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Updated Aug 11
Updated Aug 11

Back Again!

Meet the Posher



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It’s great to be back! It was very strange to be gone from Posh for so long, but now I’m looking forward to getting a bunch of new listings up and clearing out some old stock, too— donation pile, here I come! I hope everyone else’s summer is going well. Cheers, Kye
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margaritasgifts Welcome to Poshmark 🤗, Enjoy selling by listing and sharing to create followers and buyers. Hope the best for you👏🏼we’re here to support each other👍🏼 Blessings going your way😇🙏
Nov 06Reply
avrilon Looking forward to seeing more vintage items! 👍 Nice closet!! 🥰🌺 And welcome to Poshmark - it’s a lot of fun. 🙂
Nov 22Reply
poshanistatexas Welcome to Poshmark!! You have some wonderful items!! Following you, share often so I can see new items 😁. Thank you for the shares! Wishing you speedy sales!!
Nov 23Reply
silkyjean You have incredible taste and style. Love the way you created your closet and all your photos. 🌻🌻🌻🌻Silkyjean
Jan 10Reply
jeffwhite949 Hey Kye thanks for liking my artwork if you like buffalos I just posted a new painting
Jan 19Reply
winonalisa Very cool stuff!!
Feb 01Reply
whimsicalbeast @winonalisa thank you! I love vintage!
Feb 01Reply
whimsicalbeast @silkyjean oh my gosh, that’s just so sweet! Thank you!
Feb 01Reply
jeffwhite949 Kye you’re welcome but not sure why? Lol
Feb 01Reply
magpiemaven Beautiful photos! Love your delicious snowman.🧟‍♀️❣️❣️
Feb 10Reply
laurenjanet Are you on a farm??? With those little sheep and lambs? (I've been wanting a black-faced sheep for a minute) And your babies are adorable 💕 Annnd that dress is divine ❤️💜💙💛💚
Feb 18Reply
monamal Love your closet! Your pictures are amazing! Love the set up. I pray for great success in your Posh Business!
Feb 19Reply
art_stone Good evening, may the coming day be a great blessing for you. New do, new dress)) new friends! I work as a fashion photographer, and sometimes I have amazing items for sale after my photo-shoots. Please take your time to check my closet! Arthur.
Feb 20Reply
sinsofcyn WOW.....Beautiful 🐑Family & More.. Thanx for Sharing
Apr 23Reply
dina_fiore Hi Kye! Thank you for sharing my closet tonight! It’s always greatly appreciated! I returned the favor! Lucky u got me just before I’m ready to jump into sleep! Lol I see you liked a few items too? If interested in anything bundle it up! I’ll work on a price. Thanks again have a great night!👍😊❤️
Apr 25Reply
disneygurl2u I see that you like my Laurel Burch cats. If you bundle them together, I can send you an offer.
May 05Reply
beth0892 Thank you for sharing several items from my closet. Appreciate. I love your stuff. You have several items I’d love too have but I’m trying to clear out my house not add to it
May 05Reply
whimsicalbeast @beth0892 oh I totally get that! I finally came to peace with it—I’m finding new homes for objects I don’t use anymore, & adopting other things (hopefully fewer) that make my heart go Boom! It’s imperfect, but it’s the best I can do! 😄🤣
May 05Reply
misscindyh I ❤️❤️❤️your closet!!! You have an amazing vintage assortment I know you’ve seen my closet while more of a hodgepodge I like the same. You have also inspired me with regards to many vintage items I had not thought about listing many I’ve donated already! Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a good night stay safe and be well 🙏🙏
May 06Reply
mariasvintage1 I can’t get over your pics ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺🌺
May 10Reply
starzelda7 Hi Kye, Pretty pics! Welcome! Hope you’re having a great time here. Really like your closet, so had to share some for you! 🎉 I’d like to invite you to come by my closet, too. C u soon!✨🤗🌟
May 17Reply
onemorecolor Love your closet!
May 22Reply
myblueeyes Hi! You’ve liked several items from my closet......make a bundle.........I promise you won’t be disappointed in the pricing!!
Jun 17Reply
kona1girl I’ll make you a great deal on all the items you liked in my closet If you want
Jul 01Reply
lilswiftthrift Hello! Thank you for all the shares; so very kind of you 😊 I just had to say, I caught a glimpse of your cooker and refrigerator in one of your listings... They are fantastic! How ever did you find such treasures in working order? I am green with envy 💚
Jul 29Reply
whimsicalbeast @lilswiftthrift you’ll see two different homes in my listings because I manage an AirB&B- the kitchen with the white stove and vintage fridge is the rental (located in Rockland, Maine) & the kitchen with the green O Keefe & Merritt is my kitchen :) As a professional Chef my stove is pretty important to me :) I purchased it from a dealer who specializes in antique stoves in California. They restore the entire thing, from guts to enamel paint to the chrome. It’s an astonishing process.
