size 26 but really fit anywhere from a 0 to a 3. :3
Jun 24Reply
als11162005 @cannibalerratum do you have any tripp nyc? I’d be interested in buying :)
Jul 14Reply
allurewardrobe_ Hey come check out my new Accessories if you like anything send me a offer and I’ll add a small discount 😁 trying to clean my closet
Jul 29Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on liking dress listing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Be great send your house to love 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Sep 27Reply
radjacketsareus hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝 I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠ fairy grunge🧚‍♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 boho hippie✌ trippy hippie🍄 and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & embellished jackets!🤌 check me out doll!
Sep 27Reply
larag7267 Hi! Feel free to check out my closet and send offers I think I might have some stuff you’ll like!
Oct 15Reply

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Last Active: Feb 13 2022

Cunningham, KY
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Last Active: Feb 13 2022

Cunningham, KY
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