Jul 29Reply
whimsicalbeast @lilswiftthrift a friend of mine has an old Aga. Oh man, _thats_ a stove!!! I love my girl (Abbigail is her name) (all chefs name their antique stoves) but I think it’s literally impossible to cook something that doesn’t taste amazing on an Aga. I was torn between 3 kinds of stoves when buying, Abbigail won because *double ovens with windows*! 6 burners!! But- if I was going to choose again I might be tempted away from her with my friends farmhouse stove. Don’t tell Abbigail on me, okay?!? LoL
Jul 29Reply
lilswiftthrift @whimsicalbeast Oh, wow! How fun to choose your dream vintage cooker 💓 an Aga would be dreamy, too! And hey! We have something in common; I was a pastry chef/chocolatier for 18 years. I’m a mom/gardener/chicken wrangler now! It’s nice to meet a kindred spirit here on Poshmark! 😆
Jul 29Reply
lovenarf Hi Kyle. I like your pictures. Thanks for liking one of the gowns in my closet. Just want you to know that I do accept fair offers if you’re interested. Have a great day.
Aug 03Reply
lovenarf Oops. I tried to write Kye but Poshmark changes it to Kyle. Sorry about that.
Aug 03Reply
lovenarf Hi Kye just curious if you liked the gown in my closet because you’re interested in owning it or just because you like it. I have been asked to hold it for someone else for two weeks and before I take it off-line, I wanted to know if it was of interest to you for any specific price. Feel free to be honest in your response. I appreciate it greatly. Have a lovely day.
Aug 08Reply
whimsicalbeast @lovenarf I think I just thought it was pretty. Thanks for the heads up.
Aug 08Reply
lovenarf @whimsicalbeast thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it!
Aug 08Reply
missmonas Very nice closet! Get tired of sharing boring stuff!!! Glad you shared mine so I could find you.
Aug 26Reply
whimsicalbeast @missmonas lol that’s a great compliment thank you!!
Aug 26Reply
earnestowl Hi—thank you for sharing my closet. I always love perusing yours as I admire your taste and artistic eye. We share an affinity for aesthetics and Maine. 🌊 🌲
Sep 10Reply
whimsicalbeast @earnestowl cheers! Your closet is a joy to share :D I always find tempting things in it. I love it here, so much. New England is the bomb!
Sep 10Reply
kona1girl Hi there. You’ve liked a few of my scarfs and I’m looking to get rid of them all for a super great price. Are you interested? I have more to list as well.
Oct 04Reply
the_juul_closet Thank you for sharing from my closet! 💜😊
Oct 15Reply
joannie09911 Hi Kye. First, what an incredible closet you have. Noticed you like a couple of items from my closet. In case you might be interested I can give you a good price if you choose to bundle the items. Best of luck on your Poshmark journey and stay well.
Oct 22Reply
absoluttla Hi Kye, Thank you so much for the nice rating- I really like your photos and closet Some of your things really bring back memories ! Have a nice evening!
Nov 02Reply
smg14 Hi! Thank you for your purchase. I’ll be delivering in the am. I was rushed and left out a thank you note, so “thank you so much!” But I did include a small gift. Abundant blessings to you!
Nov 08Reply
kcnow I love YOUR closet Kye. 😃🥳. You have such classy elegant & eclectic taste. You’re a writer ? The photos you take are perfect so you must be a photographer as well ! 😆
Nov 11Reply
whimsicalbeast @kcnow oh you’re _so_ sweet! I’m always really self conscious about my writing. Seriously. I can’t re-read a letter I’ve written or I throw it out lol I used to do some photography, now I just noodle. I’ve actually really learned to enjoy product photos! Overall I’m a typical scattered art chick- I make jewelry and mobiles, I paint and doodle... jack of all trades and all of that! 😘
Nov 11Reply
onegirlforever Hey there!
Nov 13Reply
unclaimed beautiful picture,hope you and yours are well and in good spirits.please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more ( FREE shipping on $25) expires 11/31/20 l also wholesale , purchase any items in this closet priced $19 or less for $5 each with a minimum purchase of $100.
Nov 16Reply
margaret_herz Thank you. was an accident
Nov 18Reply
ashakma Beautiful closet!!
Nov 20Reply
whimsicalbeast @ashakma cheers! Yours too —I’m horrified by how in love with it I am lol
Nov 20Reply
ashakma @whimsicalbeast 😊❤️ if there’s anything you are truly interested in please touch base :)
Nov 20Reply
whimsicalbeast @ashakma I will- that ankle bracelet is me in every way... but only if it’s still there after I’m done paying Afifa’s tuition. I just got the bill and I’ve got sticker shock SO bad! Still, maybe I’ll get lucky :)
Nov 20Reply
ashakma @whimsicalbeast amazing what you do :) wishing you many speedy sales 🌷. The ankle bracelet is a lovely piece. I’m tempted to keep it but I don’t wear much jewelry anymore. I was hoping someone would fall in love with it. Be in touch we can work something out.
Nov 20Reply
eamcostyle I think my cat it two timing me! Your Tuxie looks exactly like mine!😂 Thank you for the shares! I do love your aesthetic!
Dec 08Reply
whimsicalbeast @eamcostyle hahahahaha he _would_ do it, too: Hoomans are his servants. Period. Full stop. 🤣😂😮
Dec 08Reply
whimsicalbeast @eamcostyle I think your stuff is marvy too— every time I go to your closet I find something new to love. Very dangerous place!
Dec 08Reply
caroline_mroz Love your closet/shop! Great items!!
Dec 10Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz oh thank you! I’m trying hard to make it unique ❤️
Dec 10Reply
caroline_mroz @whimsicalbeast your welcome I like your pics!
Dec 10Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz I like your _stuff_! God I could spend a lot of money in your closet!!!
Dec 10Reply
caroline_mroz @whimsicalbeast aw thanks♥️I feel like we are on the same page for sure!!!
Dec 10Reply
whimsicalbeast @billrunion oh thank you that’s so kind! Your comment has started my day just right :D !!
Dec 14Reply
misscindyh I thoroughly enjoyed scrolling through your closet. You have great selection of quality pieces and love the vintage items. We have similar taste Stay safe and well
Dec 15Reply
whimsicalbeast @misscindyh thank you so much! I’m looking forward to getting to know your closet better, too!!
Dec 15Reply
auri322 Thank you for all the likes. If you would like to put a bindle together, I will try to give you a price we can both be happy with. Thanks again. Stay safe.
Dec 15Reply
jenny81138 Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet in for the “likes“ FYI I have tons of other vintage stamps from various countries just wanted to see if there was any interest before listing more, if interested in anything specific let me know. Thanks!
Dec 17Reply
georgie1967 Hello! I hope you love your necklace! Would you please rate me so I can get paid before Xmas? Much appreciated 🎄🎄
Dec 19Reply
whimsicalbeast @georgie1967 hi- we’ve had a monster snowstorm here so there was no delivery, in spite of what the notifications might say. I promise, on Monday when it arrives I’ll take care of business :)
Dec 19Reply
georgie1967 @whimsicalbeast oh no!! Hope everything is ok! 🎄❤️
Dec 19Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 16Reply
caroline_mroz @ebmcdermo @melaniegreycat Hello Elizabeth and Melanie want to introduce you to Kye she has a wonderful closet/shop that I just know you both will love, and she is cool like us LOL :))))
Jan 16Reply
melaniegreycat @caroline_mroz Thanks for sharing this closet Caroline - you're right, it's a fun place to browse! Elizabeth will go nutz ;-) We qualify as a real Posh Posse now 🤠
Jan 16Reply
caroline_mroz @melaniegreycat hahahaha love it ! :))
Jan 16Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz wow thanks for introducing these two closets to me... and me to them! SO great!
Jan 17Reply
caroline_mroz @whimsicalbeast 😊👏🏻🙏🏻🤗
Jan 17Reply
norisb Hi! I just received the platter and I was disappointed as it has black markings on the rim and it is not in nearly a pristine shape as it appears in the pics. I am letting you know this bc I do not want to write a bad review. I would not pay $7 for this item, and I regret spending $27! I am very unhappy!!
Jan 28Reply
whimsicalbeast @norisb hi- I am sorry to hear this. It is especially disappointing in this case since I personally have so many good memories with this piece. I always want my customers to adore what they get from me & hope that they will become a favorite part of their home for many years to come. I try very hard to show any flaws in the photographs & if I failed with this piece then I apologize.
Jan 28Reply
whimsicalbeast @norisb it is possible that after so many years I just stopped noticing the patina of it. Of course, almost all vintage carries some reminders of the passage of time, but I do try very hard to make note of anything out of the ordinary in my listings. I don’t want you miserable- if you wish, please open a case & Posh will decide what to do, which might mean sending it back (I don’t actually know, I’ve never had a case, but I understand they are easy to work with) …
Jan 28Reply
whimsicalbeast @norisb …or, perhaps it will make a good present for another vintage lover in your life? Whatever you decide to do I respect that & want you to come away feeling good about it. Thank you for reaching out to me & I hope we can figure something out to make it better.
Jan 28Reply
caroline_mroz Kye!❤️ I posted a pic on my meet the posher of my wood working skills! I made this out of an old dresser that was in bad shape, well I did take it apart 😬
Feb 09Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz yikes! Look at you go! Color me impressed!
Feb 09Reply
lisa_catlin I found you @caroline_mroz. You have a lovely closet and I love why you Posh! I am sharing you with my followers. 💖
Feb 12Reply
whimsicalbeast @lisa_catlin thank you *so much* your kind words and shares are very appreciated!
Feb 12Reply
caroline_mroz Happy Galentine’s day! Wishing you happiness loves and joy and sales 😁
Feb 14Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Feb 19Reply
allfrockedup Outstanding
Feb 22Reply
gr8fashionfinds You have an amazing closet and I love your cause. Your heart shines through on your postings. May you be blessed with many sales!
Feb 22Reply
lexcray Well, you got me again!! 😆🤣 I have no idea if this will work anywhere as hubby is sleeping and I refuse to wake the sleeping bear sooo darn it, I just gotta buy it as I can't let it go to the donation pile!! Hope I did good here 🙏🙂😉 you know I l💘ve your eye for the cool 😎😉
Mar 03Reply
whimsicalbeast @lexcray LoL awwwwwww!! You goofball! Thank you!
Mar 03Reply
lexcray @whimsicalbeast No dahling, Thank YOU!! See what happens when you can't sleep in Oklahoma?? You start prowling around in the fancy Mainers closet and doggone it, I've gone and done bought it again!!😇🤣🤣🥰
Mar 03Reply
ringthing313 🌸Thanks for all the shares! I slept through the vintage party last night but you had my back 😊💓🌹🌼
Mar 09Reply
sherryzawacki8 love it babies
Mar 13Reply
lexcray You're just the best...🌞🧡🌞🧡
Mar 16Reply
ney7kline Thank you for stopping by and browsing my jewelry collection 💍. While the item that you Like 👍 is still fresh on your mind, I’m accepting all offers. Happy Easter 🐇🐰
Mar 20Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 02Reply
bemrjm Hi there. Tried to respond to your post about cancelling the order and resubmitting. Will you be calling it on your end? I think you can that for a period of time after purchase but I think there’s a time limit. Just want to make sure we coordinate and get it worked out!
Apr 07Reply
vintage_country @whimsicalbeast, Kye, Lovely closet!! Love your choice of displaying your pretty wares. Happy Poshing! Kim 🤗
Apr 25Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing some many of my listings it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
May 02Reply
beclassybebold Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Have an awesome Day!😃♥️
May 03Reply
dorothy_wirth Hello again. Thank you for sharing listings. I really appreciate it Take care......Dorothy 💜
May 04Reply
dorothy_wirth Take you for sharing everyone of my listings again. The turquoise tumbled necklace is stunning and so are a few others. I love your menagerie of animals you have. I am an animal lover too. Have a great day.........Dorothy 💜
May 05Reply
dorothy_wirth I'm sorry you are feeling down! We all have to stick together. There is nothing wrong in taking time for yourself!!!! I miss my grandmother too. I had made that necklace for her. If you are a mom Happy Mother's Day. Best wishes, Dorothy 💜
May 09Reply
dorothy_wirth Dear Kye. WOW you are a wealth of information and inspiration. As a matter of fact the beaded brooch is backed in leather...interesting. I really appreciate your help. We are good Posh friends! I have been busy all day and am now about to do my shares before I pass out.....Dorothy 💜
May 19Reply
dorothy_wirth Thanks for all the shares! sweet dreams....Dorothy 💜
May 26Reply
ariellesdocs Your items are all amazing quality. You have impeccable taste. I will be adding more shortly. Ty for messages.
Jun 28Reply
whimsicalbeast @ariellesdocs oh that’s so sweet, thank you! Enjoy browsing and let me know if you have questions about anything. Im not online a ton right now (summer is a busy time in Maine) but I am trying to check in regularly :)
Jun 29Reply
caroline_mroz Kye, those are the BEST distractions! hope you are having a wonderful 4th of July! Caroline
Jul 04Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz thank you darling! I’m loving it, of course, and getting more and more tempted to just officially close for the month lol
Jul 05Reply
caroline_mroz @whimsicalbeast you might as well It is so SLOW!!!
Jul 05Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz seriously- especially if one doesn’t do the work needed to create the sales. I do love Posh- but the idea of just taking a dedicated break sounds so _healthy_… … sigh. Like most entrepreneurs it’s hard for me to really take time off.
Jul 05Reply
whimsicalbeast @caroline_mroz … … I’m sure you don’t know anything about that. 🧐
Jul 05Reply
connieswc @whimsicalbeast thank you for your purchase, I should be able to ship tomorrow! Beautiful pics and closet! Love the kitty 😺
Sep 03Reply
connieswc @whimsicalbeast thank you for the shares!❤
Sep 03Reply
patriciasmth Kye, thanks for your kind words. Your closet is “Fabulous”. I could have liked all day 🤗.
Sep 18Reply
kalina721 Hi, thanks so much for visiting my closet & for your like. Please make an offer if/when you're ready to own these pretty necklaces. And please visit again as I have tons of things to list (just hard finding the time)! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! 💖😊🌸
Sep 18Reply
laurafay Thanks for all the likes! ❤️
Oct 21Reply
rposen Hi Kyle! It’s great to meet you!🥰
Oct 21Reply
helengenel Good evening if you truly like the necklace please by all means make a offer if not no worries enjoy your night…
Nov 07Reply
lrb1969 Good morning. I see you’ve liked several items in my closet. Just so you know, if you bundle 3+ items you automatically get 25% off the bundle and a shipping discount. Happy shopping.
Nov 14Reply
missvstrudel Hi! I will be droping the necklace off at the post office either today or tomorrow. Sorry for the ship delay, it's been a crazy week at work.
Nov 18Reply
whimsicalbeast @missvstrudel Please do not worry about it at all; it has, indeed, been a crazy week!
Nov 18Reply
dorothy_wirth Happy Thanksgiving Kye. I hope your day is joyful. I give thanks for all my Posher friends. Be well...Dorothy 💜
Nov 25Reply
dorothy_wirth Happy New Year Kay. I hope your new year is filled with love, health, peace and prosperity. Thank you for being you...Dorothy 🍾 🥂 💜
Jan 01Reply
dorothy_wirth Kye I'm so sorry that I misspelled your name. How embarrassing...Dorothy 💜
Jan 01Reply
devonalison1 Hi Kye, Thank you for liking my listing. I really like the color of this necklace ;it is a very rich hue. I have already marked this necklace down a lot. But if you wanted to offer $10, I would accept that! Have a great week with lots of sales! Alison.
Feb 21Reply
designingsunny Thank you Kye, I appreciate your purchase! I normally ship next day but since it’s the weekend I will ship it out on Monday. Hope you enjoy❤️ Always, Sunny
Mar 19Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely cat :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 23Reply
ixonia10 if you bundle the three items pay once for shipping I'll go back and change that for you if you bundle all three of them
Mar 31Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 04Reply
vanilaaabean Hey! I am inviting you to come check out my closet! I sell lots of Indian and Pakistani clothing and I am always adding more. If you are interested in any of my items, please like or add to your bundle and I can send a good offer your way <3
May 15Reply
bohochictrends @whimsicalbeast ❤️ Hi Beautiful. I am clearing out my closet offering great deals on individual and bundle orders. "Like" any item in my closet and you will receive a 30% to 50% discounted offer plus $4.99 shipping. I have Kate Spade, J. Crew, Lululemon, FLY London, Vintage Suede Coats, RL Long Puffer coat, boho items, Jewelry, Theory, Free People, leather shoes, and approx. 150 decor & vintage items I am selling for a friend. The more you bundle, the larger the discount. ❤️
Aug 11Reply
cutehosiery @whimsicalbeast Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 25Reply
lexcray Yayyy! I've missed you friend!! I haven't been on as much as normal, taking care of my mom the last 3 months but I saw you were back and had to say hello! I will try catch u soon, or hollar back when u can! Alex😉💜✌️
Jun 20Reply
buckaroobarn Hello! Thank you for letting us share your closet. We enjoy meeting other poshers and sharing items. Feel free to stop by and visit our vintage and non vintage items. If you like it, we love offers. Best wishes for 2024 🙂
Jan 16Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

Camden, ME
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Last Active: Mar 02

Camden, ME
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